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Pakistan Army helping in Karachi Floods.

Shahrah e faisal is occupied with armed forces installations and business so they are not being saints here to many assets::
here is a little list , from what i remember ontop of my head there must be 100's more

his highness core commander khi occupies few thousand acres of prime time real estate
than we have the navy wedding halls , museum cum wedding hall
Another some kind a amusement park
PAF lawns (wedding halls again)
Bec now again floods have started in punjab too.

Whilst the Pakistani politicians keep playing the water politics on dam , using the ethnic card , the floods will hit us hard every year for sure . Even though the Karachi's case is different , it was still worth mentioning .
@Major Sam

Our government is corrupt and bad,due to which our infrastructure is weak,we also are well aware of this fact that our government is not even sincere to us,the strategy of our government is to 'make an attempt' to solve small issues,where as big ones are concerned,they ignore it,and leave it to next upcoming regime,and on next elections,they lure public by showing-off their small attempts,and in case if they loose,they choose to sit on opposition and thus they raise those impossible issues which they have left themselves for next government,so that they could prove to our innocent awam how 'weak their selected regime is'
A nation consist mainly comprises of three powerful groups of sectors:

Our current status is that our regime is weak,subject is less literate,so finally we are left with army who has some eligibility to deal with certain issues,so army do whatever it thinks is better for People of Pakistan through any means,some times due to which we get fruitful results,and sometimes we don't.

Our ministers are well aware of their weakness,that is why they point out the blunders made by army,to hid their dirty face and to cover their blunders,remember.army does not lead,it is government which leads army,once our reciprocal order will be assigned to it's actual order,then I assure you all of our problems will be over,for this we have to be powerful,literate subject,so that we could have sense to identify our well wishers and evils within our politicians,army men and ministers.
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One Institute doing every other institutes job .

That is precisely the problem.

When nations compete, the ones with all their institutions working will always do better where one institution does everybody else's job. Our Army may be the best Army in the whole world, but it cannot spread itself so thin. In the long run, that simply does not work. A paraplegic cannot win a Triathlon, no matter how powerful his arms are. Legs are legs. And specially if the competition is able-bodied.
No government, not even USA, or Japan (most developed nation) can do much in disaster. But yes, floods are common in Pakistan. Provincial government have to work with Local government to improve the situation.

PMLN should develop consensus between provinces to build dams ... This is only thing if we would have done then we can counter these disasters ... Ethnic politics should not be allowed on national interests ...
That is precisely the problem.

When nations compete, the ones with all their institutions working will always do better where one institution does everybody else's job. Our Army may be the best Army in the whole world, but it cannot spread itself so thin. In the long run, that simply does not work. A paraplegic cannot win a Triathlon, no matter how powerful his arms are. Legs are legs. And specially if the competition is able-bodied.

Then correct the other institutes .. instead of Blaming everything on Army .
Then correct the other institutes .. instead of Blaming everything on Army .

I did not blame anyone, Army or any others, since my comment described the overall situation of the end result. I am talking about our nation as a whole.
That is precisely the problem.

When nations compete, the ones with all their institutions working will always do better where one institution does everybody else's job. Our Army may be the best Army in the whole world, but it cannot spread itself so thin. In the long run, that simply does not work. A paraplegic cannot win a Triathlon, no matter how powerful his arms are. Legs are legs. And specially if the competition is able-bodied.

Bro i am agreed with you. but what to do when our politician just wanna lead Army for their ego not for country betterment. and this thing create clashes. bec really its disgracing the govt. is even so weak they are calling army for drainage where they are knew the monsoon season is coming so we should prepare for them.

For me one reason why didnt army interfere in politics even our situation is getting worse and despite people wants army back. Bec Army wanna show to people see what your leaders can do with u. as it become habit of Govt. they don't do any thing and then for every incident they call army and if any thing happen wrongs then blatantly start criticizing army this army that.....

Until We cant bring Justice and Merit in the country.... our situation will become worse. for these are two pillars to become a prosperous state.

