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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

I was driving past Pakistan High Commission in London couple of minutes ago and it was surrounded by Afghan people with media also reporting live. I guess there is a protest for possibly the same event being discussed in this thread

Lol. Height of armchair general-ism.

If people like you are truly in charge of the Pakistan Army, then we can expect to see another decade + of 100,000 casualties and 100 billion dollars in damage.

Essentially the only thing I said in that message was that airstrikes can be used as leverage to get the Taliban to be receptive on the table, and that we don't have the same objectives as the US. (Fact)

I didn't comment on how a military operation should be carried out, that's the military's job.
. . .
Panzerkiel said it was LCB.
Ah ok.
Also, pardon my ignorance, I am fairly new here but I see PanzerKiel usually has a lot of "inside information", is he military or does he have close military/intelligence ties? Just want to make sure because no one confirmed the jets + gunships + POW's yet.
. . .
Ah ok.
Also, pardon my ignorance, I am fairly new here but I see PanzerKiel usually has a lot of "inside information", is he military or does he have close military/intelligence ties? Just want to make sure because no one confirmed the jets + gunships + POW's yet.
I believe hes in the army
. .
Perhaps, but either way, Afghans need to be made to agree to terms that allow peaceful coexistence, especially with regards to our border. The Afghans may never accept the border, and therefore we need to make it such that if they even think of crossing the border it is on Pakistan’s terms not a push by Afghans into Pakistan. We need a Haidrian’s wall style Defense; fencing but with trading posts with facilities for hospitals along the border. Make the border beneficial to them if they cooperate otherwise make it a hard border.

Btw, a protracted conflict with them is not in the national interest IMHO, only punitive strikes on confirmed concentrations of enemy forces. If indeed a woman and 5 children were killed, compensation should be paid to the families to lower tensions and show that it was not intentional (although that could become a slippery slow of false claims down the line).
All six werePakistanis. Agree with what you said otherwise, but no compensation is in order for the collateral damage to families of terrorists. The fear of the Pakistani state and for the lives of their families has to be etched into the hearts of these vermin to act as a deterrent. They must see themselves as weak and vulnerable to a ruthless state. We should not feel guilty or apologetic. This is how insurgencies are defanged; with brute force. Despite what havoc these shits have inflicted in Pakistan for two decades now, the Pakistani state showed them it was still amenable to political accommodation. That is far more latitude than deserved. Mercy is for the deserving!
Sorry, but I won’t ever respect afghans. They tweet stuff like this:
look at this guys account, the disrespect, sorry but all I care about is Pakistans border and the civilians.

I checked his twitter, it is being racist to Pakistanis, celebrating AQ Khan's death.

In the wake of these weird Afghan chauvinist accounts just do one thing

Post images of dead or starving Afghan children, these Afghans can only talk big but if we can start amping up the pressure and post pics and throw a parade on their dead then they will behave.

Enough is enough lmfaooo
All six werePakistanis. Agree with what you said otherwise, but no compensation is in order for the collateral damage to families of terrorists. The fear of the Pakistani state and for the lives of their families has to be etched into the hearts of these vermin to act as a deterrent. They must see themselves as weak and vulnerable to a ruthless state. We should not feel guilty or apologetic. This is how insurgencies are defanged; with brute force. Despite what havoc these shits have inflicted in Pakistan for two decades now, the Pakistani state showed them it was still amenable to political accommodation. That is far more latitude than deserved. Mercy is for the deserving!

Pakistanis are the only people who I know that would give "compensation"

Lets ask Indians if they will pay "compensation"

Lets ask Turks if they will pay "compensation"

Lets ask Iranis if they will pay "compensation"

And how many times they have crumbled trying to crumble Pakistan

If jealousy had a face

There's only ONE way to handle Afghan chauvinism

Read my above response

We need to be ruthless against these people. This guy was celebrating AQ Khan's death.

Just post dead civilian or starving children photos when interacting with them. They end up backing off and realizing their aukaat.

Indian media is in so much panic.

. .
I checked his twitter, it is being racist to Pakistanis, celebrating AQ Khan's death.

In the wake of these weird Afghan chauvinist accounts just do one thing

Post images of dead or starving Afghan children, these Afghans can only talk big but if we can start amping up the pressure and post pics and throw a parade on their dead then they will behave.

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