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Ordinance of Pakistan protecting Armed Forces



New Recruit

Jul 25, 2013
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The following article of constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan protect our armed forces from any comments passed out recently by any political party or citizen of Pakistan....

If you are not abiding any law of Pakistan or protectors of Pakistani Law or writ of Government of Pakistan, then what would be the difference between declared terrorists of TTP (Kharjies) and masking people in the veil of political party of JI...
( I was supporter of JI till a day before when an irresponsible comments from party's higher commands.... )


✔ Article 89 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan"
✔ Protection of Pakistan Ordinance, 2013
✔ In Definitions section 2D

(d) “Enemy alien” means a person who fails to establish his citizenship of Pakistan and is suspected to be involved in waging of war or insurrection against Pakistan or depredation on its territory, by virtue of involvement in offences specified in the Schedule

✔ Section 3, Sub-section 1A, 1B saying

1) An officer of the police, armed forces and civil armed forces may

(a) after giving prior warning use such force as may be deemed necessary or appropriate, keeping in view all the facts and circumstances of the situation, against any person who is committing or in all probability is likely to commit a scheduled offence, it shall be lawful for any such officer after forming reasonable apprehension that death, grievous hurt or destruction of property may be caused by such act, to fire, or order the firing upon any person or persons against whom he is authorized to use force in terms hereof;

(b) any police officer , a member of the armed forces or civil armed forces acting in aid of civil authority may arrest, without warrant, any person who has committed a scheduled offence or against whom a reasonable suspicion or credible information exists that he has committed, or is about to commit any such act or offence;

Result: SC must take notice of Munawar Hassan igniting comments against Pakistan Army or any of its federal institute protecting Pakistan Ordinance and according to section 15) Punishment punishable with imprisonment which may extend to ten years, with fine and confiscation of property unless the scheduled offence already provides; a higher punishment (like complete ban on political activities of particular Jamat/ party)
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