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Pakistan became a J-10B's first overseas buyers half price for F-16


May 23, 2011
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According to the U.S. Global Strategic Network August 4, reported that China recently announced plans to sell Pakistan a squadron of F-10B fighter-bombers. This may be used to export 12 aircraft, its price is only half of the F-16; J-10 fighters in Pakistan is the only buyer.

Earlier this year, Pakistan ordered 36 F-10A, may be the final order quantity 150. Therefore, China provided to Pakistan in order to sell this type of aircraft is, of course, there are political reasons (to show how good China is the ally of the United States threatened to stop billions of dollars in aid to help Pakistan).

Currently, only about 200 Chinese J-10 in service, most of the initial model F-10A; aircraft export unit price of $ 42 million. At present, China can create 2-3 aircraft per month to the fighters.

The new improved model F-10B is equipped with improved electronics, including advanced radar warning, laser range finders and targeting electronics.

The new F-16 nose cone and a similar, indicating that the F-10B installed in phased array radar (the radar more powerful, more reliable, but also more expensive); cockpit is equipped with larger and more clear HUD. Obviously, the F-10B F-10A performance than a lot.

????-10A????-10B ????????? _????_???
[SIZE="<font><font>4</font></font>"]China's official news media have been confirmed, which is the authority of the media from China, "People" reports


This news is just released today.
Here is the original article:
Procurement: China Gives J-10s Away

China Gives J-10s Away

August 4, 2011: China recently announced that it would give Pakistan a squadron of J-10B fighter-bombers. That would be about twelve aircraft, which have been offered for export, for about half what the similar F-16 cost. The only buyer so far has been Pakistan, which ordered 36 J-10As earlier this year, with the goal of eventually getting 150. So the offer to Pakistan is mainly promotional (to get a foreign "customer" who can say what swell aircraft the J-10B is) and partly political (to show what a good ally China is, coming to the aid of Pakistan when the United States is threatening to cut the billions of dollars a year Pakistan has been receiving.)
However, the J-10 is the kind of gift most air forces would rather not receive. The J-10 is a strange, and dubious, war bird. Moreover, it was only two years ago that China publicly admitted that its new J-10 jet fighter existed. This despite the fact that the J-10 had entered service six years earlier, and there were plenty of J-10 photos on the Internet.

There are only about 200 J-10s are in service, most of them the original J-10As. they are being offered to export customers for about $42 million each. Currently, China is producing 2-3 J-10s a month.

The new and improved J-10B model carries improved electronics, including better radar warning, a laser range finder and targeting electronics. The new nose cone looks like the one on the F-16, indicating that the J-10B is to be fitted with an AESA (phased array) radar (which is more capable and more reliable than older types, but also more expensive.) The cockpit also has a larger and more detailed HUD (Head Up Display). The J-10B is apparently a much more effective aircraft than the J-10A.

But the J-10 already has a reputation as a maintenance nightmare, and that the Chinese are having a hard time keeping the aircraft operational in reasonable numbers. But the J-10 is the first modern jet fighter designed and built in China. The aircraft is an attempt to create a modern fighter-bomber that could compete with foreign designs. The experiment was not completely successful.

Work on the J-10 began over twenty years ago, in an attempt to develop an aircraft that could compete with the Russian MiG-29s and Su-27s, and the American F-16. But the first prototype did not fly until 1998. There were problems, and it wasn't until 2000 that the basic design flaws were fixed. By 2002, nine prototypes had been built, and flight testing was going forward to find, and fix, hundreds of smaller problems. It was a great learning experience for Chinese engineers, but it was becoming apparent that the J-10 was not going to be competitive with the Su-27s/30s China was buying from Russia.

The J-10 looks something like the American F-16, and weighs about the same (19 tons). Like the F-16, and unlike the Su-27, the J-10 has only one engine. Originally, the J-10 used a Russian AL-31FN engine, but China has been working for a decade to manufacture their own version of this, the WS10A. The WS10A is something of an acid test for them, as it is a powerful military engine, and a complex piece of work. Russia refused to license China to produce the AL-31FN, so the Chinese stole as much of the technology as they could and designed the WS10A. This engine has been tested, and officially approved for production, but apparently still has quality control and performance problems.

It's no accident that the J-10 resembles the F-16, because Israel apparently sold them technology for the Israeli Lavi jet fighter. Israel abandoned the Lavi project, because of the high cost and availability of cheaper alternatives (buying F-16s and F-15s from the United States.) But the Lavi was meant to be a super F-16, and incorporated a lot of design ideas from the F-16 (which the Israelis were very familiar with, as they used them, and had developed new components for them.)
Pakistan Want J-10b right 36 of them so when they will diliver this?
what is the cost of J-10B ? 42 million????
Pakistan is not getting J-10B, rather FC-20 which is the variant of J-10B along with Russian Engine, internal IRST, diverterless supersonic intake, new radar and modified vertical stabiliser fin.

conflicting news coming out every day.What the hell is going on here. J10A... J10B... FC20.... :hitwall:
conflicting news coming out every day.What the hell is going on here. J10A... J10B... FC20.... :hitwall:

why are u confused??? FC20 is codename, Pakistan will definitely buy latest stable J10 version... If J10B is stable, it will be given to pakistan rather than J10A. If J10B is not stable yet, J10A will be delivered.. As simple as it...
The article says Pakistan has placed order for 36 J-10 As while 12 J-10Bs will also be given. If i read it correct it means that the total number of J-10s Pakistan will be getting is 36A+12Bs=48 J-10s(A+B).Or is it that we are going to get 24As and 12Bs since China has its own requirements to fulfill. perhaps some1 could clarify.
why are u confused??? FC20 is codename, Pakistan will definitely buy latest stable J10 version... If J10B is stable, it will be given to pakistan rather than J10A. If J10B is not stable yet, J10A will be delivered.. As simple as it...

FC-20 is not the code name, it is the Pakistani version of the J-10B.
why are u confused??? FC20 is codename, Pakistan will definitely buy latest stable J10 version... If J10B is stable, it will be given to pakistan rather than J10A. If J10B is not stable yet, J10A will be delivered.. As simple as it...

Double post:hitwall:
here come another confusing news.
this report suggest that PAF may well end up with 36 J-10A and only later orders will be of J-10B. this wont be good, PAF must stick to the J-10B pr FC-20 option. that is a much more potent aircraft and will be a great answer to MKI and MMRCA.

also please not that there are reports that Bangladesh may also be interested in J-10. in this case we must not go for any version that Bangladesh buys as that will eventually end up with Indians and they will get a good insight to that system
its going same as F-7 and F-7PG case dears now wait and see till delivery of birds .
What do Pakistan think of these jets, as they havent tested any other jets as of yet?
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