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Osama bin Laden library for Pakistan religious school

You seem to worry awful lot about a madrassa naming it's library in the honor of OBL. Or is it your insecurity/hatred showing it's true colors you miserable twat.

Fucking hypocrites.

You seem to be having basic comprehension challenges.

That is in addition to the obvious insecurity.
You seem to be having basic comprehension challenges.

That is in addition to the obvious insecurity.

Me im not the one picking out flaws in someone else's society. Do you want me to link you to the love of Hitler that some Indians seem to hold?

See your hypocrisy? OBL was a saint compared to Hitler.

Well that school also has left a mark in Pakistani history...where it all began...so if they want to name it OBL...then yes we can look at the library and say the day Lal Masjid was attacked retards shook hands with OBL....
You are making no sense.. So do you support this woman naming this library after OBL

"He (Osama) might be a terrorist for others but we do not consider him as a terrorist. For us he was a hero of Islam. He is a martyr," Aziz was quoted as saying by Geo TV.

OK! OBL Library here we come!!
LOL why is the lal masjid Mullah still alive or at least not in jail though? :hitwall:
Pakistani Govt. should take immediate step to change the library name and should make sure no ones glorify a terrorist in school otherwise many Laden will come out from Pakistani schools. This is really a big matter of concern because Pakistani is currently fighting with Taliban terrorists.

Pakistan library named 'Bin Laden' in Islamic school
18 April 2014 Last updated at 10:37


A sign on the wall of the library refers to Bin Laden as a "martyr"

An Islamic seminary for women in Pakistan's capital Islamabad has renamed its library after Osama Bin Laden, the former al-Qaeda chief.

The Jamia Hafsa Madrassa is linked to the Red Mosque, known for its alleged links with militants.

A paper sign on one of the doors proclaims Bin Laden a "Shahid" (martyr). Bin Laden was killed in a raid by US commandos in 2011.

Pakistani troops raided the mosque in 2007. Dozens died later in clashes.

The BBC's Shumaila Jaffrey in Islamabad says there are no chairs or any table in the library - just two computers on the floor.

The library is in a huge complex in the heart of Islamabad, part of which is still being built.

A spokesman for the madrassa said the new name was a tribute to Bin Laden, who was "a hero".

The chief cleric there is Maulana Abdul Aziz. He warned that "if the government makes madrassas and mosques its target then Sharia (Islamic law) allows us to retaliate - if anyone will be harsh with us, they should not expect flowers in return".

He also uses the library as his office. It has about 2,000 books - all of them related to Islam.

There are books about Sharia, Jihad and interpretations of the Koran in Arabic, Urdu and English, our correspondent reports.

BBC News - Pakistan library named 'Bin Laden' in Islamic school
Osama Bin Laden Library!!!! :o::o: Oh my!! Even Osama would feel embarrassed in his grave. Next in line will be a national holiday in his sweet memories I guess !!:D
It is ironic that this staunch supporter of the Taliban has established an all-girls Madrassa. It would be interesting to know what he would be preaching to his students this time, keeping in mind the unfortunate events of 2007. Last time he tried to escape the Pakistani Security Forces using the identity of a woman, hopefully he is not designing to use actual girls as human shields. It is quite disconcerting that of all places, a library would be named after a foreign terrorist who is responsible for more ills that have fallen on the Muslim World than the entire globe. Wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to name a Madrassa after Aitzaz Hasan, the teenager who sacrificed his own life for the sake of others?

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
It is ironic that this staunch supporter of the Taliban has established an all-girls Madrassa. It would be interesting to know what he would be preaching to his students this time, keeping in mind the unfortunate events of 2007. Last time he tried to escape the Pakistani Security Forces using the identity of a woman, hopefully he is not designing to use actual girls as human shields. It is quite disconcerting that of all places, a library would be named after a foreign terrorist who is responsible for more ills that have fallen on the Muslim World than the entire globe. Wouldn’t it have been more appropriate to name a Madrassa after Aitzaz Hasan, the teenager who sacrificed his own life for the sake of others?

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command

See, to some people in this sick world Hasan isn't a hero since he only saved lives whereas OBL took lives. What better joy than to watch a good Muslim kill the infidels. Ahh, the power and the glory of the one true religion. Unfortunately for these maniacs, they know little about Islam and yet profess to be its interpreters. God hopefully will judge them accordingly
You think by posting non sequitors you are defending Pakistan?
You are free to judge entire India when we open public libraries in the name of rapists celebrating their acts.

Shall we judge entire india by bunch of gang rapists too?

And till then...this is what Pakistani's do - open libraries and celebrate terrorists.
A murderer called Qadri given a shower of rose petals to celebrate his killing of Taseer by lawyers(no less).
A library dedicated to the hero of Islam and Pakistan - Osama bin Laden.

God bless you people.
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