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Operation Rah-e-Nijat

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Imran Khan

Oct 18, 2007
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Operation Rah-e-Nijat against Baitullah soon: ISPR

ISLAMABAD June 16 (APP): The security forces are in the preliminary phase to launch Rah-e-Nijat operation against militant commander Baitullah Mehsud and his network in South Waziristan Agency, Director General ISPR Major General Athar Abbas said Tuesday. “The Army has received requisite orders from the government. Necessary steps and measures are being taken by the Military to launch the operation,” he told a media briefing.

The operation called Rah-e-Nijat is meant to deal with the scourge of terrorism.

The ISPR head told a questioner that according to a press statement of Baitullah he has a force of around 10,000 militants.

He said all the necessary arrangements were being made by the security forces to block escape of militants from the area, where the operation is to be launched.

Major General Abbas said further details about Rah-e-Nijat could be divulged to the press only after the launch of the operation.

He said that almost all the settled areas in Swat and Mingora had been cleared of the terrorists and steps were being taken to prevent return of militants.

A four-tier strategy was being evolved for the purpose which included presence of security forces in the area till the people were fully satisfied about safe and secure environment.

Other aspects of the strategy, he said were the restoration of the civil administration in the areaa, besides beefing up of the police forces by inducting fresh blood.

Lastly, he said notables of the areas would involved in pinpointing problems and suggesting remedies.

He said people of these areas could return only after the restoration of basic amenities and facilities.

Curfew from areas like Kalam and Bahrain had been lifted and Civil Administration and police had become fully functional in Shnagla District, he said.

He said during last 24 hours, 13 terrorists were killed and 3 were apprehended in Malakand and Dir while Peochar valley had been completely secured and link up operation from Chaprial to Peochar had been completed.

Security forces captured and destroyed complete training facility at Balasar-Chaprial having 120 feet long tunnels, firing range and training area, he said, adding that a terrorist Shah Sultan who was expert in making suicidal jackets had been killed in Charbagh area.

The ISPR chief said during search operation three terrorists were apprehended at Salhand near Fizaghat and on a tip off two vehicles prepared for suicide mission had been recovered and destroyed at Dangram.

Two tunnels had been discovered and destroyed at Loi Numal in Peochar Valley and 2 at Rampatai. During search operation in Gokand Banda, Sarsanai, Khairabad and Ghodanbanda caches of arms and ammunition were recovered from all four areas.

During operations upto Aligrama seven IEDs and one Anti Tank Mine were recovered and destroyed by security forces which in Nawakili and Watakai recovered cache of arms, ammunition and communication equipment.

During search operation on a tip off regarding presence of terrorists in an area between Hayasarai and Lal Qila, the security force launched on operation and during the encounter 12 terrorists were killed including important commander Abdullah.

Answering a question, he said that a number of master minds and other terrorists had been arrested from various cities of the country and all this success was due to efficient and prompt information provided by the intelligence agencies.

He said Operation Rah-e-Raast was also initiated on the information of intelligence agencies and all the success achieved was due to them. “The people working in the intelligence agencies of the country are unsung heroes and their good work is not visible directly to the public,” he told a questioner.

In reply to another question he said that the fall out of the operation was obvious as the terrorists can make desperate attempts in retaliation to the operation. However, he said the operation would continue till the achievement of goals.

“We will Inshallah over come the situation and take the Operation to its logical end,” he firmly said.

When his comment was sought on the setting up of Cantonment in Swat, he said that the ground work in this behalf was being finalized while the selection of location would only be taken after completion of the Operation.

He said 21 trucks of ICRC carrying food items and medicines had reached Mingora where electricity to a large portion had been restored. Wapda staff had moved to Mingora and PTCL staff was also moving to Mingora to restore communication facility. Around 80 % work for restoration of Sui Gas in Mingora had already been restored.

