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Pakistan army's 'extra-judicial killing video, army says its a fake

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only one word i have for this rubbish Armed forces of pakistan is the professional and only Organization which is clear from these type of things i only can gurantee that never happened in Pakistan armed forces for sure
THE Thing which Disturbs me is not that Army might have killed 6 men, but rather that the ARMY might have killed 6 INNOCENT MEN.

Look, I have been to swat in July, just before the floods. I attended the KALAM AMAN FESTIVAL, 17th July. During my 3 day stay there I Met with MANY LOCALS and as well as some soldiers and officers. What I concluded was that

1.Almost All The Swatis Were FED UP WITH TALIBAN.
2.Majority of the Swatis did support the Army and appreciated it, those who didnt at least said that ARMY WAS a LOT BETTER THAN the TALIBAN.
3.Even thou the PEOPLE APPRECIATED ARMY, they were somehow shy of them. SHY not in real sense but thats the word I think can be used to describe their feelings.

NOW, I know someone in the Army who is in Dir, he showed me pictures in which Talibs were beaten quite badly for INTERROGATIONS sake. I ASKED him that do you people execute them, he said "not until now, we give them to the POLICE or FC and they do this job, perhaps in other units I have heard that some Hardcore Talibs have been killed post Battles" .

What this means is, and by seeing the Video, That THERE IS A GOOD chance that this incident really took place. AND IF THEY WERE TALIBAN I DONT MIND AT ALL, BUT WHAT I DO MIND IS THAT ARMY SHOULD HAVE A CHECK BEFORE THEY DO KILL THEM.
Signaling Tensions, Pakistan Shuts NATO Route

Fortunately the title of the news tells us why this news was fabricated. Sorry linkin park nice attempt but can't listen to your song this time. :D
Fake or no fake.
If they were terrorist than I support the killing of terrorists.
Terrorist are no humans, so, they do not deserve any human right.
The FIRST CASUALTY in the war is always TRUTH. There must be some incidents; HOWEVER, Pakistani soldiers who are fighting on the ground are trying their best to avoid collateral damage.

Pakistani soldiers do not bomb 'marriage ceremonies' nor mosques unlike American soldiers in Afghanistan.
Actual Footage.


IF THEY ARE TALIBS< WELL AND GOOD, If not, These men who are responsible should rot in Jail. THEREFORE SETTING UP an Inquiry is necessary. And Pakistan should legalise such killings by the Military in case the captured ones are in fact Taliban. HENCE they would not have to EXCUSE to THE WOLD>
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The video is a fake, in vino veritas........
Actual Footage.



IF THEY ARE TALIBS< WELL AND GOOD, If not, These men who are responsible should rot in Jail. THEREFORE SETTING UP an Inquiry is necessary. And Pakistan should legalise such killings by the Military in case the captured ones are in fact Taliban. HENCE they would not have to EXCUSE to THE WOLD>

Well my question will to you will be..now that these men have been executed..will we ever know if they were Taliban or not?

Shouldn't these Nazi style execution best be left after they have been proved guilty of terrorism..need is there to strengthen the laws and not find ways around it.
Von H&#246;lle;1176423 said:
Well my question will to you will be..now that these men have been executed..will we ever know if they were Taliban or not?

Shouldn't these Nazi style execution best be left after they have been proved guilty of terrorism..need is there to strengthen the laws and not find ways around it.

Thats Why I said that an inquiry to investigate the matter should be set up.

There is or at least can be a Law for Everything. People can be executed for War Crimes, And I believe that All Talibs who VOLUNTARILY became a Part of this Devilish Organization have in one way or another committed war crimes, From Torture to killing Innocent Civilians and ****.

So Wont it be better to do REAL Justice rather than to become a prey for SO CALLED Justice seekers whose real intention is to Defame Pakistan for Every ******g opportunity they find, whether right or wrong.

Thats Why I said that an inquiry to investigate the matter should be set up.

There is or at least can be a Law for Everything. People can be executed for War Crimes, And I believe that All Talibs who VOLUNTARILY became a Part of this Devilish Organization have in one way or another committed war crimes, From Torture to killing Innocent Civilians and ****.

So Wont it be better to do REAL Justice rather than to become a prey for SO CALLED Justice seekers whose real intention is to Defame Pakistan for Every ******g opportunity they find, whether right or wrong.


Can an enquiry be setup when institution accused denies the crime, at the face value itself?

Should an enquiry be setup to determine, if such was committed by Pakistan Army or should the enquiry be setup to determine if these were Taliban or not?

In that enquiry who will speak for the men, who already dead??.. only living can defend themselves!!
Von Hölle;1176461 said:
Can an enquiry be setup when institution accused denies the crime, at the face value itself?

Should an enquiry be setup to determine, if such was committed by Pakistan Army or should the enquiry be setup to determine if these were Taliban or not?

In that enquiry who will speak for the men, who already dead??.. only living can defend themselves!!

Why are you being so Naive, What I am I saying is all in SHOULD!!!!

This SHOULD AND THAT SHOULD BE DONE! It does not matter what the hell an institution says. And An Inquiry speaks for all, For Dead, For Living. If it was so easy, then killing a person would mean end to all............There would be no LAW then, NO Punishment, NO Imprisonment, No Judicial System.

But Fortunately there are certain systems through which Justice is done. Those systems should play their role.

PLEASE, dont just reply/quote for the sake of replying until you have a valid point to convey which you have already conveyed from your first post targeted at my post on this thread, and for which you have been given sufficient answers from my side.

over 150,000 western forces with deep pockets,best military hard ware and advanced technology,failed miserably in supressing donkey riders who have nothing more than kalashinkovs and bazooka.
They need a scape goat for their failure and Pakistan is the usual choice.
they have one more thing bro, poppy flower:D
Actual Footage.



IF THEY ARE TALIBS< WELL AND GOOD, If not, These men who are responsible should rot in Jail. THEREFORE SETTING UP an Inquiry is necessary. And Pakistan should legalise such killings by the Military in case the captured ones are in fact Taliban. HENCE they would not have to EXCUSE to THE WOLD>

It doesn't matter who they are you don't execute people. These low lives should be jailed. Pathetic.
Actually when they show the Taliban standing and blinfolded only one army guy is showed. When they show the military they do not show the Talibaan and when shooting occurs they only show the Talibaan. The video is fake.
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