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On rival’s turf, Nawaz rules out Sindh division



New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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KANDIARO/KHAIRPUR - PML-N President Nawaz Sharif has said that he had supported President Asif Ali Zardari with good intentions, but he betrayed him and did not honour his words.

Addressing a rally here in Kandiaro on Friday, Nawaz said he had told Zardari that he would support him if he managed to lead Pakistan towards progress and development, but Zardari failed to do so.

Nawaz said: “During my era, I eliminated bandits’ rule from the province and maintained peace in Karachi.” He said though President Zardari belonged to Nawabshah, he had not even once visited the city to solve the problems of the people, adding during his five-year rule he had spoiled the Sindh situation. The people of Sindh were unemployed, could not afford a minimum of two meals a day and had a shortage of water, he added.

While referring to the issue of law and order in Karachi, he said, approximately, 300 people had been killed in Karachi in January alone. He lamented the police and institutions had failed in Sindh to such an extent that the Supreme Court had to issue orders to arrest killers in the province. He said the main accused in the Shahzeb murder case, Shahrukh Jatoi, was arrested from Dubai on the orders of the Supreme Court.

Nawaz ruled out the division of Sindh and strongly condemned the new local government system. He said there should be no discrimination between urban and rural people of Sindh and should enjoy equal rights.

Earlier, speaking to media people at the airport, Nawaz Sharif said some forces were trying to delay the general elections through putting up new demands, in an obvious reference to Dr Tahirul Qadri and PTI Chief Imran Khan. He said he was bracing for a third force after Imran Khan and Qadri.

He said though the government and coalition parties had reached a consensus for lifting the governor’s rule in Balochistan due to pressure from the masses, but the situation in this regard was still not clear.

Nawaz blamed that officers were being transferred and promoted on political basis before the elections, which was a matter of concern. He also condemned out-of-turn promotions of 156 police officers in Sindh. “Had appointments been made on merit, Situation in Karachi would not have reached this stage,” he opined.

When asked about the reports that President Asif Ali Zardari was planning to meet him, he said he had no information of any such visit.

To a question regarding caretaker prime minister, he said consultations with opposition parties for the purpose were underway. Talking to newsman here at Therhi after offering condolences with District PML-N President Abdul Majeed Sheikh over the death of his brother, Abdul Jabbar Shaikh, Nawaz Sharif said the situation of the three provinces, Sindh, Balochistan and KPK was the worst. He said fair and transparent elections were necessary for the country’s future and development.

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