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Osama ordered Mumbai-style attack on Britain


Oct 1, 2010
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London, Oct 2 (IANS) US intelligence agencies have said that Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden had personally ordered Mumbai-style commando attacks on Britain, a media report said Saturday.

The Al Qaeda leader, whose direct link to the plot was released by intelligence officials via National Public Radio in the US Friday, is said to have sent a directive to his planners several months ago naming the countries and the type of attacks he wanted, the Daily Mail reported.

The revelation came just two days after details of how US drone strikes fired into militant camps in Pakistan's tribal area had disrupted the planning of the Al Qaeda operation.

Two British brothers of Pakistani origin -- one of whom was reportedly killed in the drone strikes earlier this month -- and eight Germans were said to have been receiving terror training for the raids in camps near Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, the daily said.

Intelligence sources revealed that Al Qaeda-linked militants were planning simultaneous strikes on Britain and two other European countries -- France and Germany.

Gunmen had planned to open fire on crowds at busy European tourist sites and take hostages at hotels in a plot that would have marked a new style of attack by Al Qaeda, the report said.

The attacks would have been similar to the Mumbai terror attacks of November 2008 which left 166 people dead.

'We know that Osama bin Laden issued the directive,' National Public Radio quoted an unnamed intelligence official as saying.

'And if he issued the directive, we just don't believe that the US wouldn't be on his shortlist of strategic targets.'

An intelligence team is said to have been tracking the two British brothers for nearly a year and the Germans for more than six months.

'They have been making calls to Germany and London,' an intelligence official in Pakistan said. 'They have been talking about and looking for facilitators and logistics there to carry out terror strikes.'

Both European and US officials said the plot was still in its early stages and not considered serious enough to raise the terror threat level.

Details of the plot are said to have emerged following the arrest of a German citizen of Afghan descent, Ahmed Sidiqi, 36, in Kabul in July. He is said to have supplied details of Al Qaeda training camps used by Europeans and of plans to carry out attacks in Europe.

Osama ordered Mumbai-style attack on Britain - Yahoo! India News
One 9/11 attack has changed the world in so many ways. A 26/11 Mumbai style attack in the West will lead to ten more years of devastation, war, suspicion and hostility!
So the Americans say that Osama ordered it and we have to believe it ??
So the Americans say that Osama ordered it and we have to believe it ??

Isn't that the policy, Pakistan has followed throughout??

Isn't that what happened after 9/11..America said that Osama was responsible for 9/11..Pakistan deployed 135,000 of its troops to hunt Osama and Taliban?

So why should such questions arise now?
Von Hölle;1176294 said:
Isn't that the policy, Pakistan has followed throughout??

Isn't that what happened after 9/11..America said that Osama was responsible for 9/11..Pakistan deployed 135,000 of its troops to hunt Osama and Taliban?

So why should such questions arise now?
Because no one found osama with 135000 troops in Pakistan neither US with more than 100000 troops in Afghanistan. Also US wasn't able to find WMDs in Iraq. So with past experiences we are raising this question. Any problem?
Because no one found osama with 135000 troops in Pakistan neither US with more than 100000 troops in Afghanistan.

Are you saying that since Osama has not been found yet..so he is not involved in 9/11.

Also US wasn't able to find WMDs in Iraq. So with past experiences we are raising this question. Any problem?

Again are you saying since no WMD were found in Iraq..it has changed the way Pakistan looks at United Sates or does not trust US anymore?

If above is true then why has Pakistan still deployed army in West?
Since it has been 7 yrs since truth about Iraq has been out.

Why are you taking billions of dollars from America every year in the name of CSF..to fight their war(according to many) ..if you don't even trust them?
Because no one found osama with 135000 troops in Pakistan neither US with more than 100000 troops in Afghanistan. Also US wasn't able to find WMDs in Iraq. So with past experiences we are raising this question. Any problem?

Great that u have realised it, i guess you should now stop supporting US in their search for Osama...or pakistan will be someone else's battleground for ever...
Von Hölle;1176294 said:
Isn't that the policy, Pakistan has followed throughout??

Isn't that what happened after 9/11..America said that Osama was responsible for 9/11..Pakistan deployed 135,000 of its troops to hunt Osama and Taliban?

So why should such questions arise now?

Its the leaders who may have accepted it, not everyone else in Pakistan.

Plus, Pakistan with Afghanistan had asked for evidence & facts, but since the bully had already planned for war, it presented neither, plus we do remember the threats given to us by them, had it been the public, it would have taken on the US, but since we are presented by morons, they got afraid of the bully.

Well, the 135,000 troops are not for hunting Osama only, they have many other duties also. Nor have the real Taliban been hunted so far, only the ones who get support from across the border from some of our enemies.
did he do it using his intel celeron dual core dell laptop from deep within the torah borah mountains?

purleeeease, osama is just a straw man the US use now and again
did he do it using his intel celeron dual core dell laptop from deep within the torah borah mountains?

purleeeease, osama is just a straw man the US use now and again

Oh GOD osama will be having an army of bill gates , high techs suicide bombers ... :rofl:
did he do it using his intel celeron dual core dell laptop from deep within the torah borah mountains?

purleeeease, osama is just a straw man the US use now and again

celeron is not that good, so obama, no osama is using Macbook air to plan it...LOL

newaz, as per Taimi, pakistan's even more problem is that their leaders are not the real voices of the mass..
Its the leaders who may have accepted it, not everyone else in Pakistan.

Plus, Pakistan with Afghanistan had asked for evidence & facts, but since the bully had already planned for war, it presented neither, plus we do remember the threats given to us by them, had it been the public, it would have taken on the US, but since we are presented by morons, they got afraid of the bully.

Well, the 135,000 troops are not for hunting Osama only, they have many other duties also. Nor have the real Taliban been hunted so far, only the ones who get support from across the border from some of our enemies.

It were leaders of Pakistan both military and political, who accepted American version of the story and still do.. I don't see any change Pakistan's foreign policy viz-a-vis Afghanistan atleast.

Pakistani foreign policy has always been an extension of American foreign policy from late 1970s to till this date ie. It caters to American strategic interests first.

But the only difference between then(1980s) and now is that Pakistan's public opinion has become anti-American ..this does not necessarily mean Americans were right then and are wrong now...but only people have started to see them differently.
celeron is not that good, so obama, no osama is using Macbook air to plan it...LOL

newaz, as per Taimi, pakistan's even more problem is that their leaders are not the real voices of the mass..

of course, how can i forget, the macbook, **** bill gates, osama is an apple man all the way.
Von Hölle;1177536 said:
It were leaders of Pakistan both military and political, who accepted American version of the story and still do.. I don't see any change Pakistan's foreign policy viz-a-vis Afghanistan atleast.

Pakistani foreign policy has always been an extension of American foreign policy from late 1970s to till this date ie. It caters to American strategic interests first.

But the only difference between then(1980s) and now is that Pakistan's public opinion has become anti-American ..this does not necessarily mean Americans were right then and are wrong now...but only people have started to see them differently.

Let them think whatever they want to, out of their own choice or out of necessity after being bullied by the bully.

As for the general public and by using common sense since no evidence has been presented in the US about Osama's involvement so far, it makes things not clear.

On Sept 11, tragedy happens and within 3 weeks time period, attack on Afghanistan starts, even though Taliban offered for showing of evidence at some trial and a neutral venue, which the US rejected. Had US been sure of his involvement, they would have showed atleast some evidence, but since their deigns for the region were something else, they opted more for bullying tactics rather then showing the evidence to the world.

Even now, whatever comes from Osama uncle, uncle Sam is the one who says is it legitimate or not.
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