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Otokar to make armored vehicles in Kazakhstan


Oct 19, 2010
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Turkey’s leading armored vehicles manufacturer Otokar is set to establish a production line in Kazakhstan, the company has said in a statement.

Under the deal, Otokar will launch a joint venture with NK Kazakhstan Engineering to produce Otokar’s 4x4 Cobra armored vehicles. The number of vehicles and the size of the contract have not yet been announced.

Otokar, based in the northwestern province of Sakarya, said a memorandum of understanding for the venture had been signed in Istanbul on Oct. 12 during the Turkish-Kazakh Investment and Commerce Forum. The deal was witnessed by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Kazakhstan’s visiting president, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The agreement is a follow-up deal on an earlier contract Otokar won last May to sell scores of vehicles to the Kazakh army.

Otokar, a privately-owned Turkish company listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange that is also the maker of the country’s first main battle tank, has sold over 25,000 armored vehicles to nearly 30 countries, but this is the first time a Turkish armored car company will produce abroad.

NK Kazakhstan Engineering has been tasked with building the production facility for the Cobra vehicles, while Otokar will transfer production know-how and deliver all parts and components for production, officials said.

The Cobra is a wheeled armored vehicle developed by Otokar, using some components from the American High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Drive, produced by AM General.

High adaptiveness
The Cobra forms a common platform which can be adapted for various roles and mission requirements including armored personnel carrier, anti-tank vehicle, reconnaissance vehicle, ground surveillance radar vehicle, forward observation vehicle, armored ambulance, armored command post, turreted vehicle for 12.7-mm machine gun, 20-mm cannon, anti-tank missiles such as the TOW missile/Spike missile or surface-to-air missiles. It can also be used as an amphibious vehicle in combat.

Otokar has also been tasked by Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defense Industries to develop Turkey’s first main battle tank, the Altay, under guidance by South Korea’s Hyundai Rotem. The agreement, worth $500 million, calls for the manufacture of four prototypes by 2015.

The company is subsequently expected to produce a first batch of at least 240 tanks for the Turkish Armed Forces.

The company also produces the Arma 6X6 and Arma 8X8 wheeled armored vehicles.


source: BUSINESS - Otokar to make armored vehicles in Kazakhstan
I think Kazakhstan will become the opening window for Turkish military suppliers in the near future for Central Asia.

You could probably be the second largest suppliers beside Russia to ensure that an alternate is always there.
We want a heavily armed, strong Kazakhstan those Otokar facilities will most likely be assembling ALTAY parts after a while.
KADEX 2010: Aselsan and Khazakistan agreed on establishing a joint facility called Kazakhistan-Aselsan engineering (KAE). %49 Aselsan, %51 Khazakistan Engineers. Acc to deal, Aselsan will transfer following technologies for KAE;

-Air Defence Systems
-Stabilized Guns
-Thermal targetting sights


KADEX 2012: KAE will carry out following item;
-Kazakhistan new ordered Eurocopter EC-145 helicopters will carry Aselsan Avionic+communication devices

2012 Kazak-Turk work forum: Aselsan and Kazakhistan engineering signed an agreement on following items;

KAE facility locating in Kazakhistan will carry out;
-Kazakhistan armured vehicles Fire control system modernizations
-Helicopter's avionic system modernizations, communication device and systems production
First deal Kazakhistan-Otokar: Ordering unknown number of Cobra vehicles as a rival of Russian armoured vehicles.

Second Deal with Kazakhistan: Otokar+Kazakhistan engineering opened a factory to manufacture more Cobra's for Kazakhistan Armed Forces.


Although Russia participated almost every activities Khazakistan arranged and made lots of armoured vehicle shows for Kazakhistan Armed Forces, They have lost their number one ally Khazakistan against Turkey. Turkish Land Vehicle sector is growing like a monster...



After Cobra deal, When Khazakistan opened a new tender for 6x6, 8x8 armoured vehicles and Main Battle tank as well, Otokar institute locating in Kazakhistan will have more chance to get the winner...
I'm sure as hell.. we will produce Altay in Kazakhstan.

