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Pakistan and Overbreeding...

Dear All, this is a discussion about overpopulation and not one about personal experiences. Let's keep this discussion PG-13 as there are younger members on this forum.

Mods, I kindly please request you delete some of the previous comments. Take care.

With all due respect, how can you complain about over breeding and be reluctant to hear the solutions? A sad case of affair in our society which refuses to or is too afraid to be educated on the matter due to social restraints. No wonder we have an over populated country.

What PG-13 answers would you like? Alright kids babies aren't born from mommy and daddy getting intimate rather they pray for one and a basket carrying a baby falls from the sky.
How much does polygamy contribute to this problem? Its obvious it does so how prevalent is it in Pakistan considering polygamy is practiced among many Muslims?

ask our brother T-faz. He has 5 wives and roughly 47 children (plus/minus 5, he has trouble remembering exact quantity)

ask our brother T-faz. He has 5 wives and roughly 47 children (plus/minus 5, he has trouble remembering exact quantity)


How he maintain peace and happiness in his family .controling 5 wifes !!!very recently a Bangladeshi man were beaten to death by his four wifes . may Allah give him a long life .:)
One of the main reason behind over breading is mainly religious. mulim don't like the idea of family planning as they believe mukh theachen jini ahar deben tini:hitwall:. behind this may be *** power and demand and ultimatly supply is huge in india pakistan bangladesh thats why we are getting ovrer populeted . :rofl::rofl:
Hi, Bangladesh (1.4&#37;), India (1.3%) and Iran (1.3%) have much lower population growth rates relative to Pakistan (2.1%). Moreover, 61% of the population lives on <=$2/per day in Pakistan. Sad and disgraceful facts; this is simply the economist in me talking. Take care.

Country Economic Reports & GDP Data | Global Finance
1. Family Planning.
2. Abstinence.
3. Contraceptives [condoms ]
4. Birth Control

And if all else fails, abortion. However, the fifth should not even be reluctantly used. Only if it was a special case. I put up abortion as an option, because it is much better to never be born than to be living life on the streets as a beggar. Thats just my view though.

obortion is a crime to humanity... imagine if your parents had done abortion to you..
obortion is a crime to humanity... imagine if your parents had done abortion to you..

He will not exist to imagine if his parents had aborted him! :lol:

Abortion is better if you don't have the resources or desire to have another kid.
Not true in my experience. In my office we have two highly educated Pakistanis and they have 7 in all and soon to be 8. More kids than the 7 married Indians in the office put together.

In India its practically impossible to find educated people having 4 kids nowadays...

That's interesting and odd at the same time. Almost all friends I made in my 25 years in Karachi had strictly one sibling. But then I've never really been to rural Pakistan.
Lets have a look at it.

Q: Who are having large number of kids?
A: The poorer and uneducated ones.

Q: Why?
A: i) They can go for work and earn more money for family
ii) They belive that Allah will give them blessings.

Q: How to overcome it?
A: As we all know, the poorer and uneducated ones cannot read the posters, neither the advertisements. They certainly wont have TVs, and are much of out of contact with the world. Teams should be made, and should be sent to villages and those areas, where the human breeding percentage is larger than others. They should be told about the problems, and how to overcome it. Any possible questions risen should be answered firmly (eg, They will ask how wil they have more earnings?). Thus, hey must be awared about the problems caused by them and how they can overcome it.

With these campaigns, they should also be shown he true face of mullahs, and what they do for their own benefits, which actually isint a part of Islam, neither a healthy society!

yes, technically it is inbreeding

even with your second-cousin, it's inbreeding

and it's wrong......the offspring inherit all the ''bad genes'' from one 'pool' (in absense of better terminology)

in fact, a lot of babies that are inbred end up having major birth defects or retardation

inbreeding should be totally banned in Pakistan......in fact, it's happening much less now than in the past (correct me if im wrong)

I hear what you are saying but the fact is, though it may not be as good finding someone totally not related to you, marrying a cousin can bring new genes into the pool, because depending on how they're related to you, one of their parents is probably not related to you unless you have been at it for centuries, and an exposure to genes outside the genes pool which can replace the bad ones is all one needs, and that is only if you have bad genes. I agree that, marrying cousins should not be practiced commonly but one such an occurance is alright, as with second cousins your chances are very low of you child having problems, if you're that cautious don't marry anyone from you city, your country or even your race, it's up to you where you want to set up the limit.

Here check these out

When Incest Is Best: Kissing Cousins Have More Kin: Scientific American

Go Ahead, Kiss Your Cousin | Family Health | DISCOVER Magazine

Let me be clear I agree the best option is no marrying cousins but then again it would be a little extreme to just ban it all together.

Perhaps a temporary ban on cousin marriages, to mix up the genes, but it probably won't work since people probably won't take it seriously, in a country where there are forced marriages taking places, cousin-cousin marriages aren't probably the top priority.
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Polygamy is a social taboo in our country inspite of the fact that Pakistan is Muslim majority nation. Any person having two or more wives is frankly considered a joke.

Polygamy in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well probably it is a taboo amongst the ladies not too sure about men :lol:

My grandfather had two wives...the first one couldn't conceive after one kid, so he married another one, they both lived together and very peacefully, never had there been a fight in the house like ever. they both were quite religious ladies. perhaps thats why i think. also two of my distant uncles have two wives each, one is in canada living with two of them happily the other being in lahore, both their wives had trouble conceiving so they had to marry for the kids.

there are many other successful examples around i think as long as the man marries for a legitimate cause/reason and takes the wife on board with the decision, it's not a big deal.
Incentives need to be given for having fewer kids. Everyone especially women need to be educated on the matter that having a lot of kids is bad.
If religious clerics cannot help then they need to stfu.
Also condoms and birth control pills need to be everywhere and widely distributed.
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