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Pakistan did best as far as its capacity at this point


Apr 30, 2009
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United Kingdom
How you gauge diplomatic victory | Facts on Ground

If Pakistan can do this despite of such worst propaganda of past 2 decades against the country, with worst economy at this point, with worst diplomacy of last 10 years and hardly any constructive support from the friendly countries, just imagine what Pakistan could achieve if its economy is in good shape.

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It's not done yet, and it's just the beginning of a war, cause india wants to take the AJK and GB thn only it can say tht whole problem is solved, untill AJK and GB isn't its hands, no matter wht it says still it's a international issue?
And for tht, it wants to go all out!
It's not done yet, and it's just the beginning of a war, cause india wants to take the AJK and GB thn only it can say tht whole problem is solved, untill AJK and GB isn't its hands, no matter wht it says still it's a international issue?
And for tht, it wants to go all out!

Just imagine if at this time we have Nawaz Sharif and Zardari
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Exactly I am sorry I will bash any member who is dumb enough not to understand this even if it is a Pakistani. You people should give credit to your country and its gov and its armed forces we are faced with such odds such hardache's yet we are still here and here to stay GOD bless Pakistan.
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I don't see any kind of victory here. Its now up to Kashmiris to keep doing Pulwanas on weekly basis. Pakistan cannot do much.
Pak has already put India on the back foot!!! 02-27 has proved their utmost vulnerabilities!!! Moreover, the Last Afgan/Mujib/TTP/BLA etc. - their principle weapons- are losing their shine!!! So, they went for plan Z - making the Muslims inside Kashmir in particular and in India in general as hostages....
Exactly I am sorry I will bash any member who is dumb enough not to understand this even if it is a Pakistani. You people should give credit to your country and its gov and its armed forces we are faced with such odds such hardache's yet we are still here and here to stay GOD bless Pakistan.

Who managed this UNSC meeting? who silently support all this (from Pakistan's perspective). Which two countries whose actions and reactions change the dynamics of the world's politics, because of staying neutral on this issue which everyone knows their neutrality will automatically support Pakistan to internationalize this with no fear of veto, which two countries show zero interest by siding with India since Feb? because of both this J&K issue highlighted in all the major western countries through their respective well known news broadcasters (New York Times, The Guardians, WSJ, Reuters, USA Today, Al-Jazeera etc) all major source of information controlling the entire world's perception, they're opinion maker of the western public in particular, they holds the ground of global politics. There are two identities in this world who silently support Pakistan to expose India across the world on Jammu & Kashmir issue. Traditionally both were against Pakistan at all the international forums and always supported India that's what the history tell us.

Clear message to India, you're NOBODY! that's how the world's politics work. The real super powers of the world unlike so called third world, prove this time to time that they're not too much concerned about your investments and relations like Arab. Whenever they want to humiliate you whether you've so called 3rd 4th largest military might or your economy is fastest growing or even you're strong diplomatic ties with them... they humiliate you silently thrice in this year in all major conflicts with Pakistan and you failed to counter this.

Guess the name of both countries?
Who managed this UNSC meeting? who silently support all this (from Pakistan's perspective). Which two countries whose actions and reactions change the dynamics of the world's politics, because of staying neutral on this issue which everyone knows their neutrality will automatically support Pakistan to internationalize this with no fear of veto, which two countries show zero interest by siding with India since Feb? because of both this J&K issue highlighted in all the major western countries through their respective well known news broadcasters (New York Times, The Guardians, WSJ, Reuters, USA Today, Al-Jazeera etc) all major source of information controlling the entire world's perception, they're opinion maker of the western public in particular, they holds the ground of global politics. There are two identities in this world who silently support Pakistan to expose India across the world on Jammu & Kashmir issue. Traditionally both were against Pakistan at all the international forums and always supported India that's what the history tell us.

Clear message to India, you're NOBODY! that's how the world's politics work. The real super powers of the world unlike so called third world, prove this time to time that they're not too much concerned about your investments and relations like Arab. Whenever they want to humiliate you whether you've so called 3rd 4th largest military might or your economy is fastest growing or even you're strong diplomatic ties with them... they humiliate you silently thrice in this year in all major conflicts with Pakistan and you failed to counter this.

Guess the name of both countries?

This meeting was useless. World doesn't care. Neither they want Pakistan to support or send militants across the border. Pakistan cannot conquer IoK, we should be realistic.

As far as Pakistan is concerned, they will take the issue for few months. And then it will depend on Kashmiris once curfew is lifted. Chances are Farooq Abdullah will come up with another lollypop and Kashmiris will swallow like kids. His father convinced Hari Singh to join India just to become PM of Kashmir.

India will keep troops to take care of low level insurgency while life goes on as usual in IoK. Oh yes demographics will change but so what? Every Indian Kashmiri intellectual one come across is sickular anyway. Farooq Abdullah love his hindu brothers/son in law more then anyone. Its discriminatory and against human rights to not allow fellow citizens gangus in IoK to settle. His father joined India over Pakistan because it was secular.
Just imagine if at this time we have Nawaz Sharif and Zardari
Sorry I don't take sides specially political sides, bt I only can say, in war we would be better thn both as IMRAN pm, he has his short comming in economy bt as a WAR time PM he has his reach all over the world as a all time celebrity of this world and that's the Pont pak is taking full advantage of for right now, every party in pakistan has its devls and Angeles, Thts not tht time to discuss petty politics at all?
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