Russians are too snob, they will offer inferior tanks... Russian tanks are inferior anyway

Altay's western style may require some adjustments but with brotherly relationships between two countries it's a sure thing.
Kazakhstan is making a transition over to western models.
Turkey is a decent step. As both nations share language and cultural aspects.
Offering to make armoured vehicles in Kazakhstan is an added bonus.

Smart Marketing
We want a heavily armed, strong Kazakhstan those Otokar facilities will most likely be assembling ALTAY parts after a while.

Kazakhs have ordered Altays as replacements for their older tanks? Wow! That's news to me, mate. Can you post a link?
I'm sure as hell.. we will produce Altay in Kazakhstan.

Russians are too snob, they will offer inferior tanks... Russian tanks are inferior anyway

Altay's western style may require some adjustments but with brotherly relationships between two countries it's a sure thing.

Kazakhs are still very Russianized. Trust me, I've been there a few times myself and my (broken) Russian has saved a lot of trouble. Go to Almaty or Astana and you'd still find all the young Kazakhs conversing in Russian. It is in big fashion even today.

They may share ancestry with you but they will never totally compromise Russia; maybe an equal level of strategic partnership between you and Russians.

But yeah, Turkey can ensure that Russia doesn't have monopoly on Kazakh defense.
Kazakhs are still very Russianized. Trust me, I've been there a few times myself and my (broken) Russian has saved a lot of trouble. Go to Almaty or Astana and you'd still find all the young Kazakhs conversing in Russian. It is in big fashion even today.

They may share ancestry with you but they will never totally compromise Russia; maybe an equal level of strategic partnership between you and Russians.

But yeah, Turkey can ensure that Russia doesn't have monopoly on Kazakh defense.

kazakhstans 20% is ethnic russians obviously theyll speak russian , well see in the future if they compromise russia or not , but nazarbayevs main aim is to make like a turkish union integrated with a central asian union this is one of hes quotes on a interview on turkish tv - why could europeons make a union and why shouldnt we , and he said turkiye should look more to asia . Hes one of the biggest supporters for us to join Shangai cooperation and other asian unions .
kazakhstans 20% is ethnic russians obviously theyll speak russian , well see in the future if they compromise russia or not , but nazarbayevs main aim is to make like a turkish union integrated with a central asian union this is one of hes quotes on a interview on turkish tv - why could europeons make a union and why shouldnt we , and he said turkiye should look more to asia . Hes one of the biggest supporters for us to join Shangai cooperation and other asian unions .

Everyone speaks Russian there, its their official language. Kazakhstan is already in union. Kyrgyzstan will join next year, then Tajikistan.

Turkish union is something similar to Slavic union :lol: Laughable Turkish wet dream :lol:
Why is it a dream? Turks are not slavs. Slavic women sell themselves for money and Russian men are corrupt. Don't insult us with comparing us with you. From what I heard, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan, and Kazachstan want a Turkic union. For now we call it TURAN! It won't be something bad for Russians.
What relevance does this have now? ...stupid

We can't even merge with Azerbaijan without starting up a major war with Armenia. For now we should focus on having good relations with other Turkic states, they are still under Russian influence.
Why is it a dream? Turks are not slavs. Slavic women sell themselves for money and Russian men are corrupt. Don't insult us with comparing us with you. From what I heard, Kirgizstan, Turkmenistan, and Kazachstan want a Turkic union. For now we call it TURAN! It won't be something bad for Russians.

Turkic union in the form of some kind of meaningless cultural organization is possible. Nothing more.
Turkic union in the form of some kind of meaningless cultural organization is possible. Nothing more.

I only reacted that harsh because of your tone. Sorry for that. But to respond to your answer. It is estimated that Ethnic Russian population will decline the next 10/20 years. Russians are only have 1 or 2 children while other population much more, a lot of Russians also migrate. In the book" the next 100 years" friendman explains Turkey will regain influence in mid-east and central asia. Russia will allow this because of declining geopolitical influence and to keep Turkey as a friend while reaching to the exit.
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