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Pak – US Talks: Time for US to Prove its Worth by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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:pakistan::usflag:On March 18, 2010 Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi asked US to rebuild trust with Islamabad, being her key ally in Global War on terror. He also urged Washington to follow up words with action. Qureshi and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will lead the delegation of their respective countries in the upcoming Pakistan–US Strategic Talks starting MAR 24, 2010. The talks are basically aimed at boosting the economic development, education, agriculture growth and security in the South Asian region. Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani would be the first Army head to participate in strategic talks. ISI chief Lt. Gen Ahmed Shuja Pasha will look after the country's security interests. US Defence Secretary Robert Gates and National Security Adviser Gen James Jones might be present during the talks.

In this connection, Islamabad has prepared ten point agenda after thoroughly deliberating various crucial aspects resulting from GWOT. The most important points of the agenda are economic development, education, agriculture and security. The strategic talks between two countries are being well received so far in Pakistani circles but at the same time Indian analysts employed in US based think tanks have once again started a whispering campaign against Pakistan to sabotage the dialogue process. For example on March 10 and 14, R. Jeffrey and Joby Warrick wrote two articles in “Washington Post” against nuclear programme as part of their anti Pakistan campaign. Both the authors are famous for anti Muslim approach and directly or indirectly affiliated to Israeli and Indian Intelligence agencies. The writers have forgotten all past Indian nukes proliferation, incidents and occurrences while spewing their venom against Pakistan Nukes. .Anyhow, US authorities and think tanks should realize that Indo-Israel agenda differs from the American agenda. India and Israel desire to sabotage the US-Pak negotiations because of some obvious reasons. Firstly, New Delhi is against withdrawal of US led forces from Afghanistan. Indian authorities are of the opinion that US departure from the region will hamper their heinous agenda of creating instability through subversive activities in Pakistan. They also know that any future Afghan Taliban government will defiantly block Indians from fomenting militancy in Pakistan. Secondly, Israel has always tried to keep US in turmoil. The sole purpose of Tel Aviv is to keep American leadership in confusion so that they keep their eyes closed over Israeli brutality against Palestinians. American leadership has to take actions against the wishes Israel and India; otherwise already battered US image in Pakistan will suffer further..

I think in addition to these points, US should force our traditional enemy to stop using Afghanistan territory against Pakistan. She should also be mindful that India Israel nexus have become dangerous and now there is need to evolve some kind of mechanism that would put brakes on continuously worsening US - Pak relations. US authorities have to play positive role in resolving Kashmir problem, water issue and also take steps to boost and Pakistani economy. Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, also said that dialogue would be broad-based comprising economic, defence, security and social issues. However this is one fact that American talks most or so would be revolving around security and military issues. But America should assist in reviving its economy of main sufferer of war on terror. Americans should support energy sector through financing some major projects. Pakistani security forces have done more than enough to eliminate foreign sponsored militancy and Al-Qaeda and in Pakistan andAfghanistan.

President Barack Obama's administration must understand that Pakistani masses have never supported former President Musharraf policies over war on terror, thus any reader can well imagine how challenging task have been faced by Pakistani Security Forces under the adverse security environment. Anyhow after the change of political set up and revival of democracy the nation is fully supporting her security forces to eliminate the militancy. The forces are fighting this war on four fronts, firstly Al-Qaeda, secondly local Taliban mainly uneducated lot, thirdly state sponsored terrorism launched in collaboration with RAW and Mossad since 2004, and fourthly opportunists politicians. In fact role of the security forces has remained absolutely in right direction, positive and courageous during war against terror.

Pakistan Security Forces suffered heavy loss of lives and material from 2004 – 2009. Analysis of the situation reveal that that role of Pakistan security forces and nation Pakistan has employed more than one lac troops and US led forces are just 70000 in numbers who are involved in fighting against the militants. Apart from civilian losses, displacement of people form the tribal belt, Pakistan forces including police force has suffered more than 10 thousand live losses. In February, 2010 while briefing to the media Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said that more than 140,000 Pakistani troops were now involved in fighting militants in the northwest and deployment along the Afghan border. He further reveled that over the last seven months Pakistani military had launched 209 major and 510 minor operations in 10 regions. He said 2,273 Pakistani army officers and soldiers had been killed in the fighting so far which include one 3-star General, two 2-star generals and five brigadiers were also among the martyrs. American think tanks should understand that Jews media use to blame Pakistan for double game on Pakistan intelligence agencies. in this connection while talking to senior journalists in Islamabad, Army chief Gen Kayani rejected the allegations of double game leveled against Pakistan intelligence agencies, saying that 73 intelligence officers had embraced martyrdom in Pakistan, while 11 others were martyred in Afghanistan .

Thus ,its is quite evident that our forces and intelligence agencies role in establishing the peace and saving motherland will certainly be remembered. US should also realize the sacrifices of Pakistan and must provide with latest technology to tackle the extremism from the region.

On March 19, 2010, Foreign minister Qureshi while talking to media also said that Pakistan has done enough and now it’s the turn of American to do more. In fact US leadership should come out to establish long term and objective strategic relations with Pakistan to remove or lessen the gulf between two nations. USA government should not offer peanuts to Pakistan by giving a few hundred million dollars in aid. It must keep in mind the enormous price that Pakistan has paid in terms of lost lives, ruined economy and terrible law and order situation which resulted due to Indian intervention .Pakistani leadership certainly should be thinking that $1.3 Billion per year of economic aid is not the right amount and should not accept this paltry sum if compared to aid packages to Israel ($ 60 Billion), Egypt ($ 30 Billion) and Turkey during the first Iraq war ($48 Billion).

In short the USA is spending trillions of Dollars on wars but still war is lingering on. She must recognize that Afghanistan and Pakistan stability is directly linked to each other. She has to take steps like, boosting Pakistan economy, stopping Indian interference in Balochistan, resolving Kashmir and water issue, transfer of technology, poverty alleviation, assisting Pakistan in energy and textile sector, removing discriminatory rules regarding Pakistan and giving status of favored nation. American leadership should make efforts for successful culmination of talks which will help in long term strategic relations and will also help in smooth disengagement and return of American forces from Afghanistan.
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