there are many places in other countries where govt have not give much attention ,so does this mean they become terrorist ? and put this argument on one side ..
i am talking about Tribal system , Pashtoon have always proudly talk about their Ancestry and tribes , they will never drop their LAW , and follow Pakistani law , mark my post here ... right now what army is doing ?? army has threatened the tribals to leave the Area , or else they will be killed with militants , so what happened to the pride of Pashtoon ? they like sheeps and goats now follow the army rule as IDPs ... if they have done it long ago ,things would have been different ..
well that is not the concern ? isnt it ... for AH , everything so is just allegation .. even the report is proved fake

so you can jump as much as you want ... but it was Karachi who give refuge to Pathans and every other Ethnicity to come and work ...and for tribal system , its a sh!t system and will remain a threat to existence of Pakistan