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Pakistan Constitution should make hijab compulsory: JI

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Tell me if Praying should be part of Constitution? and should the gov punish those who dont pray?

Eating outside in food outlets during Ramadan is already banned and punishable in Pakistan, a law made by Ziaul Haq.
These guys are fucked up in the head.They think going back to 9th century will make Pakistan advance lol.Nobody take these jokers seriously anyways.

dnt know about hijab but dressing code should be implemented baning jeans, shorts, sleeveless, backless, shoulderless for ladies.. Whom dont agree should open Quran.
THIS IS NOT THE BUSINESS OF THE STATE.It is upto the women how they want to dress.Stop treating them like your slaves.
According to Quran government has to enforce it Sir just like Zakat and if their is a law by government and that to which ALLAH has ordered government to enforce it what should be done with those who break it Sir that is what is exactly happens in Saudi Arabia Sir Islamic Police can arrest and put the person in Jail if he doesn't go to pray or doesn't close his shop
Ohh that is why the Taliban used to beat people on the street with metal cables. So, the governts dont have anythig else to worry about but check on people if they pray or wear hijab or fast etc. i get it now.
These guys are fucked up in the head.They think going back to 9th century will make Pakistan advance lol.Nobody take these jokers seriously anyways.

Sir they are asking to imply order of Islam Sir and orders of Islam are valid for every time Sir they don't change Sir those who think that is backward are corrupt minds who want crimes and corruption of all sorts to increase in our society and they think getting naked like Animals will make the better just slaves of west
Eating outside in food outlets during Ramadan is already banned and punishable in Pakistan, a law made by Ziaul Haq.

It's largely an ineffective law and only saw implementation in a certain district of Islamabad this year because the new area incharge was going by the book.
Ohh that is why the Taliban used to beat people on the street with metal cables. So, the governts dont have anythig else to worry about but check on people if they pray or wear hijab or fast etc. i get it now.
Sir governments if want can do many things together Sir imposing it and also Salah is not a big thing to do Sir

These guys are fucked up in the head.They think going back to 9th century will make Pakistan advance lol.Nobody take these jokers seriously anyways.

THIS IS NOT THE BUSINESS OF THE STATE.It is upto the women how they want to dress.Stop treating them like your slaves.
Sir in Islam it is business of the state Sir
According to Quran government has to enforce it Sir just like Zakat and if their is a law by government and that to which ALLAH has ordered government to enforce it what should be done with those who break it Sir that is what is exactly happens in Saudi Arabia Sir Islamic Police can arrest and put the person in Jail if he doesn't go to pray or doesn't close his shop
but people dont want it enforced, majority of pakistani women dont want it and you cannot simply force them to wear it, period. These jamat-e-islami bigots should be on streets protesting against crimes, rapes, corruption but noo, they got nothing better to do but demand government for these dumb rules, for once im happy that our government doesn't gives jack $hit about us.
Sir those who think that is backward are corrupt minds who want crimes and corruption of all sorts to increase in our society and they think getting naked like Animals will make the better just slaves of west
Yeah right so Muslims are perverts and they can't control their mind?If they see a women dressed normal (Because i don't consider niqbal normal) they will get erection right?Then something needs to be done about such men and don't give me that crap about West.Western People are thousand times better then these so called Muslims who indulge in all sorts of corruption but they are good muslims just because they pray..I bet 99% Pakistanis are corrupt..you know how Pakistanis or even Indians are...the western society is way way better then us.
but people dont want it enforced, majority of pakistan women dont want it and you cannot simply force them to wear it, period. These jamat-e-islami bigots should be on streets protesting against crimes, rapes, corruption but noo, they got nothing better to do but demand government for these dumb rules, for once im happy that our government doesn't gives jack $hit about us.
Sir in Muslim society they have to wear it or they can be punished Sir

Yeah right so Muslims are perverts and they can't control their mind?If they see a women dressed normal (Because i don't consider niqbal normal) they will get erection right?Then something needs to be done about such men and don't give me that crap about West.Western People are thousand times better then these so called Muslims who indulge in all sorts of corruption but they are good muslims just because they pray..I bet 99% Pakistanis are corrupt..you know how Pakistanis or even Indians are...the western society is way way better then us.
MR that is order of Islam Sir Muslim women have to follow them if you have problem with Islam that is another issue but orders will remain same and government duty is to apply them Mr
I expect everything in the constitution of nation is compulsory.

How about this , which is a part of the Preamble of the Pak Constitution ?

"Wherein adequate provision shall be made for the minorities freely to profess and practise their religions and develop their cultures"

How will making hijab compulsory help ? Why must the state interfere on every aspect of social life ?

In any case those who wish to wear it do so .
Unless we manage to pull of another Zia Ul Haq - these laws will never be passed ! An insanely large majority of women don't wear the Hijab in Pakistan; in fact, if anecdotal evidence is anything to go by, in my family only 3 women wear it ! One is married to a bearded bufoooon who thinks Arabic should be made Pakistan's official language and Facebook and Twitter are haram, whereas the other two are ladies in their early 70s who had a bout of a strange religious awakening after the death's of their husbands.

I believe most of Pakistani will disagree with this demand. If JI feel it to be impose, they can knock the Judiciary door.. Democracy give them right to keep there words..
Prayer is a solely personal issue, it is between man and God, other men have no right to interfere between another man and God as they will sort their own communication gaps by themselves. If prayer is indeed a 'gift' from Allah then why compel a man to accept it?

In my personal opinion too, the urge to pray cannot be induced, it is born. Up till 14 years of age, my parents would try and make me pray and I would pray namaz once or twice for their happiness but then I'd leave it again. All of a sudden one day, I just felt like I should start praying and I pray 5 times a day ever since.

Yes, I agree. My grandfather used to beat my uncles/aunts up for prayer, and when they grew up, non of them prayed until they got old. Two of them were agnostic, Subhanallah, but before they died by about 6 moths they had started it themselves.
Yes, I agree. My grandfather used to beat my uncles/aunts up for prayer, and when they grew up, non of them prayed until they got old. Two of them were agnostic, Subhanallah, but before they died by about 6 moths they had started it themselves.
i have a story of my own too, I was in Pakistan a few years back for summer vacations and we live up close to the city Abbottabad (its nor liberal nor coservative area) . I decided to join a private school there so I would not fall back in studies, what i noticed was that most of the young girls were forced to wear hijab to school by their parents and they used to take it off as soon as they reached school/put it back on as soon as the school finished. I felt like they hated hijab, now imagine making hijab mandatory for every woman in Pakistan. That would be an utter disaster.
i have a story of my own too, I was in Pakistan a few years back for summer vacations and we live up close to the city Abbottabad (its nor liberal nor coservative area) . I decided to join a private school there so I would not fall back in studies, what i noticed was that most of the young girls were forced to wear hijab to school by their parents and they used to take it off as soon as they reached school/put it back on as soon as the school finished. I felt like they hated hijab, now imagine making hijab mandatory for every woman in Pakistan. That would be an utter disaster.

Thats correct.

A Hukum nama is required for issues relating to the sanctity of the state not for social & religious issues.

In any case the constitution binds the Govt more than its people. The Govt has to abide by what is written .. in most cases does it ?
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