Engineer elements for reconstruction of road and bridges had completed their survey and would start the work in next 3 to 4 days, he added.
Position on Ground

• To destroy all the capabilities of Baitullah Mahsud, kill as much Terrorists as you can.
• Distroy whole TTP infrastructure in SWA
• Captureing or killing Baitullah and his Operational Chief Hakeemullah Mahsud Aka Zulifqar Mahsud as Priority

Friendly Forces
• Molvi Nazir
• Haji Turkistani and Bhittani Tribe
• Abdullah Mahsud Group commanded By Qari Zainuddin of Mahsud tribe

Enemy Forces

• Mahsuds

• TTP Cadre who Ran Away from SWAT and Other Tribal Areas


• Secterian terror Groups like Lashker Jhungvi and Jeash Muhammad etc
This will be most bloodest battle ever fought on soil of Pakistan.

This war will not remain in Waziristan may spread to other areas of NWFP.

May Allah help who is on Rah e Rast and destroy who is on Rah e Kufar.
But Pakistan has to end this war fighting till the last traces of this cancer called Taliban and thier political, moral and financial supporters are eliminated completely or, atleast, this snake becomes an earth worm.

ZIndabad Pakistan.

Guft Rommi kohna ka abadaaN kunand
Awwal aaN bunyaad ra veeraN kunand

Roomi (Maulana Room) said that if you want to reconstruct, you will have to destroy the primitive
Position on Ground

• To destroy all the capabilities of Baitullah Mahsud, kill as much Terrorists as you can.
• Distroy whole TTP infrastructure in SWA
• Captureing or killing Baitullah and his Operational Chief Hakeemullah Mahsud Aka Zulifqar Mahsud as Priority

Friendly Forces
• Molvi Nazir
• Haji Turkistani and Bhittani Tribe
• Abdullah Mahsud Group commanded By Qari Zainuddin of Mahsud tribe

Enemy Forces

• Mahsuds

• TTP Cadre who Ran Away from SWAT and Other Tribal Areas


• Secterian terror Groups like Lashker Jhungvi and Jeash Muhammad etc

Lolzz.. from where did you get the VOs? or did you make them up?

Interesting indeed:tup:
Way to go, USA:cheers: Our forum member S2 had earlier pointed out that Mualvi Nazir group had decided to switch sides and ally with Baitullah - this joint operation is further proof that cooperation will succeed where unilateralim fails.

Drone squadron rains missiles on SWA; 10 killed

By MOHAMMAD ASHFAQ Submitted 4 hrs 43 mins ago
PESHAWAR - At least 10 militants were killed and 12 others sustained injuries when US drones fired several missiles in South Waziristan Agency on Thursday.

Five missiles were fired on two alleged training camps of militants’ in Shah Alam village located a few kilometres away west of Wana, headquarters of South Waziristan Agency, sources said.

Both training camps were located in the same area. “Three US drones were seen flying in the area at a low altitude,” sources further said.

Pro-government militant leader Maulvi Nazir controls the targeted area. Bodies were badly mutilated which were retrieved by the locals while the injured were rushed to nearby hospitals. The identity of the killed and injured militants could not be ascertained.

Shah Alam village is located in a highly mountainous part of the South Waziristan Agency close to the Afghan border. Witnesses said the missiles struck at 11:00am

Reuters/AFP add: Local administration official Hamayun Khan told AFP that up to three drone aircraft were in the area, first firing two missiles killing two militants, then firing two more as the rebels gathered to recover the bodies.

“This target was a training camp and a portion in same building used as an office by Taliban commander Malang,” Khan said. “We have a confirmed report of seven militants killed, but militants are still digging out the bodies.”

A military official said that nine suspected insurgents were killed in the strikes in the Shulam area of South Waziristan. “Four of those killed were local militants and five were foreigners,” said a military official in the area who did not want to be named as he was not authorised to speak to the media. “It was not immediately clear if Wali was killed or not,” he added.

The official said the foreigners were Arabs and Turkmenistan nationals, but could not confirm their identities.

Staff Reporter from Darra Adamkhel adds: At least 90 suspected militants were reportedly arrested from various parts of the Darra Adamkhel by the security forces in a crackdown on Thursday.

During the search operation launched by the security forces, some 90 militants were apprehended from Bostikhel and Sheraki areas of the Khyber Agency. The security forces also targeted militants’ positions in Bostikhel and Tor Chhapra area.

Drone squadron rains missiles on SWA; 10 killed | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Reuters/AFP add: Local administration official Hamayun Khan told AFP that up to three drone aircraft were in the area, first firing two missiles killing two militants, then firing two more as the rebels gathered to recover the bodies.

