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Pak 'terrorism accountability' bill introduced in US Congress


Jan 10, 2011
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A far-reaching legislation has been introduced in the US Congress that would deduct $50 million from the aid to Islamabad for every American killed by terrorists operating from the safe havens in Pakistan with the "support" of ISI.

"Pakistan has for decades leveraged radical terrorist groups to carry out attacks in India and Afghanistan," Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said introducing the 'Pakistan Terrorism Accountability Act of 2012'.

The legislation would require the Department of Defence to list all Americans killed by terrorist groups operating with impunity inside Pakistan and Afghanistan and supported by elements of Pakistani government.

For each person killed, $50 million would be subtracted from US foreign assistance to Pakistan -- a requested $2.2 billion -- and given to the victim's family.

"For too long America has funded the Pakistani government, giving it free money, while elements of the ISI and Pakistan's military operate radical Islamic groups that are actively murdering Americans. Americans will not accept this," Rohrabacher, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, said.

"Pakistan helped to create the Taliban and Pakistan's intelligence service hid Osama bin Laden from the US for years. Today, one of the most dangerous and sophisticated groups killing American troops in Afghanistan is the Haqqani Network, which is closely operated by the Pakistani government," Rohrabacher said.

The legislation says Pakistan, through ISI, maintains control and influence in Afghanistan through militant groups like Haqqani network, to secure its strategic position and expand its sphere of influence, not only in Afghanistan, but also in Kashmir and against India.

Asserting that ISI has strong links with the Haqqani network, the legislation said that it shall be the policy of the US to limit the United States foreign assistance to Islamabad if Pakistan's military or intelligence services continue to support or provide assistance to organisations that target American citizens.

"Of the amounts made available for assistance to Pakistan for fiscal year 2013 or any subsequent fiscal year, the President shall withhold $50 million for each United States citizen who is killed as a result of actions of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) or support provided by the ISI to other organisations or individuals, including the Haqqani Network," it said.

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, had earlier said the ISI directed the Haqqani network to plan and conduct "the assault on our embassy (in Kabul in September 2011) ... We also have credible evidence that they were behind the June 28th attack against the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul."

Mullen had also said "the Haqqani network acts as a veritable.

Pak 'terrorism accountability' bill introduced in US Congress - World - DNA
yes...that is a good suggestion...
the deceased solfiers family should be given enough money to live a good life...
Wont matter if the money comes from Alleged aid to Pakistan...A needy family will have a good life and thats a better use of the money than giving it our ultra rich rulers...
Long overdue. If Pakistan can't be punished for terrorism, atleast should not be rewarded. If pakistan govt does not want US money the virulently anti US pakistani people can start paying their taxes. There's so much positive pakistan can do in achieving peace in afghanistan and indeed in pakistan and create an environment of economic growth and prosperity and cooperation in the entire region. But they choose to play a destructive role, mainly because the common people have no control over their countries policies.

Either its some kind of conviction or ego that stops the course correction. Every other country is trying to fix their fundamentals with trade and commerce in mind, why does pakistan choose to be a basket case is beyond me.
Rohrabacher seems one pissed off dude ; I can only imagine what would happen when Shakil Afridi would actually be convicted of treason !!! As they say in Chinese, We seem to be living in Interesting times.
Good for them. And Pakistan should hold and sell 1 NATO container each and donate it to the victims of every soldier killed in American friendly fire or cross border attacks by Taliban, if we ever allow to pass them through that is! :lol:
Next time every drone strike happens, we should keep the containers of NATO or something like that.

Some people said not too long ago that NATO has no problem with supplies blockade. Wonder what happened to those claims??:undecided:
US just talks and talks :blah:

Even when it have all the money, military, CIA, media and other powers to do whatever it like with pakistan.

I think it don't want to leave pakistan.
Americans are frustrated over the blockade of supply line. While they do acknowledge that Pakistan has valid reasons to keep her support limited to some areas. I was reading in newspaper that US thinks and acknowledges that Pakistan doesn't want US leaving an torn apart, politically fragile and pro-indian Afghanistan after US departure. That is why there are holding some cards in their hands. It also makes sense that whatever is in the interest of US may not necessarily be in the interest of any other country. US has been playing various pressure tactics to force Pakistan into opening the supply route, which hasn't happened till now. So its all a game of interests, nothing more.
A far-reaching legislation has been introduced in the US Congress that would deduct $50 million from the aid to Islamabad for every American killed by terrorists operating from the safe havens in Pakistan with the "support" of ISI.

