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Pakistan expresses concern at plight of Myanmar's Rohingya Muslims

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We do.

We are Myanmar's neighbour.
We share a large border with them. If Myanmar has a problem, it affects us.
Yet your level of inhumane mindset is useless to their plight ...

It affects you only to be a keyboard warrior to attack other countries but fail to feel as a neighbour of Bangladesh that is also sharing a border with you !
Pakistan and Bangladesh Army should work together to train Rohingyas to fight the Burmese government and free Rakhine, insurgency isn't that costly and these people have every reason to fight. Unfortunately our government cares more about staying in power than anything else.
Being a major muslim majority country in the area, Bangladesh should atleast try to arm the defenceless muslim rohingas so atleast they could defend themselves, and Pak should offer its expertise in this field, if we can trap the bear in Afghanistan in 1980's , screwing Burmese govt would be a cake walk, trust me ISI has enough experience, ask the Indians about their experience in Kashmir and Khalistan , oh I mean Punjab !!!
Yet your level of inhumane mindset is useless to their plight ...

It affects you only to be a keyboard warrior to attack other countries but fail to feel as a neighbour of Bangladesh that is also sharing a border with you !
We discharge our duties as a neighbour of Bangladesh to ensure that our disputes are sorted and we progress.
We have just sealed a historic border deal with them in which we give up 10,000 acres of our land to them and finalize our borders. We wish nothing but peace and prosperity for them.

The same way we deal with Myanmar - we brook no intrusion in their internal affairs. The rohingya issue is an issue for Myanmar to resolve, not us. We wish Myanmar nothing but peace and prosperity.

However, being their neighbour we will not allow any non-related third party - like Pakistan - to intervene.
The same way we deal with Myanmar - we brook no intrusion in their internal affairs. The rohingya issue is an issue for Myanmar to resolve, not us. We wish Myanmar nothing but peace and prosperity.
Then shut up! Basically you just said : We know they are butchering people but we cant say anything either coz we are as inhumane as that OR we just cant say anything to Myanmar and hence are just trashing other countries!

However, being their neighbour we will not allow any non-related third party - like Pakistan - to intervene.
What you gonna do? Help them butcher more people?
We have the highest number of refugee in the world...What about India do something instead of barking?

Those calling them illegal are either insane or just plain stupid...Illegal for centuries? WOW! Then there is def something wrong with that system that cant accept people who have been living on a piece of land for generations!

All refugees should be taken care of. Remember they are in a more desperate situation than us.We all should share this burden.
We got nothing to do with these people. We won't accept them.

Pakistan can accept them if it wants in the name of ummah or whatever.

This is exactly why india will never become a big player in world politics or in south asia either. When you talk about becoming a super power, you have got to be matured as a nation both from economic end and morally and ethically. When you pass such statements, it shows what mental state we south asian are in. Google it and see yourself how people are going through worst genocide. Now there are some things which you've gotta feel beyond your nationality, religion, associations. Humans just like us are dying and you guys are closet neighbour so you have some responsibility.

Remember power comes with responsibility, power without responsibility is a perfect receipt of chaos and never fulfils. Don't just oppose a move or a statement becoz it came from Pakistan, feel for those people urself. I wish you never have to go through this yourself ever.
Nope, seal our borders. Myanmar can manage its internal affairs. We no longer intervene in other countries. Last time we did it blew up in our face - LTTE in Sri Lanka. Our PM was assassinated.
And that is why you have no business on this thread...THREAD is about Pakistan nothing to do with India so shut up!

All refugees should be taken care of. Remember they are in a more desperate situation than us.We all should share this burden.
Yea we should, if we could take care of our own population first...My question is why is EVERYOTHER country asked to do something when ONE COUNTRY threw them out and INTERNATIONAL can pressure the SAME 1 COUNTRY to take them back in where they belong (AT HOME not as wanderers)
Nope, seal our borders. Myanmar can manage its internal affairs.

Therefore, it is time that Myanmar Govt should express concern about the slaughter of Hazaras and Ahmadis in Pakistan. Because Pakistan has no leg to stand on when commenting on how minorities are being treated.

Pathetic...really pathetic!
And please stop talking about things you don't know about. I belong to Ahmadiyya community and yes we have gone through persecution but we love our country and understand thats due to "some" fundamentalist vested intrests. Comparing this with whats happening with Myanmar is utter non-sense. Over 200,000 people have been murdered, burned alive, raped, 6 months old children are getting burnt. This is a human emergency and a huge one. India should show some respect to humanity if they have any.
Being a major muslim majority country in the area, Bangladesh should atleast try to arm the defenceless muslim rohingas so atleast they could defend themselves, and Pak should offer its expertise in this field, if we can trap the bear in Afghanistan in 1980's , screwing Burmese govt would be a cake walk, trust me ISI has enough experience, ask the Indians about their experience in Kashmir and Khalistan , oh I mean Punjab !!!
Hasina wants Bangladesh to turn into an atheist state where Bangladeshis will worship Sheikh Mujib as father of nation and become North Korea 2.0
Pathetic...really pathetic!
And please stop talking about things you don't know about. I belong to Ahmadiyya community and yes we have gone through persecution but we love our country and understand thats due to "some" fundamentalist vested intrests. Comparing this with whats happening with Myanmar is utter non-sense. Over 200,000 people have been murdered, burned alive, raped, 6 months old children are getting burnt. This is a human emergency and a huge one. India should show some respect to humanity if they have any.
Relax he is a troll...On this forum when indians cant come up with anything they take a jibe at Ahadiyya and shia (esp when it comes to Pakistan) and show fake sympathy while they have no ounce of any form of humanity as displayed in the post you quoted!
Our concern should rather be some trade with Myanmar including arms and ammunition etc. than this ummah chest-thumping-cum-whining exercise.
1.The Rohingyas need funds and arms to fight to survive.

2. To remove any misgivings/misunderstanding, GOP should declare that it is not going to provide any arms, ammo, defense eqpt and training to the Burmese military.
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Never try that.. India trained LTTE, we lost our PM.. Pakistan trained terrorist they became failed state... If you do so, Burma will kick Bangladesh very bad and after sometime These Rohingyas will blow up Bangaldesh...

Just because they are Mulsim , you can't interfere in Burmese internal matters.... If you do so, Burmese will do the same.. And I don't think BD can afford any war..

Was he banned for this commnet?? If yes then I can say "PDF is radicalized and intollerent"...

"Internal"? Nigger Rohingyans are our KIN.
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