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He would show sense if Army and Government will understand the larger issue and its not ending TTP Pakistan Army would be but will it solve the issue AL Qaeda was thrown out by same people who are now welcoming ISIS why what happened sir as long as our states are seen as nothing but extension of system of kufr and every UN Islamic thing is allowed to happen as a matter of fact our state giving those things protection and making it easy for them to happen than naming your mission after sword of RASOOL SAW will give you some image for short time but slowly it would turn against you because people will see you use Islam when it benefits you but run away when shariah laws are talked about or not implemented so Government needs to focus on that if not happens than you will get peace only for few months or few years after that you would see same sought of thing with new name and new faces and I assure you they would be far more brutal

So whose fault is that if shariah is not implemented here -- go talk to masses --- go blame them --- for this is what they used their votes for.

We have to suffer some pain now -- we have to clean this mess -- and Seal the border along with afghanistan -- i know that requres lots of money and resources and time as well -- but this is what we are up to
Sir please get this "ISIS" like thugs taking over Pakistan idea out of your head. Even if 550,000 army and 700,000 reserves fails :lol: PAF jets suddenly stop workings :rolleyes:. Even then civilian Pakistanis will take care of them. :sniper: TTP never had balls to do what ISIS is doing because they know their limitations.
Sir stop living in dreams these groups never end like that specially Muslim groups if you want to live in denial your choice but they would keep coming to haunt you until the issues I have raised and Muslims around the world are raising are solved USA has bigger power than you it failed against Afghan Taliban you don't have half the power Sir

So whose fault is that if shariah is not implemented here -- go talk to masses --- go blame them --- for this is what they used their votes for.

We have to suffer some pain now -- we have to clean this mess -- and Seal the border along with afghanistan -- i know that requres lots of money and resources and time as well -- but this is what we are up to
I am tell you relief would turn out to be temporary if issue is not solved the problem would rise again with new name new face but old issues
I am tell you relief would turn out to be temporary if issue is not solved the problem would rise again with new name new face but old issues

Ok, so Peace talks will solve the issue?? ehhhhhh?
Sir stop living in dreams these groups never end like that specially Muslim groups if you want to live in denial your choice but they would keep coming to haunt you until the issues I have raised and Muslims around the world are raising are solved USA has bigger power than you it failed against Afghan Taliban you don't have half the power Sir

Sir they keep coming and getting killed, thats what army is for. We don't need to live in denial, these animals need to be contained in zoo. This operation will not eliminate 100% of terrorists, but it will eliminate their save havens where their brainwash Pakistanis.

Mr i don't need to remind you what will happen to ISIS like group in Pakistan, :rolleyes: Even now 80% of army causality will be because of IED because we didn't get ied resistance vehincles :hitwall:

Most of them are trying to run to Afghanistan, some are getting killed in process :sniper: Pakistan is not Iraq :tdown:
Ok, so Peace talks will solve the issue?? ehhhhhh?
Ultimately you will talk because I know these guys they are not going any where you through this operation may win the battle not war and if you don't believe it you will see and to win major war you have to bring Ulemas in and get them together to form Shariah law to implement it
Ultimately you will talk because I know these guys they are not going any where you through this operation may win the battle not war and if you don't believe it you will see and to win major war you have to bring Ulemas in and get them together to form Shariah law to implement it

Taliban has already lost,TTP collapsed and you still think they will survive?
Taliban has already lost,TTP collapsed and you still think they will survive?
You read my posts again Mr you may win battle against TTP but not the war if issues which TTP brutally raised are not addressed some other people in other parts of country will come up with new name new faces but same issues you will keep fighting and ultimate loose the battle if you don't address the issues and you may loose against TTP if Afghan Taliban decides to take over even if they are able to take over all the provinces which are along our border you can end up in big trouble so we have to make sure even in going in NW we don't fight every one we take out Uzbek jokers may eliminate few more but those who lenient listen to them talk to them and solve issues
Sir from now on every terrorist sympathizer will be killed on sight, madrassas will be shut down or reformed. Deoband is curse from ganga land which will be reformed because its not compatible with indus valley. Pakistan is not Iraq where bunch of thugs with rifles can take over cities. Yahan ghar ghar mei rifles hai.
Kash ye madrassay band ho jaein kaash :'(
PTI postpones jalsa because of army operation criticize cm punjab on his distrust on punjab police

CM Punjab Shahbaz Shirf show distrust on punjab police asks army to provide him and his family with protection




PTI core committee postpones Bahawalpur Jalsa due to NW operation: Ejaz Ch

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

[Adequate Arrangements for IDPs made in KP]

"Pervez Khattak made it clear to the authorities that the IDPs (Internally Displaced People) affected of the operation in NWA must not face any difficulties in treatment, food and shelter etc. on entering Khyber Pakhtunkhwa anyhow."

KP Chief Minister Pervez Khattak has directed the authorities for adequate arrangements to provide relief to the IDPs on emergency grounds all over the province especially at the border areas adjacent to FATA due to military operation in Norther Wazirstan Agency (NWA) under Zarb-e-Azab. He in this regard asked the provincial Chief Secretary to give red alert to all the concerned departments and agencies as well as keeping the health department, relief & rehabilitation department, Civil Defense, Rescue 1122, all divisional and district administrations in state of preparedness round the clock with arrangements of sufficient stock of medicine and food commodities. He said the displaced people may also be accommodated in govt building in case of urgency.

Meanwhile following the special directives of Chief Minister, a high level meeting was held at Civil Secretariat Peshawar that was chaired by Chief Secretary Amjad Ali Khan. All the regional and local heads of concerned security, relief agencies and departments attended the meeting. The meeting took stock of the measures for tightening the security in the province and especially at the border areas, ensuring protection of the citizens and streamlining the intelligence and monitoring mechanism. Similarly necessary decision were also taken for timely assistance of the IDPs as well as activating the relief agencies for the purpose. Arrangements for the treatment, food and shelter needs of the affectees were also threadbare discussed and decisions taken.

On the other hand talking to the media before attending the meeting of core committee of PTI in Islamabad, Pervez Khattak complained that federal govt did not take KP govt into confidence in deciding for the operation. He lamented that provinces must be consulted on such sensitive matters. To a question he said that in our opinion those who wanted dialogue must not be perturbed but action should be only be taken against anti-peace elements.

He said that about 62 thousand IDPs have been entered in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and arrangements of their registration, shelter, food and health cover are being made on war footings. Replying to another question he said that PTI is fully supporting its army on critical juncture its national history and hence we would equally discharge our national defense side by side with Pak Army.

He said that his party has directed him to fully cooperate with the homeless and affected people of the operation and hence we would never hesitate to perform this national obligation in befitting manner. He said that registration of IDPs entering Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was being made in disciplined manner and all the concerned agencies have also been put on red alert.



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