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Pakistan-A real market for the Mirage 2000-9 ?

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May 5, 2010
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A real market for the Mirage 2000-9


This is one of contention in negotiations with the UAE: what to do with the sixty Mirage 2000-9 of the UAE Air Force in case of purchase of the Rafale? Abu Dhabi calls for a resumption of the devices by France, which does not afford, even if the Air Force would not necessarily have winced at the idea of ​​performance and recover the aircraft to replace its recent Mirage F-1 end of life, for example.

The only solution seems to sell these devices in other countries. A 20 million euros each, a figure mentioned in today's Echo, the operation seems playable, although complex, the plane is excellent, the Emiratis are very happy. Egypt, Pakistan and Iraq have recently even been quoted in the press as potential customers. "The market at this price level, is much more open for a new appliance type Rafale, explained recently Challenges Richard Aboulafia, vice president of U.S. consultancy Teal Group, a specialist in defense. Stop production of the Mirage 2000 may have been a big mistake on the part of Dassault. "

Rafale aux Emirats : trois raisons d'y croire : Supersonique
I don't think Pakistan will buy them largely because we now have the option of J10 and JF-17 plus used F-16's from other countries if we cooperate with USA.
I don't think Pakistan will buy them largely because we now have the option of J10 and JF-17 plus used F-16's from other countries if we cooperate with USA.
u r totally right we dont need them we aready have jft + f16s and upcoming fc20s may be egypt or iraq can buy them
No go for PAF... JFT out smart those vintage design in every area.

Although, someone else might be very interested.
i think out JFT are now mostly comparable or little inferior to mirage 2000..also with the enxt eyar A2A variant that might be better than the mirage 2000 for sure.

so it will be a very stupid step if taken
Third thread on Mirage 2000, time to close it where are moderators.
I think this would be a good option for IAF which has just recently inked a Mir-2000H upgrade deal, an indication that platform will serve for a considerable time...Pakistan will clearly go for a replacement of its Mir-III/V platforms.
it would be perfect for the new Iraqi airforce
france refused to povide avionics for jf-17 under indian pressure n now they want to sell old mirages to pakistan.we dont need their mirages anymore.
india will be the first country going for rafale probably because of political reasons.UAE rejected rafale initially n got blk 60 F-16s n there r grim chances that they will buy rafales.blk 60 falcon is less costly n almost equally effective as compare to rafale
true..the operating costs for rafale and eurofighter is a very important factor for countries not going for them..
gripen and f-16 are very econmical fighters in opeating cost issue and are similar in capability
i doubt the mirages offer any capability that the jft dont offer already , secondly paf is indigenizing alongwith reducing the number of fighter types
Can somebody answer this question !
Why does Rafale lose every defense competition ? Its a proven fighter better than many
but still they lost it in UAE , Brazil ( more inclined towards F18SPH ) !
What do you think is the reason behind this ?
Can somebody answer this question !
Why does Rafale lose every defense competition ? Its a proven fighter better than many
but still they lost it in UAE , Brazil ( more inclined towards F18SPH ) !
What do you think is the reason behind this ?

Its all political, nothing else, French believes (in fact they quoted in the Brazilian presentation) that they won technically in S. Korea competition but lost in political game.
Can somebody answer this question !
Why does Rafale lose every defense competition ? Its a proven fighter better than many
but still they lost it in UAE , Brazil ( more inclined towards F18SPH ) !
What do you think is the reason behind this ?


It's really expensive,especially with regards to countries that do not have a prior defense relationship with France

Americans lobby against them tooth and nail(Wikileaks proved it)

The whole fifth gen craze doing the rounds

Europe has the EFT platform,so a no go there

A lot of countries France doesn't want to do business with

Possible high cost of upgrades due to limited customers,interoperability etc.

Well,all that might change with India making the first order for it's MMRCA deal!!!
in my opinion its all political game.france initially agreed to sell avionics n aesa radar for the jf 17 but probably due to indian lobying they cancelled the deal.india in return is getting rafales n getting her mirages upgraded from france.
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