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Pak Taliban chief threatens India


Jul 27, 2009
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Pak Taliban chief threatens India

As his militants wrought havoc in Lahore by a series of attacks and suicide blasts,
Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud has threatened to dispatch terrorists to fight India, once an Islamic state had been created in Pakistan.

"We want an Islamic state. If we get that, then we will go to the borders and help fight the Indians," Hakimullah said in footage aired by Britain's Sky News channel.

The channel said it recently acquired the footage of Hakimullah, who claimed responsibility for several attacks across Pakistan over the past week, including a terrorist assault on the Army's General Headquarters in the city of Rawalpindi over the weekend.

"We are fighting the (Pakistani) military, police and militia because they are following American orders. If they stop following their orders, we will stop fighting them," said Hakimullah, in what was seen as desperate last minute efforts to stop Pakistan army's offensive into his group's stronghold of Waziristan.

Hakimullah was named the new chief of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan after his predecessor Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a US drone attack in Waziristan in August.

Hakimullah recently met several reporters from the Mehsud clan to dispel reports that he had died in fighting with a rival militant faction.

Sky News also reported that the Pakistani Taliban had bolstered their finances through the sale and manufacture of drugs like heroin. The Taliban were also extorting protection money from businesses in Afghanistan, it reported.
what gives this bastard the right to tell the elected members of pakistani poeple not do what they want.
the military needs to go into to waziristan now. we need to kill this freak now.
Pathetic attempt to appeal to the masses...will not work...we have seen enough...

This is similar to the TTP claim of fighting a Jihad...i see no Jihad just terrorism and butchering of innocents...this is another so called TTP PR stunt...yes India is not our friend but TTP is our worst enemy...

No mercy for TTP...they are rabid dogs and need to be put down...
Was'nt this fella hakimmulah supposed to be dead ... shot in internal rivalry?
he'll have to deal with us first. But i'll confirm the news from some other source aswell. After Mush interview i dont belive indian media anymore.
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Thank god! I think now , that instead of Obama, Indian PM Manmohan Or Sonia should have been given Nobel for Peace. There was huge roar in india to attack Pakistan's terror hubs last year.. Good sense prevailed just before general elections India resisted the provokation by terrorist who wanted that India attacks Pakistan and they TTP and LET can claim all Pakistani sympathy and eventually ouster the Govt of Pakistan and take over the state.
It would have been real dirty, Bigger mess in subcontinent then ever before, and disaster for Pakistan.
I remember seeing some Zaid Hamid's video's last year, he got all the fame mostly after the Mumbai attacks, he doing all hate mongering etc.

Also saw some mainstream Pak media quoting TTP head Baitullah saying that they will fight India along side Pakistan if India were to attack. still remember the urdu words they said "They will fight Shana pe shana with Pak army in event of war "
In fact, BJP's all election campaign was about How timid is Manmohan singh, he is weak , cannt take decisions, stitting with Huge armed force doing nothing to defend India and all that stupid comments. Which today I think were so selfish ..just to come in Power they would have made a War out of nothing...
Pathetic attempt to appeal to the masses...will not work...we have seen enough...

This is similar to the TTP claim of fighting a Jihad...i see no Jihad just terrorism and butchering of innocents...this is another so called TTP PR stunt...yes India is not our friend but TTP is our worst enemy...

No mercy for TTP...they are rabid dogs and need to be put down...

i get the impression, you would have gone along with his idea to fight India, if the TTP wasn't your sworn enemy.:what:
This fool thinks that he and his tribal army, armed with Soviet-era weapons, can establish an Islamic state in India. Either he is seriously disillusioned in life or it is a lame attempt to gather support from Pakistanis.

Either ways, this very remark shows the need for India and Pakistan to collaborate.
i get the impression, you would have gone along with his idea to fight India, if the TTP wasn't your sworn enemy.:what:

Wrong impression...

I was actually referring to the overall impression which TTP wants to create...last time when India threatened Pakistan, they said that if India attacks Pakistan they will help us...
They think they have a right to defend Pakistan against India?
They have no right to live and breathe in Pakistan...

Pathetic attempts...disgusting...

Even today we have lost more than dozen innocents...such cheap tricks are really not going to help them
This fool thinks that he and his tribal army, armed with Soviet-era weapons, can establish an Islamic state in India. Either he is seriously disillusioned in life or it is a lame attempt to gather support from Pakistanis.

Either ways, this very remark shows the need for India and Pakistan to collaborate.

this clearly shows how weak the army infrastructure is there in pakistan... Elite police and army head qrs attacked by terrorists and made them hostages too... It can only happen in pakistan but cannot come here.... Our army has succesfully stopped many incursions this year and Yes, this clearly prooves that Our army has learnt from its and this time, That taliban bastard cannot enter our country... he will have to satisfy with pakistan
:tdown:A dead man speaking from his grave.

Havent we been listening to OBL time and again.

idiots are trying to cling to last straws
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