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Pakistan Doubling Rate of Making Nuclear Weapons | ISIS

Pakistan just needs enough nukes to wipe out India, anything more is ridiculous.

I have always argued that considering the recent possibilities and threats from certain quarters, we need nukes not only to deter India but also someone else and not only that but also the mechanism to deliver incase push comes to shove.
Pakistan should reduce it's speed of building nukes & give a pace to development works & industrial growth, tell me where will they get money if their economy is collapsed?
i can't understand why does pakistan spend so much on nukes when they are hardly going to use them , utter wastage of money

Why does the US spend so much on nukes when they're hardly going to use them? Why does india spend so much on nukes? The US and india can simply wipe out poverty in their respective countries with the money they spend on nukes, don't you think that is a wastage of money? Do not try to teach others what you do not follow.
Pakistan just needs enough nukes to wipe out India, anything more is ridiculous.
Original Post By WebMaster
Pakistan cannot afford to wipe out India. 200 is not enough to tackle India.

You guys need to focus on other issues. Blowing and wiping places and people should be last thing pakistan should be worried about. Pakistanis need to use their religion and their location to influence the world in peacful manner. The way i see it, India isn't even real enemy. The real enemy resides thousands of miles to west penetrating Pakistan's way of life and eating it out making it weak. Although i don't like India (simply because they refused me a visa, lol, wanted to go to agra) they are doing well with their money and influence. Having said that they still need to we realistic with the fact that there are more poor people in India then whole of Africa combined.

So wake up people and stop arguing like two women on their period and come up with peaceful solutions that will save us all... Peace to whole of mankind.
Pakistan should reduce it's speed of building nukes & give a pace to development works & industrial growth, tell me where will they get money if their economy is collapsed?

Yeah. That's what i'm talking about. With population of 170 -80 million people if pakistan can sort its industrial infrastructure they can be like any other wealthy nation in the world.

Don't forget after the second world war almost all the countries were broke to their bone. Germans didnt have money to buy food. Pakistan, India and China were made independance not long after the great war. So everyone started on the same line. The reason europe is where it is, because they value education. China and India have learned that. Pakistan is slowly learning that. But people like Zardari as head of states makes it sooo hard for countries to stand on their on feet.
Well I think Eastern Media created Quite a good relaxing and energizing effect on Us (Pakistanis) by these news :bounce: , if they were not there to Provide such information on Pakistan :azn: , who else would tell us , Least of all the Pakistani Govt:what:

Taimur must have a range betweeen 6,000 to 8,000 KM.(depends on the load)
It is also rumoured that Ghauri 3 (I would like this more than Taimur), is ready too with range between 3,300 o 4,000 KM

They aren't test fired for multiple reasons:

  • Pakistan's current economical issues
  • Pakistan's foreign issues.
  • Pressure from foreign Nations.

As for Taimur ICBM, an other additional problem arises. That is, from where would the missile be launched and its landing.
Pakistan cannot afford whole test fire in Pakistan, but from Pakistan to China fire. We might need permission from GoI and if (God-Forbid) the missile fails and falls in India, we may lost sensitive information and they can 'copy-paste' the technology and/or rise diplomatic issue.

Doesn't make any sense for the last part....because you can always add self-destruct mechanism. Either do it manually or put it this way : when the GPS/INS detects that missile is going off course from the main target and is also over India, just destruct. That way you will lose nothing.
Yeah. That's what i'm talking about. With population of 170 -80 million people if pakistan can sort its industrial infrastructure they can be like any other wealthy nation in the world.

Don't forget after the second world war almost all the countries were broke to their bone. Germans didnt have money to buy food. Pakistan, India and China were made independance not long after the great war. So everyone started on the same line. The reason europe is where it is, because they value education. China and India have learned that. Pakistan is slowly learning that. But people like Zardari as head of states makes it sooo hard for countries to stand on their on feet.

Absoulutely, this is fact. Education is key, unfortunately Pakistan got leaders/head of country uneducated with fake or no degree, how will they understand this.
Pakistan Doubling Rate of Making Nuclear Weapons: Time for Pakistan to Reverse Course

by David Albright and Paul Brannan

May 16, 2011

Construction of Pakistan’s fourth plutonium production reactor at Khushab proceeds quickly; when finished, the three new Khushab reactors will allow Pakistan to double its annual output of nuclear weapons. The United States should condition a fraction of its military aid on Pakistan halting production of plutonium and highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons.

New Satellite Image of Fourth Khushab Reactor

Newsweek has published an article examining Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program that includes new GeoEye commercial satellite imagery from April 20, 2011 of the Khushab military nuclear site (see figure 1). Newsweek shared this imagery with ISIS, and we provided our assessment.

Link for the news.

We have discussed these reports many times in Past and Pakistan's atomic program now is fact so what point you want to rise in thread?
☪☪☪☪;1901683 said:
Israel isn't the enemy - Stop your stupid obsession with Israel - India IS the enemy.

how are you sure?if u think israel is not the enemy then you will also think US is not the enemy and may be tomorrow india is not even an enemy.its not about obsession its about reality
Yes...Pakistan must have atleast 500 nukes. :cheers:
Nope! At least 530. That makes it one nuke per head....I mean one for each neta in Parliament!! :cheers:

But seriously, I wonder why Pakistan is spending all that money on something that's never gonna be used? Nuclear power for energy is fine, but why do they want to blow the whole darn sub continent to smithereens including themselves? In a nuclear war everyone would be dead as a dodo! Including that fella who went ahead and pressed that red button and the guy who ordered him to do so! Sheeesh!
+ at least 40-50 ICBMs range 12000kms in ballistic as well as cruise missiles
landbased as well as sub based.....Insha-Allah
Pakistan has a $6 billion defence budget not $100 billion defence budget.Even India with $36.54 billion defence budget will think twice
Wow!! Against whom are you gonna use these??? And who's going to fund this kinda program? The cost of manufacture, deployment, spares, R&D, communications, warheads, assembly facilities, workforce and so on for 40 - 50 ICBMs will cost you close to $100 billion! And China isn't going to help here due to various treaties in vogue. The IMF won't help either. The US of A is a no go. Hmmm...
Oh yeah! It's all fiction! I should have known! :cheesy:
Keep on thinking cuz and banging ure headz against the wall, u will never know our source for fundingz....this will be a surprise for all u guyz.......Alhamdolillah.........:what:
I have always argued that considering the recent possibilities and threats from certain quarters, we need nukes not only to deter India but also someone else and not only that but also the mechanism to deliver incase push comes to shove.

definitely agree with u bro!......I guess webmaster scared of US so he dont wanna say anything against it.......cuz he stay over there........:azn:

Why does the US spend so much on nukes when they're hardly going to use them? Why does india spend so much on nukes? The US and india can simply wipe out poverty in their respective countries with the money they spend on nukes, don't you think that is a wastage of money? Do not try to teach others what you do not follow.

Bro, I totally agree with you.This is also a fact, but Indain do not understand. :)
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