I have wondered why this technique of a strike, delay, strike has not been followed before. The irhabis often do this to kill emergency responders. Since it is usually reported that the "local" Taliban cordons off strike sites to remove the bodies of the "martrys", it seems like an excellent opportunity to take them out without "collateral damage" since "collateral" people are excluded from the area after the first strike.

I hope they will get more, a lot more of the kind of attention you mentioned
I have wondered why this technique of a strike, delay, strike has not been followed before. The irhabis often do this to kill emergency responders. Since it is usually reported that the "local" Taliban cordons off strike sites to remove the bodies of the "martrys", it seems like an excellent opportunity to take them out without "collateral damage" since "collateral" people are excluded from the area after the first strike.

There is no guarantee that it would be militants gathering the bodies.

Knowing the Taliban, if this becomes a pattern, local villagers will be sent in, if they are not already.

Its a highly flawed policy IMO, with a very high chance of non-combatants being killed, especially if the initial strike was based on poor intelligence to begin with.
US Drone attacked Baitullah posts in Waziristan on 18 June killing 11. It is still unknown that the targets were millitants or civilians.

Yar if this drone attacks part of Operation Rah-e-Nijaat?

Or if this another US conspiracy because in past they never attacked Baitullah?

Any how I was watching news the previous night and heard that ICT Police has captured 9 people from Islamabad, sector G-9/4 and claim that they were part of Baitullah's network. That place is pretty close to me.

Is that netwrok of Baitullah so strong and effective that it has reached Islamabad?

Want Comments of you "Experts" and it is good to post on Imran's thread after a long time. I last posted to him when he was promoted to Maj. General.

KIT Over n Out.:pakistan:
The question is why would US drones attack at this stage when the PA itself is taking action against BM and his ilks. At this stage PA has the support of the people of Pakistan and any miscalculated step by the US or perhaps intentional miscalculated step could shift the public opinion from positive to negative against PA which inturn can shift the whole dynamics.
The only reason US drones were attacking inside Pakistan was because as per the americans, Pakistan wasn't taking concrete steps to root out militants and AQ operatives from its side of the border but it does not make sense for them to attack when Pakistan army itself is pounding militant hide outs and taking concrete measures to root out terrorism and is accepted by the US generals. Perhaps there is more to it then what meets the naked eye, at one stage US when given the exact cordinates about BM refused to attack its position resulting of his escape, and now suddenly decides to attack BM's hide out and in a time when Pakistan army it self is in the area and preparing for a massive operation to either kill or capture BM.
GOP will have to take steps to make sure Americans stay out of this otherwise we might loose even before the conflict began.
The question is why would US drones attack at this stage when the PA itself is taking action against BM and his ilks. At this stage PA has the support of the people of Pakistan and any miscalculated step by the US or perhaps intentional miscalculated step could shift the public opinion from positive to negative against PA which inturn can shift the whole dynamics.
The only reason US drones were attacking inside Pakistan was because as per the americans, Pakistan wasn't taking concrete steps to root out militants and AQ operatives from its side of the border but it does not make sense for them to attack when Pakistan army itself is pounding militant hide outs and taking concrete measures to root out terrorism and is accepted by the US generals. Perhaps there is more to it then what meets the naked eye, at one stage US when given the exact cordinates about BM refused to attack its position resulting of his escape, and now suddenly decides to attack BM's hide out and in a time when Pakistan army it self is in the area and preparing for a massive operation to either kill or capture BM.
GOP will have to take steps to make sure Americans stay out of this otherwise we might loose even before the conflict began.

What you think US using drones without GOP premission?
What ever PA is doing in SWAT and FATA is part of joint US/PA strategy and plan.

I think it is in best intrest of Pakistan to root out these jehadi organisations fron Pakistan but in the mean time we should get maximum financial and miltery benefits from US , we have more dangrous enemies(Israel&india) still roomig in Afghanistan and Eeastern boarders.
The last thing i would want is that one of these done 'mistakenly' targets PA hideouts/posts/camps settled in these areas as part of the operation.
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The last thing i would want is that one of these done 'mistakenly' targeting PA hideouts/posts/camps settled in these areas as part of the operation.

Agreed,when army is doing operation ,then these toys should be banned
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