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Oren calls on US Congress to quell movement to boycott academically


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Oren calls on US Congress to quell movement to boycott Israel academically | JPost | Israel News

The US Congress should act to quell the movement to boycott Israel academically, former Israeli ambassador to Washington Michael Oren argued Friday, in the wake of the American Studies Association's (ASA) decision to boycott Israeli academic institutions.

The 5,000-member association, which describes itself as “the nation’s oldest and largest association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of American culture and history,” announced on Monday that it had endorsed and would participate in a boycott of Israeli universities and academic institutions. Another small North American academic association – the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association - followed suit two days later, declaring a boycott of its own against Israeli academic institutions.

Officials in Jerusalem have downplayed the significance of the boycott, which has been widely condemned by Jewish groups. Oren, however, writing in an opinion article published in Politico, argues that unless the boycott is fought back against, more organizations could follow suit.

Oren, who finished his 50-month tenure as Israeli envoy to the US in September, said that Congress should pass laws which would quash the boycott, as it did in 1977 in response to the Arab economic boycott of Israel.

"Laws could be passed withholding federal or state funding from any academic program that knowingly blacklisted Israeli scholars or institutions or cooperated with associations that did," Oren argued.

"While an organization like ASA might prefer punishing Israel to receiving government funds, other academic bodies—including universities—most likely will not. At the very least, lawmakers on the local and national level can go on record expressing their unequivocal opposition to such boycotts," he added.

While Oren's successor, Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer, called the ASA boycott "a travesty" and hinted that it constitutes anti-Semitism, the response in Jerusalem was more subdued.

Diplomatic officials cautioned against “playing into the hands” of boycott activists looking to stir up debate over Israel.


Look at these ridiculous attacks against the ASA and constant demonization against them just because they support activism against Israel as most people in this world are starting to do. Just as he says, if we don't stop it more will follow.

And you're right Michael, this will only get worse for Israel because they have turned into a state nobody had thought they would turn into.

Asking Congress to destroy freedom in this country will not work. It shows you're true intentions. You want to isolate anyone who expresses his right of freedom in this country if it's against the israeli occupation.
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