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Pakistan behind increased Afghan insurgency: UN


Apr 2, 2008
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UN accuses Pakistan of increased insurgency in Afghanistan

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. — AP

RAWALPINDI: The United Nations has accused Pakistan of increased incidents of insurgency inside Afghanistan and said the security situation in that country has deteriorated markedly.

In his report on the ‘situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security’, submitted to the current session of UN General Assembly, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated that incidents stemming from cross border activities from Pakistan have increased significantly in terms of numbers and sophistication. The insurgency’s dependence on asymmetric tactics has also led to a sharp rise in the number of civilian casualties, he said.

The report says relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan have been dominated by discussions on the increase in cross-border insurgency activities, an issue that had in the past appeared to be fuelling a climate of suspension and recrimination, with each government blaming the other on different occasions for insufficient efforts against terrorism and for interfering in each other’s domestic affairs.

The report reviewed the series of bilateral meetings between the leaders of the two countries and stated that on July 9 the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan and Pakistan were present at a meeting of the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan where both Ministers emphasized the close connections between the two countries and the need for greater cooperation to leverage economic opportunities and combat security problems.

On August 2, on the margins of the SAARC summit in Colombo, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, agreed to resume a number of bilateral activities, including planning for the next peace jirga.

Pakistan's foreign minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, and Chief of the Army Staff, Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, also visited Afghanistan for discussions on bilateral cooperation and security challenges.

On September 9, Afghan President Karzai attended the swearing-in ceremony of President Asif Ali Zardari in Islamabad and expressed optimism about relations between the two countries.

Referring to the activities of his Special Representative, Kai Eide, the report says he offered to provide assistance in accordance with his mandate. In Islamabad, he underlined the need to strengthen the political dialogue between the two countries and to follow up on the peace jirga which was held in Kabul in August 2007.

The report states the important role that the neighbours and regional partners of Afghanistan can play in promoting the country’s development and stability has been increasingly emphasized. The opportunities afforded by trade and transit, energy market integration and road and rail infrastructure dominate bilateral and multilateral agendas, along with cooperation to combat terrorism and the illegal narcotics trade.

One of the most important results of regional cooperation efforts is the agreement by Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and Turkmenistan to begin construction of a trans-Afghan gas pipeline in 2010, the report says.
The overall situation in Afghanistan has become more challenging and despite the enhanced capabilities of both the Afghan National Army and the international forces, the security situation deteriorated markedly, says the report which will be discussed during the Assembly’s debate on the Afghan situation later this month.

The UN Secretary-General’s report says while armed clashes between Afghan and international security forces on the one hand, and insurgents on the other, have continued to increase in number and intensity, asymmetric attacks carried out by the insurgents have increased even more.

The report pointed that three trends can be identified in the context of this deterioration: a greater focus by insurgent groups on hitherto stable areas; more sophisticated planning of operations by insurgents, in particular asymmetric attacks; and an increase in civilian casualties.

The report went on to state that the trend in insurgency tactics observed in 2007 — from armed clashes with security forces to attacks of an asymmetric nature — continued and became more pronounced in 2008, leading to a sharp increase in the number of civilian casualties.
What the hell what about Pakistan's security?

Pakistan is carrying out the Bajaur clean up and they are getting support from the helmand/mohmand. What a bunch of frauds!
UN is just a puppet union on pay role for bully states..
remember how UN convinced rest of the world Iraq had WMDs...
Its is absolutely stupid as bias, one cant expect from such forum like UN.
Ban Ki-moon's trying to kiss american *** by speaking with american tongue, his bias statment proved in fact that he is not capable to lead the UN as Secretary-General. This look like imperialism.

We should think about it seriously and find out the reason behind that, Why the such bluntly bias statements especially by the top leading global personality just immediate after visit of President of Pakistan.

Mr Robert Gates already stated last week that the possiblity of unilateral attack against Pakistani territory.:angry:

What type of coordination and upto what extent they needed from Pakistan???
To whom they want to support or buck-up to do any thing with the country, by using such pressurizing tactics to the nation the peoples of Pakistan???

I am sure that no one Pakistani citizen will appreciate such tone while Pakistan already secrificed a lot and more then any of country, against such so called WOT. Now let see how serious our foreign office will react upon it rather then just fulfilling the formalaties of press release. :angry:
IMO US is planning another war against Pakistan just like Iraq war but they want to denuke Pakistan first.
The saddest thing for of all these western schmucks is that now that the Bajaur offensive has started the Taliban commanders are freely hopping between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Whenever we attack they go into the shelter of Afghanistan.

They had been saying that about Pakistan but when it mattered they themselves fell really short!
Unless and untill there wouldnt be a strong objection to things like these from ourside(government) this low *** attitude will not change.
IMO the next time Pakistanies vote, try to keep the foreign policy in mind as well. We need someone who can stand up and tell the west to shut the **** up including the UN secretary General.
But as long as our leaders will keep saying we are a front line ally and that too right after an attack on the Pakistani soil, nothing will change.
The saddest thing for of all these western schmucks is that now that the Bajaur offensive has started the Taliban commanders are freely hopping between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Whenever we attack they go into the shelter of Afghanistan.

They had been saying that about Pakistan but when it mattered they themselves fell really short!

Asiiiiiiiiimmmm schmuck means Jewl now its another matter that it has been turned into something else.
The Bajaur operation has realy broken the back of proxy Taliban and their masters.

Intrestingly the US missiles are hitting Arabs and others while they failed to even scratch the men of Baitullah whome US once accused of adding to insurgency in Afghanistan but as soon as he joined hands with US and announced attacks on Pakistan army and installtions well here we are no statement against him.

What a tactic when Pakistan is busy in eleminating these terrorists, the scum of the earth is busy in pressurizing Pakistan by such statements and rehtoric.
what the hell there is a well orchestreted international propoganda agaisnst pakistan
Whole world is converging down to Pakistan all of sudden, our media Fails to counter-act this propaganda - simply because its owned by them. UN is a tool. I wish someone would start a proper pakistani channel to answer off this propaganda.

The saddest thing for of all these western schmucks is that now that the Bajaur offensive has started the Taliban commanders are freely hopping between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Whenever we attack they go into the shelter of Afghanistan.

What do you think of the Idea of our Army and Air Force conducting raids into AFghan territory to neutralise them, a la hot pursuit?
Unless and untill there wouldnt be a strong objection to things like these from ourside(government) this low *** attitude will not change.
IMO the next time Pakistanies vote, try to keep the foreign policy in mind as well. We need someone who can stand up and tell the west to shut the **** up including the UN secretary General.
But as long as our leaders will keep saying we are a front line ally and that too right after an attack on the Pakistani soil, nothing will change.

iceCold sir u r absolutely right,At this critical juncture we do need a charismatic leadership who can stand and deliver...but who would that be???keeping in view the current political parties do u see anyone?(maybe imran khan!!!!)
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Imran sadda sher hay, baqi her pher hay... (why not give the motor mouth a chance?)
UN Secretary General Ban Ki moon should be ashamed of himself.

Before giving such a statement he should consider that Pakistan is the largest troop contributing country in the world for Peace keeping operations worldwide with participation of more than 10,000 troops.
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Imran sadda sher hay, baqi her pher hay... (why not give the motor mouth a chance?)

lolz..:lol: darkstar. imran..good choice,should be given a chance..now let me say some thing about asif zardari..
na koi chaku na koi khanjer,asif kanjer asif kanjer....
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