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Pak court indicts 7 accused in Mumbai attacks

Yeah, I guess his complaints are easier to ignore when he is not in Washington.

The problem is that the GoI whines and complains so much that inevitably any decision Pakistan takes will coincide with some event or the other, and then commentators will crow, 'AHA - thats what tipped the scales!'.

Someone might come out and say that it was Kapoor threatening war that did it.

Or maybe because Pakistan wanted to make a point by doing so close to the anniversary.

Or maybe because the Indian president scared us by flying in that Sukhoi.

Or maybe because South Waziristan is coming under control.

Or maybe because Zardari wants to deflect attention away from his domestic political problems.

No shortage of coincidences and events you can weave a conspiracy theory around.
The problem is that the GoI whines and complains so much that inevitably any decision Pakistan takes will coincide with some event or the other, and then commentators will crow, 'AHA - thats what tipped the scales!'.

Someone might come out and say that it was Kapoor threatening war that did it.

Or maybe because Pakistan wanted to make a point by doing so close to the anniversary.

Or maybe because the Indian president scared us by flying in that Sukhoi.

Or maybe because South Waziristan is coming under control.

Or maybe because Zardari wants to deflect attention away from his domestic political problems.

No shortage of coincidences and events you can weave a conspiracy theory around.

Here are some more coincidences -

Bring perpetrators of 26/11 to justice: Obama

Joint Statement by PM MMS and President Obama has a direct reference to Pakistan

Tomorrow happens to be the first anniversary of 26/11
I personally, think its a very good achievement. Pakistan has done what India wanted it to do. Now once the verdict of the case is reached, India should 'chillax' about putting international pressure on Pakistan.

I mean, we are fighting a WAR and they cannot appreciate that? Atleast give us a little credit? Instead, they keep going on and on and on about how Pakistan isn't doing enough to catch the Mumbai terrorists. For Gods sake! We caught the leader of Lashkar-e-Taiba and we still aren't doing enough for you? GRR.

The US has been commenting on the need to bring the perpetrators of Mumbai to justice for months now, with Pakistan agreeing.

Why wasn't it done earlier then if Pakistan was merely waiting for the US to suggest so? If anything, Obama had qualified praise for Pakistani efforts against terrorism in his joint statement.

Perhaps the 'praise' is what worked.;)
way to go pakistan full credit to u
is it an positive sign for peace in this region tat we should make an earnest effort to seize this moment

we should really utilize this moment to fullest in trust building so peace can be struck in this region
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The stalled peace process should hopefully receive a fillip from this.
what you want us to discuss here? if anything about this new is to be discussed that is that its a slap on the face of those who were saying Pakistan is doing nothing.

If you see the entire process it was only Pakistan which has done all no worth investigation has come from India.


The case is in court and is in process.

No Jana it was a slap to those who where telling that it was 26/11 was done by Hindu terrorists..

No worth Investigation??How you think Pakistani Authorities indicts them..Credible evidence was given to them by Indian Authorities.The same dossiers we given to your country is turn out be not a garbage now ..

Any way good work Pakistan..May it turn to be the right step towards the peace between two nations :cheers:
The stalled peace process should hopefully receive a fillip from this.

I hope so, I feel that we should seriously work to resolve all issues between two countries. I wish I can see the day when two countries can have normal relation with each other.
before indian courts doin anything about kasab???
lolzzz......... shouldnt indians now cry about them not doin enough in protectin themselves?

overall a really gud thing. our courts and prosecution team have done a gud job.
Really really good job by GoP. But I dont think capturing a few leaders or putting them behind the bar is going to help the bigger cause. These guys are master in operating from within the Jail too. The whole system needs to be dismantled, I hope that this is the beginning of the process.

Congrats to Pak team for the same and Best of Luck. May peace prevail, Amen.
I am just wondering what certain security analyst has to say about the same. Isn't GoP crumbling under international pressure and doing something wrong to its warriors of justice?

Would love to see him talk on this, very soon I believe ;)
what you want us to discuss here? if anything about this new is to be discussed that is that its a slap on the face of those who were saying Pakistan is doing nothing.

If you see the entire process it was only Pakistan which has done all no worth investigation has come from India.


The case is in court and is in process.

dossiers???.... did you already forget the number of times Indian govt provided credible evidence against them?...
Hope the victims of Mumbai get some real justice from the Pakistani legal system. God knows if it will be another farce if they let them run away after the case drags on in the court. It is definitely an encouraging news for those near to the victims of 26/11 especially near its anniversary. :tup:
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