I agree: 6 Growler to 30 Strike Platforms. The Chief of the Navy Should Challenge the PAF Chief to see how far they can operate fighters to support the navy in war time. We are buy a lot of naval platforms but not thinking about protecting them adequately. As a first step, to show the PAF Chief what the navy faces on a daily basis, the Navy should buy the
Chinese LD-JHC300 Surface Wave Over the horizon Radar station. (The OTH Radar is expected to detect a LCS Class Frigate at 500 km and a reduced RCS Arleigh Burke at 200 km.) Fuse the data with an Erieye or ZDK AEW aircraft and show the amount of traffic the navy has to sift through in peacetime.
Btw, the Russians, Chinese and Americans are working on Surface Wave OTH Radars.
Here is a sample of how many tracks the radar can detect; allow them to try to figure out what is commercial and what is military.
Listing all the responsibilities of the Navy, Including the risk of submarines operating just off the coastline, an all that the navy will have to do to hunt them down and neutralize them, that some air protection is warranted. If not by the PAF, then by a dedicated part of the Navy; PN-AF. The PN-AF is also needed because the need to operate all the drones and other aircraft needs deducted focus to make a complete naval picture.
I hope of our Chinese Members can translate this video for more details
More Information:
All This is to say, give the PN Pilots and enough of a budget to protect its responsibility.