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PAF and Next Generation Fighter Program Confirmed


Nov 13, 2009
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Yesterday, huzhigeng struck again, bringing more insider news from 611 Institute (Chengdu Aircraft Corporation). Anyways here they are.

Last month, when a person asked whether JF-17 will be modified into a low observable, aka stealth design:
成都有个外销的准四代。。。编号是2X。。。XIAO BA和第三世界有需求。。。当然611还指望能从空军那里分些单子。。和35差不多一样大。。。方案已经让XIAO BA看了。。。
"Chengdu has an export pre-4th gen (5th gen in US/Russian standard)designated as J-2X.Pakistan and third world countries have demands for it. Of course, 611 can expect to get some order from Chinese air force also. It is about the size of F-35, and the design has already been presented to Pakistan."

Link: ´ó¼Ò˵˵£¬Éò·ÉËÄ´úÓüÓÀ³ÌؽøÆøµÀ£¬ÊÇÎÞÄεÄÍ×Э»¹ÊÇÐÔ¸ñµÄ±­¾ß£¿£¿£¿ - µÚ8Ò³ - ¿Õ¾ü°æ - ³¬¼¶´ó±¾Óª¾üÊÂÂÛ̳

Yesterday, he reinstated this point:
"4th Gen (referring to J-20)'s little brother is also being designed."

Furthermore, he elaborated on recent exchanges between the two countries:
"PAF recently sent a group of represenatives to CAC. They looked at a few designs for their 4th gen, and in general they were pretty satisfied."

Link: ËÄÃÃÓÖÔÚ·ÉÁË - ¿Õ¾ü°æ - ³¬¼¶´ó±¾Óª¾üÊÂÂÛ̳

When asked about the neccessity of SAC's project, he briefly mentioned future directions in design:
"611 (CAC) will continue to utilize canards in their future designs. This is both a tradition and a legacy, much like Lockheed Martin and their conventional designs. North (referring to SAC) will feature mostly conventional layouts. Of course, from the looks of JF-17, CAC's conventional designs aren't bad either. Now it remains to be seen whether J-2X (Pakistan's project) will have conventional or canard design."

Link: ÃÀµÛÊDz»ÊÇÕæÐĵIJ»Ï²»¶Ñ¼Ê½²¼¾Ö°¡?! - ¿Õ¾ü°æ - ³¬¼¶´ó±¾Óª¾üÊÂÂÛ̳

Notice the "pre-4th gen" in his statement. Now the reason he said "pre-4th" gen is because to qualify for 4th gen, China use the 4S standard. Supercruise, Stealth, Supermanoevurability and Sensor Fusion are the 4S criteria. Because of that criteria, F-35 is not considered a true 4th (5th) gen in China as it cannot supercruise, and is not thought to be as very manoevurable either (compared to other 4th gen). So this version Pakistan is getting presented will most likely not meet all 4S.

If I had to take a guess, I think it would not be able to supercruise like F-35.
lets see when Pakistan gets j-10b...only after that we can be happy about any future plans.
now this news is from an insider......... a good news for us.
i would say delay J10 induction then for year or two, see if we can get this proposed design ready before 2020, then go for it and skip J10.
a couple of squadrons of J-2X wont be bad!
good news.....need more clarify....PAF going ahead ....thumbs up
If this news is true then surely a matter of joy . but problem is whether this will be the only 5th generation fighter for Paf or will it accompanied by J-20 as well just like the combination of f-22 and f- 35 .
If this news is true then surely a matter of joy . but problem is whether this will be the only 5th generation fighter for Paf or will it accompanied by J-20 as well just like the combination of f-22 and f- 35 .

This CAC project is mainly for export purpose,it will be something like the FC-1 that the PLA will most likely not to induce it.The J-XX that will form the high-low combination with the J-20 will roll out in the SAC at the end of this year or early in 2012.This CAC project is surposed to fill the demand of the 5the generation fighter from the friendly countries like Pakistan and Egyption.And the major issue here is that it's a double engined medium class 5th generation fighters to be powed by the next generation WS-XX advanced medium weight turbofan engine.However,this WS-XX is still in developing.That is a big question when will it get matured.
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