You can look at our Judiciary they are fast enough to take contempt notice but since many years terrorism cases are in courts. When you can take suo moto against any one who say some thing against Judiciary. What the hell you don't send those guys to jail who cant even accept your constitution why not send them jail even with lack of evidence when Security agencies are saying they are terrorists. we have to decide national security is more important or An individual even if he is innocent (Most of the cases they are not)? Why letting them free put them in a jail for a while.

hope for the best.... let see
@Major Sam

Our government is corrupt and bad,due to which our infrastructure is weak,we also are well aware of this fact that our government is not even sincere to us,the strategy of our government is to 'make an attempt' to solve small issues,where as big ones are concerned,they ignore it,and leave it to next upcoming regime,and on next elections,they lure public by showing-off their small attempts,and in case if they loose,they choose to sit on opposition and thus they raise those impossible issues which they have left themselves for next government,so that they could prove to our innocent awam how 'weak their selected regime is'
A nation consist mainly comprises of three powerful groups of sectors:

Our current status is that our regime is weak,subject is less literate,so finally we are left with army who has some eligibility to deal with certain issues,so army do whatever it thinks is better for People of Pakistan through any means,some times due to which we get fruitful results,and sometimes we don't.

Our ministers are well aware of their weakness,that is why they point out the blunders made by army,to hid their dirty face and to cover their blunders,remember.army does not lead,it is government which leads army,once our reciprocal order will be assigned to it's actual order,then I assure you all of our problems will be over,for this we have to be powerful,literate subject,so that we could have sense to identify our well wishers and evils within our politicians,army men and ministers.

Well why Every one think I am a "GIRL " :hitwall:

Sam is nick of boys. isn't it?

On Topic: Well you can imagine our PM is went for Umrah while our people are dying here. shame on us. from Imran to Nawaz. every playing hsi own dirty tricks. really there Boasting of changings in 50, 60 90 days.... Wha the hell where is taht. where is roshan and Naya Pakistan?

Before roshan or naya pakistan aae na , Doob Gya Pakistan zrur ajaega. then banana uska naya bhi or roshan bhi. :pissed:

Bro nothing gonna happen with us until we don't want to change our self.
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Well why Every one think I am a "GIRL " :hitwall:

Sam is nick of boys. isn't it?

On Topic: Well you can imagine our PM is went for Umrah while our people are dying here. shame on us. from Imran to Nawaz. every playing hsi own dirty tricks. really there Boasting of changings in 50, 60 90 days.... Wha the hell where is taht. where is roshan and Naya Pakistan?

Before roshan or naya pakistan aae na , Doob Gya Pakistan zrur ajaega. then banana uska naya bhi or roshan bhi. :pissed:

Bro nothing gonna happen with us until we don't want to change our self.

First of all,I apologize for misunderstanding you,I thought that you are feminine not masculine because of your avatar and because of term 'Sam' well I thought that it's abbreviation will be 'Sameera' or 'Samar',it would be much better that if you have chosen a complete name rather then nick or ID like Magnificent,hell raiser etc. :D

On topic,Well as I have said earlier,very clearly that how the tentacles of corruption has penetrated in our powerful sectors,we don't have white,we are only provided with two options,black or grey. :hitwall:
Is this a big deal that Army is helping? They get paid handsomely. It’s like stating in awe that a doctor treated a patient or a teacher taught the students. This is their job. Stop bombarding us with Punjabi Army propaganda. With the huge budge they get they SHOUD do some real work for a change. But let them win a war then we’ll accept them as real army.

What about ordinary citizens who pay taxes most of which go to Army and still have to do most of the relief work on their won?
Is this a big deal that Army is helping? They get paid handsomely. It’s like stating in awe that a doctor treated a patient or a teacher taught the students. This is their job. Stop bombarding us with Punjabi Army propaganda. With the huge budge they get they SHOUD do some real work for a change. But let them win a war then we’ll accept them as real army.

What about ordinary citizens who pay taxes most of which go to Army and still have to do most of the relief work on their won?

These days, any institution that actually delivers something useful, like rescue efforts by the Army here, should be commended, considering that most of the time nothing works anymore.
Then correct the other institutes .. instead of Blaming everything on Army .

Why not blame it all on Army as they have the unlimited budget as well as all the power in the country even when they are not apparently in power? Anytime a politician tries to be independent he is torn apart either by the pro-army right wing media hounds or the so called free judiciary of Arsalan Iftikhar chore fame.

These days, any institution that actually delivers something useful, like rescue efforts by the Army here, should be commended, considering that most of the time nothing works anymore.

Compared to the resources they eat its nothing and is actually quiet expensive for the country. Its best to have a private contractor do the job and let go of this good for nothing Army.
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