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Pakistan Army preparing for final push in fight against militants

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the only language they will listen is " Chitrol "

This kind of attitude would only lead to more differences...How would you react if this is said against Punjabi or Sindhi or any Citizen of Pakistan.
As of fata u really DONT KNOW ANYTHING IF U MAKE A STATEMENT 'THAT ITS NOT GOVS FAULT', for gods sake its totally govs fault for neglecting that part for last 70 years. Tribals have flaws too,but our gov has bigger role to play.
U are getting racist and rude now. I love ma baloches and pashtoons, just be kind in ur use of words.

there are many places in other countries where govt have not give much attention ,so does this mean they become terrorist ? and put this argument on one side ..
i am talking about Tribal system , Pashtoon have always proudly talk about their Ancestry and tribes , they will never drop their LAW , and follow Pakistani law , mark my post here ... right now what army is doing ?? army has threatened the tribals to leave the Area , or else they will be killed with militants , so what happened to the pride of Pashtoon ? they like sheeps and goats now follow the army rule as IDPs ... if they have done it long ago ,things would have been different ..

A blind parokar of Altaf Hussain who would go to any level to support the crimes,terrorism and treacheries of his party is no out to give others lectures of Patriotism and abiding of law..the irony..:lol:

well that is not the concern ? isnt it ... for AH , everything so is just allegation .. even the report is proved fake :D
so you can jump as much as you want ... but it was Karachi who give refuge to Pathans and every other Ethnicity to come and work ...and for tribal system , its a sh!t system and will remain a threat to existence of Pakistan
there are many places in other countries where govt have not give much attention ,so does this mean they become terrorist ? and put this argument on one side ..
i am talking about Tribal system , Pashtoon have always proudly talk about their Ancestry and tribes , they will never drop their LAW , and follow Pakistani law , mark my post here ... right now what army is doing ?? army has threatened the tribals to leave the Area , or else they will be killed with militants , so what happened to the pride of Pashtoon ? they like sheeps and goats now follow the army rule as IDPs ... if they have done it long ago ,things would have been different ..
This kind of attitude would only lead to more differences...How would you react if this is said against Punjabi or Sindhi or any Citizen of Pakistan.

i will support it , cause i know this nation listen to only one language and that is Danda ...
no one will listen to you , even you are saying right , until you use danda ..
for Feudal and Tribal System , its a system to Suppress people and divide them into caste and ranks , its not just against Pakistan but Islam as well ..

According to your statement...Dont you think they lack knowledge or do you not consider them humans but some thing else?
there are many places in other countries where govt have not give much attention ,so does this mean they become terrorist ? and put this argument on one side ..
i am talking about Tribal system , Pashtoon have always proudly talk about their Ancestry and tribes , they will never drop their LAW , and follow Pakistani law , mark my post here ... right now what army is doing ?? army has threatened the tribals to leave the Area , or else they will be killed with militants , so what happened to the pride of Pashtoon ? they like sheeps and goats now follow the army rule as IDPs ... if they have done it long ago ,things would have been different ..

well that is not the concern ? isnt it ... for AH , everything so is just allegation .. even the report is proved fake :D
so you can jump as much as you want ... but it was Karachi who give refuge to Pathans and every other Ethnicity to come and work ...and for tribal system , its a sh!t system and will remain a threat to existence of Pakistan

Karachi belongs to Pakistan and Pashtuns were there before bihari's emigrated there so who gave refuge to whom is something not in your domain,Secondly every sane Pakistani knows who called the creation of Pakistan a biggest mistake and then asking the same masters for help on various ocassions is an open secret,so do not sweat yourself..
According to your statement...Dont you think they lack knowledge or do you not consider them humans but some thing else?

they does not lack any knowledge , they know everything ... its all about taking pride and been " Chorda " , have you not meet Pathans ? and Baloch ? they roam in Karachi with so swellen chest like they come from Mar's , we are from this and that tribe ... this fake pride will lead them to destruction .. they have enforce their system and culture over areas in Karachi , even a Uneducated Person in west , is 100 times more forward than these tribal s..
they does not lack any knowledge , they know everything ... its all about taking pride and been " Chorda " , have you not meet Pathans ? and Baloch ? they roam in Karachi with so swellen chest like they come from Mar's , we are from this and that tribe ... this fake pride will lead them to destruction .. they have enforce their system and culture over areas in Karachi , even a Uneducated Person in west , is 100 times more forward than these tribal s..

It's not that they walk with pride and swollen chest but it's something your delusional perception about them which perhaps stems from your inferiority complex,so i am not blaming you..:lol:
. .
Rockstar u are really stirring up things. Educate urself a lil bit more tribals.
And secondly dont say racist stuff. And this majority amongst them are black sheep is such a stupidd and absurd statement. Cut it out.
they does not lack any knowledge , they know everything ... its all about taking pride and been " Chorda " , have you not meet Pathans ? and Baloch ? they roam in Karachi with so swellen chest like they come from Mar's , we are from this and that tribe ... this fake pride will lead them to destruction .. they have enforce their system and culture over areas in Karachi , even a Uneducated Person in west , is 100 times more forward than these tribal s..
By the way I am a Pathan from Balochistan and live in Karachi...
You can not put all your eggs in one basket... There are others as well who have been living a different life and their brain is much more diversified. How did this diversification come about? It has every thing to do with education hence The Quran started from the Word IQRA (read) Reading is Knowlege... Can you deny?
Lets see when your Final Push ends and then see the RESULTS!
The thing is if you and your family do not have money to buy bread what are you going to do...You have two options one to steel or to starve. If you starve and let them all die but you survive Pakistan Penal Code would hold you responsible for Voluntary Man Slaughter ... Libel to death. If you steel you might get to feed on time on that but if caught you would be in for 7 years or your hand is to be cut as per Islamic Law.

Now some ones comes to you and offers you food but in return wants you to pic up a gun what are you going to do?

no, i wont take arms even if i am to stave to death .. this is called Human civilization of survival .. think if Adam and Hawa AS has think like you say than we were never be born ... they can also kill each other and eat ... istead of start a human civilization .. dude their are rules that we human made for our survival , stealing , killing and other things are wrong .. in any and every situations ..
he kind of thing you are saying would lead to a stand off...Now it would infect be Gun vs Gun... Is this not TRIBAL LAW.

So in reality you are saying that the entire country to be under tribal law. If yes then what is wrong with the Pathan and Balcoch implementing Tribal Law.

You yourself are confused which law should be implemented but we agree that what ever the law may be it should be uniformly applied across the board.

no , its not .. but in 3 states of Pakistan , yes tribal and feudal system exist .. isi baat ka rona hai janab ,, 21st century mai baba adam ka system chala rahen hai aur proud feel kerte hai ... Chu ..

i want a system of equal right , no guns as zeewar , no feeling pride on tribes , cultural diversity ... live and let other live ..
no, i wont take arms even if i am to stave to death .. this is called Human civilization of survival .. think if Adam and Hawa AS has think like you say than we were never be born ... they can also kill each other and eat ... istead of start a human civilization .. dude their are rules that we human made for our survival , stealing , killing and other things are wrong .. in any and every situations ..

Infect the first Murder was done by the Children of Adam and Eve. There were also different sets of laws then i.e. Marriage between real brother and sister but that is unthinkable today. Man has evolved and this is due to enlightenment which unfortunately comes from education which you lack somehow.
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