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'Pak Taliban trained me, my hitlist included Indian ambassador'

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Jan 18, 2012
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Paris: France's TF1 television has broadcast extracts of a conversation between gunman Mohamed Merah and police shortly before he died in a police assault in March after he killed seven people.

He details his attack on a Jewish school after missing his original target, his training in Pakistan, French intelligence's failures, making money as a driver for gangsters and his plans had he not been identified and besieged.

Herewith extracts translated from the French:
"I missed my target... and from then on I got back on the scooter and I drove past (the Jewish school) like that. It was not premeditated, well, I was going to do it, but when I woke up that morning it wasn't my objective."

"My aim with these attacks was to kill first of all soldiers, because these soldiers fought in Afghanistan.

"Yes, believe me that I chose you (the intelligence agent interviewing him) as a target... My idea was to call you, get you to come and see me, and you'd have got a bullet in the head.

"I work for Al-Qaeda, I have superiors, I'm not alone... I'm alone in France, I work alone here, but I was sent by Al-Qaeda, I was trained by the Pakistani Taliban, there's an entire organisation behind this.

"They asked me to make bombs, I didn't want to... I told them 'train me in using a gun.'

In the Islamist training camp "there are French, Chinese, Tajiks, Afghans, Pakistanis, Americans, Germans, Spanish, all sorts."

"I took me around 10 days to find the brothers (Taliban). Because when I arrived, I wasn't allowed out, I stayed in one room, I had to wait. They didn't know who I was, where I came from. Not just anyone gets into Al-Qaeda. Praise be to God, I won their trust, I bought my gun, I was equipped.

"They offered me attacks in America, Canada, etc. And I said as I'm French, it's easier for me to attack France.

His targets included "known people, killing some diplomats, like the Indian ambassador, or press bosses in some countries."

"You think that I went to Pakistan and Afghanistan for tourism? Who is a tourist over there? 'Al harb khoudaa', you know what that means? It means 'War is deception.'"

"When you called me in for questioning (in 2011), when I was at your office, I was in contact with them (Taliban), I had found them... I think that's one of the biggest mistakes of your career!"

"Yeah, I go to nightclubs... I dressed in a certain way, that shows that I don't have the profile of someone who's part of Al-Qaeda... I had a fashionable haircut, with a Mohican, long hair at the back... I did all that, I was blonde."

"I'm quite a good driver, and I was paid to go from one place to another... so I was paid by gangsters, driving them here and there." If the police came across them, Merah's job "was quickly to shake them off."

"I checked they (his guns) fired, that the bullet came out, I checked there was a bullet impact... Later I found a place where I could shoot without any problems just next to my place."

"I knew there would be roadblocks, all that, and then as soon as I'd completed the operations, I'd have the guts, I'd have gone into police stations, killed the policeman at the reception, I'd have killed people in the street, military police driving around, stopped at traffic lights, I'd have laid in wait."

'Pak Taliban trained me, my hitlist included Indian ambassador' | NDTV.com

this is the news, since when did talibans and not ISI started training guys to kill indians?

i thought indian embassies from afghan border helped these talibans?

some dealings might have gone sour
Zombies, without emotion, soul, feelings or remorse are for real. This guy, and the many like him are examples. And then there is the group who will defend the actions of such fellows, putting all the blame on "others". A fake profile of a gentleman, with the mindset of a barbarian.
Pakistani IM Malik " They are non state actors. Pakistan does not support terrorism on its soil. There are no proof of terrorism in pakistan. We are not responsible for non state actors operating out of pakistan :rofl:

We keep hearing this same dialogue always. Its better i give his statement before he gives :D

PS: i think pakistan should investigate foreigners coming alone into the country!!
Every canary sings inadvertently:lol:...wonder if their training should include biting the cyanide capsule, but these nut-heads are too full of themselves to do that. :hang2:
Yet no Pakistani Taliban has been killed by the Drones , epic !

Dude keep ur heads buried In the sand knowingly or unknowingly , surely I see sooner than later a nuke attack on pakistan by the west. Continue on this cut the throat and denial games and 2 decades from now boom boom..
A another bs and false thread properganda against Pakistan anyone can be paid to talk sh_t ... plzz stop posting such dumb threads make good use of thread space not with this dumb bs .
Baitullah Mehsud, Qari Hussain....

Indeed both were killed in drone attacks which were initiated on false intelligence reports (baiting - to lure the CIA to go after). Otherwise CIA was never willing to eleminate the targets.
There is nothing spiritual or religious about a jihadi. most of the jihadis seem to have started as petty car thieves, sex offenders , bootleggers etc. Then they gradually build their portfolio to be come a freedom fighter and a martyr. Kinda like how drug addicts progressively go for more potent drugs that remove them farther from reality and then one day , they just die.
And all the Pakistanis living in denial are going to go so it's another India/Western conspiracy against Pakistan, Pakistan is becoming a failed state, a basket case, only one the citizens of Pakistan can see the truth will this disease stop.

"I work for Al-Qaeda, I have superiors, I'm not alone... I'm alone in France, I work alone here, but I was sent by Al-Qaeda, I was trained by the Pakistani Taliban, there's an entire organisation behind this."

'Pak Taliban trained me, my hitlist included Indian ambassador' | NDTV.com

These people are lower than scum, it's a disgrace that they kill innocents women and children who have nothing to do with their "wars".
Another desperate attempt to paint Pakistan as failed terrorist state blah blah blah blah non sense

"They asked me to make bombs, I didn't want to... I told them 'train me in using a gun.'

In the Islamist training camp "there are French, Chinese, Tajiks, Afghans, Pakistanis, Americans, Germans, Spanish, all sorts."

These people are lower than scum, it's a disgrace that they kill innocents women and children who have nothing to do with their "wars".
thats why they are called 'terrorists'
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