"Pakistan has for decades leveraged radical terrorist groups to carry out attacks in India and Afghanistan," Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said introducing the 'Pakistan Terrorism Accountability Act of 2012'.

The legislation would require the Department of Defence to list all Americans killed by terrorist groups operating with impunity inside Pakistan and Afghanistan and supported by elements of Pakistani government.

For each person killed, $50 million would be subtracted from US foreign assistance to Pakistan -- a requested $2.2 billion -- and given to the victim's family.

"For too long America has funded the Pakistani government, giving it free money, while elements of the ISI and Pakistan's military operate radical Islamic groups that are actively murdering Americans. Americans will not accept this," Rohrabacher, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, said.

"Pakistan helped to create the Taliban and Pakistan's intelligence service hid Osama bin Laden from the US for years. Today, one of the most dangerous and sophisticated groups killing American troops in Afghanistan is the Haqqani Network, which is closely operated by the Pakistani government," Rohrabacher said.

The legislation says Pakistan, through ISI, maintains control and influence in Afghanistan through militant groups like Haqqani network, to secure its strategic position and expand its sphere of influence, not only in Afghanistan, but also in Kashmir and against India.

Asserting that ISI has strong links with the Haqqani network, the legislation said that it shall be the policy of the US to limit the United States foreign assistance to Islamabad if Pakistan's military or intelligence services continue to support or provide assistance to organisations that target American citizens.

"Of the amounts made available for assistance to Pakistan for fiscal year 2013 or any subsequent fiscal year, the President shall withhold $50 million for each United States citizen who is killed as a result of actions of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) or support provided by the ISI to other organisations or individuals, including the Haqqani Network," it said.

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, had earlier said the ISI directed the Haqqani network to plan and conduct "the assault on our embassy (in Kabul in September 2011) ... We also have credible evidence that they were behind the June 28th attack against the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul."

Mullen had also said "the Haqqani network acts as a veritable.

Pak 'terrorism accountability' bill introduced in US Congress - World - DNA

Here I would propose, Mr Nawaz Sharif would also demand that if not $50mil then at least $500,000 but US would also commit something for every innocent person of Pakistan who gets killed in CIA’s drone attack, like how they generally score 15-16 in hunt of just 1-2 Taliban fighters. :meeting:

Doesn’t value of an innocent Pakistani national is even 1% w.r.t. an American/ Western national?
:pakistan: :usflag:
Long overdue. If Pakistan can't be punished for terrorism, atleast should not be rewarded. If pakistan govt does not want US money the virulently anti US pakistani people can start paying their taxes. There's so much positive pakistan can do in achieving peace in afghanistan and indeed in pakistan and create an environment of economic growth and prosperity and cooperation in the entire region. But they choose to play a destructive role, mainly because the common people have no control over their countries policies.

Either its some kind of conviction or ego that stops the course correction. Every other country is trying to fix their fundamentals with trade and commerce in mind, why does pakistan choose to be a basket case is beyond me.

Why the peoples don't open their eyes and brains........they just follow what european media or CIA says............if someone has brain...he can think.....why US or NATO is here (For Al-Qiada) or for China and Pakistan............Why not US or NATO accept that they are failed even they are super power.....they are not accepting coz their ego hearts...............why they not say sorry by killing 26 Pakistani Soldiers..........they are not saying coz their ego hearts that they are suppower and they can do anything.......why they refused to call Pakistan in Shicago conference.....coz they don't want Pakistan to play role in Afghanistan Futrue.......because that will also cross their interest in this area.........i can continue to many pages.....but one who keeps brain can make anylsis and think deeply..........but just passing the words from Western Media.
It's just diplomatic posturing, like a 'Pakistani-Sponsored Terrorist' (provided there are any but that's another argument altogether) would leave his business card after killing an American in Afghanistan. The basic motive here is to secure resumption of NATO supply without having to pay damages for wear and tear of the road network. Be very certain, we are in no mood to give in to this bluff, we will only up the ante and raise the stakes further.
A tough stance has been taken by the army, and the PSO's as well as other senior officers, are not in favour of just being a toy for the US.

