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Pakistan Army's New FIR against Imran khan


Oct 29, 2022
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The new FIR is very interesting:

Imran Khan forced a citizen named Saeedullah to deposit 50 lacs rupees in NUML university.

Apparently, there is no record of transaction either. Citizen claims that he was given no receipt as well.

I just want to know from Army brats & people with connections in Army that for how long this cheapness will continue from a so-called Professional Organization ? How much further this army chief will degrade this military ? How further they are willing to stoop down ?

Now attacking non-profit / philanthropist / health & education projects ?? Pakistan Army under Asim Munir is basically giving a lesson to this nation that no one ever think to work for this nation in future. You will be severely punished if you think about people and dedicate good part of your lives to build hospitals and universities or any other project that helps people at root level. GHQ is basically hitting at the very fabric of this nation. Regardless of the treachery they have done in regime change, suspending constitution, unlawful kidnappings & murders, massive list of corruptions within the military empire by Generals, this personal vendetta will have severe consequences for Pakistan as a nation. You guys shut down businesses, made 1000s job less just because your army chief's political affiliations is with a different pol party OR he is on personal vendetta (being fired from ISI position?). Either way this is total destruction of the nation by its own military chief.

Thrown 1000s in jails, including women, including elderly, including cancer patients, killed journalists, made them missing persons, tortured public representatives, torture / blackmailing & gun point party quitting press conferences, then making most hilarious cases with no foundation.

On the other news that is making a joke of this nation state is: ECP under Army's caretaker govt has nullified PTI's intra-elections! LOL! So, they are poking inside party matters and nullified no other but only PTI's intra elections. Says PTI will face severe consequences if intra-elections not held within 20 days and party symbol of bat will be taken away too.

So Asim munir's military has gone naked in pre-poll rigging. Enforcing decisions which are impossible to take when all parties are preparing for elections. PTI members are being hunted down, most are in hiding. Military knows whenever they will come together for intra-elections they will "disappear" more and then torture them and then hooraahay another press conference and another victory of Armed forces of Pakistan! Pak Fauj Zindabad! Irony is that Asim Munir is utilising all the state's resources to hunt down, imprison political workers, to find political workers he is using all the tax-payer's money for all the resources he is consuming on his personal vendetta. This is basic definition of corruption when you mis-use your power. That is why I believe Pakistan army is by far the most corrupt organisation of the country. Because its Generals are number.1 when it comes to misusing state's resources.
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Whole system is overwhelmed by these nut cases sitting in isi n ghq. Judiciary, bureaucracy etc. resulting in corrupt people (mostly) who were supposed to serve the nation.
I hope that we stop this BS forever when there will be a true govt “for the people and by the people
ASSIM or Bajwa jaisa dallon sa or expect be kya ker sakta hain, waisa afoos is quom per ha jisa 22 grade ka yeh chutia nokaron na aga lagaya hua ha. I mean had hoti ha begarti ki be. Pata nahi kab yeh quom in gernalo ka girabono ko haath dala gi.
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Maybe some PTI lawyer should file cases as follows.
ASIM munir took 1 million dollars
Bajwa took 2 million dollars
ISI CHEIF took 5 million dollars.
Burden of proof on jernails the duffers.
If Imran have to prove that he didn't take the 50 lacks from this guy.
So will these jernails have to prove that they didn't take this money...
It's a simple law... BUT what can we see about these jernails and their second grade alcohol habits..
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All these FIR's on the orders of Mota Nawaja and Maryam bhagori.

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