Expect this to continue for sometime.
Why the peoples don't open their eyes and brains........they just follow what european media or CIA says............if someone has brain...he can think.....why US or NATO is here (For Al-Qiada) or for China and Pakistan............Why not US or NATO accept that they are failed even they are super power.....they are not accepting coz their ego hearts...............why they not say sorry by killing 26 Pakistani Soldiers..........they are not saying coz their ego hearts that they are suppower and they can do anything.......why they refused to call Pakistan in Shicago conference.....coz they don't want Pakistan to play role in Afghanistan Futrue.......because that will also cross their interest in this area.........i can continue to many pages.....but one who keeps brain can make anylsis and think deeply..........but just passing the words from Western Media.
sir, first check your own home and then blame the other side.:pop:

Pakistani people say that Pakistani politicians generally don’t talk for less than 10%, like how Mr Zardari is known as Mr 10%. Then don’t these Pakistani rulers have mouth to ask for even 1% for the voters who vote for them? Is there any justice? First CIA’s drone is allowed to score as many as they want but in case of ISI, if they also score few of other side in anger, US may charge $50mil? but can’t the Pakistan’s rulers may demand for even 1% of this amount for their people also, who are scored by CIA’s drone attack; Pakistan’s rulers who themselves don’t talk for less than 10%?
A far-reaching legislation has been introduced in the US Congress that would deduct $50 million from the aid to Islamabad for every American killed by terrorists operating from the safe havens in Pakistan with the "support" of ISI.

What non-sense. Pakistani people themselves are asking the US to stop this aid which has spoilt Pakistan. This aid just goes to Swiss accounts and is not a aid, but installments of buying politicians.
"Pakistan has for decades leveraged radical terrorist groups to carry out attacks in India and Afghanistan," Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said introducing the 'Pakistan Terrorism Accountability Act of 2012'.
Despite of all these accusations, ISI has never been proved guilty for this. And in some cases, the opposite side has refused to come to the court.
The legislation would require the Department of Defence to list all Americans killed by terrorist groups operating with impunity inside Pakistan and Afghanistan and supported by elements of Pakistani government.
So, no list is going to be produced.
For each person killed, $50 million would be subtracted from US foreign assistance to Pakistan -- a requested $2.2 billion -- and given to the victim's family.
Alright, sure. Why did he fail to mention about the Pakistani civilians and army men killed by US forces? $50 Million for their families too.
"For too long America has funded the Pakistani government, giving it free money, while elements of the ISI and Pakistan's military operate radical Islamic groups that are actively murdering Americans. Americans will not accept this," Rohrabacher, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, said.
Such a low IQ person he is, or is he expecting the US citizens to be low IQ? Majority of the deaths in Afghanistan are not US troops but Brisitish, Germans and other ISAF troops. They are promised by US Government to serve five years in Afghanistan, and on return they would be given citizenship. This way, they could minimize the involvance of US troops to avoid their men from dying and other pay price for this game. Hardly half of the men are expected to return alive.
"Pakistan helped to create the Taliban
Pakistan helped to create Taliban, but who funded them? ;)
and Pakistan's intelligence service hid Osama bin Laden from the US for years. Today, one of the most dangerous and sophisticated groups killing American troops in Afghanistan is the Haqqani Network, which is closely operated by the Pakistani government," Rohrabacher said.
Allegations on allegations, nothing proved positive till today.

The legislation says Pakistan, through ISI, maintains control and influence in Afghanistan through militant groups like Haqqani network, to secure its strategic position and expand its sphere of influence, not only in Afghanistan, but also in Kashmir and against India.

Asserting that ISI has strong links with the Haqqani network, the legislation said that it shall be the policy of the US to limit the United States foreign assistance to Islamabad if Pakistan's military or intelligence services continue to support or provide assistance to organisations that target American citizens.
American citizens got killed? When did this happen?
"Of the amounts made available for assistance to Pakistan for fiscal year 2013 or any subsequent fiscal year, the President shall withhold $50 million for each United States citizen who is killed as a result of actions of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) or support provided by the ISI to other organisations or individuals, including the Haqqani Network," it said.
Save all the money. Keep the aid to yourself. Pakistan is democratic, not autocratic. The people ask for aids to disappear.
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, had earlier said the ISI directed the Haqqani network to plan and conduct "the assault on our embassy (in Kabul in September 2011) ... We also have credible evidence that they were behind the June 28th attack against the Inter-Continental Hotel in Kabul."
Yet no evidence was provided.
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