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Oklahoma bans Sharia law


Jul 29, 2010
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Oklahoma Is Sued Over Shariah Ban

A Muslim activist in Oklahoma City filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging a voter-approved measure that bars Oklahoma state judges from considering Shariah, the Islamic religious code based on the Koran and the Prophet Mohammed's teachings, in formulating rulings.

State Question 755, which passed Tuesday with 70% of the vote, declares "the legal precepts of other nations or cultures" off-limits to Oklahoma courts. "Specifically, the courts shall not consider international law or Sharia Law," it reads.

The suit, filed by Muneer Awad, director of the state chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, asks the federal district court to block officials from certifying the referendum. Mr. Awad says the measure violates the First Amendment, which protects "free exercise" of religion and prohibits official "establishment of religion." A hearing was set for Monday.

The complaint alleges Oklahoma has singled out Islam for "profound stigma," consigning Muslims such as Mr. Awad "to an ineffectual position within the political community."

Oklahoma's Legislature voted overwhelmingly to place the Save Our State Amendment before voters. A co-sponsor, state Sen. Anthony Sykes, denied it sought to stigmatize Muslims. "We're not trying to send any sort of message here," said Mr. Sykes, a Republican.

Rather, he said, Oklahomans wanted to insulate their judiciary from un-American influences. While no Oklahoma court ever has cited Shariah law, "we are on a slippery slope," he said.

Democratic Sen. Richard Lerblance, one of two state senators to vote against the measure, called it "a scare tactic."

"They call it 'Save Our State.' I don't know what we're saving it from," he said. "We have yet to have any court do anything based on Shariah law."

Several states have considered rules that restrict judges from making decisions that take into account foreign or international legal materials, said William Raftery, a research analyst with the National Center for State Courts in Williamsburg, Va. Only Oklahoma's measure singles out a particular religious tradition, he said, though a proposal in Arizona lists Shariah along with canon law, Jewish law and karma, a conception of fate in Hindu and Buddhist traditions.

Mr. Sykes and other conservatives who perceive a threat from Islamic law cite a 2009 case in which a New Jersey judge declined to issue a restraining order against a Moroccan man who forced sex on his unwilling wife.

Among other reasons, the judge said the husband's belief that his wife must submit to sex "was consistent with his [religious] practices." An appeals court reversed the judge and ordered that a restraining order be issued, citing a Supreme Court decision rejecting a Mormon's claim that his faith exempted him from an anti-bigamy statute.

"To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect to permit every citizen to become a law unto himself," Chief Justice Morrison Waite wrote.

Decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court are binding on all state and federal courts, and no justice of the Supreme Court ever has asserted he or she is bound by any authority other than the U.S. Constitution.

However, beginning in 1791, when Chief Justice John Jay adopted English rules for the new U.S. Supreme Court, American judges occasionally have examined how foreign courts address similar legal problems.

For instance, in a 1997 decision concerning Washington state's ban on assisted suicide, Chief Justice William Rehnquist cited court decisions from Australia, Britain, Canada, Colombia and New Zealand.

Mr. Sykes said he wanted to protect the Oklahoma judiciary from the influence of "Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan and, I'm sure, Sonia Sotomayor, given her political leanings," who he believed were inclined to rely on international law.

Justice Ginsburg responded to similar criticism in a July speech to the International Academy of Comparative Law, at American University. She said foreign opinions "are not authoritative; they set no binding precedent for the U.S. judge. But they can add to the store of knowledge relevant to the solution of trying questions."

She cited Justice Robert Jackson's 1952 concurrence that the president lacked authority to seize steel mills during wartime. Justice Jackson "pointed to features of the Weimar Constitution in Germany that allowed Adolf Hitler to assume dictatorial powers. Even in wartime, Jackson concluded, the U.S. president could not seize private property."

University of Oklahoma law professor Joseph Thai said that earlier this year, the state legislature commissioned "a monument to the laws of another religion"--the Ten Commandments--for the state Capitol.

"Oklahoma's apparent approval of the legal traditions of a majority religion and attempt to suppress the legal traditions of a minority religion" may conflict with the Constitution's requirement that government treat all religions equally, Mr. Thai said.

He said the new state law may forbid Oklahoma judges from citing the Ten Commandments, because they are "international in origin."

Corrections & Amplifications
Several states have considered rules that restrict judges from making decisions that take into account foreign or international legal materials, said William Raftery. An earlier version of this story said several states have adopted the rules and misspelled Mr. Raftery's name as Raferty.

Write to Jess Bravin at jess.bravin@wsj.com

Muslim Sues Oklahoma Over Shariah Ban - WSJ.com

Looks like Islamophobia is scaling new heights in the US
The best option is to remove Any influence of religion(regardless of what religion it may be) from the Judicial system.

The separation of Church(religion) and State should be always upheld.
The moment religion starts influencing politics and worse yet; the judicial system; people can kiss goodbye to democracy and human rights.

This also goes to the tea party ignoramuses who try to impose Christianity in American politics as well.

Secular democratic government is the way to go!
why do we muslims love to be under the spotlight especially in this time?
why do we muslims love to be under the spotlight especially in this time?

Its probebly not we who love to be under the lime light, the spreading of Islam is causing chaos in the west and they are doing literally everything they could, from burning Quraan to banning the veils, from disallowing building of mosques and from spreading the -ve image of Islam with every single media resource they have.

Don't you often find "Suspected Muslim Terrorists" in the news?. what is that term? A suspected but then "Muslim".. have you ever heard of any other similar term like Christian Terrorists, Zionist Terrorists or Athiest Terrorists? Why only Muslim Terrorists and even when you know they are only "suspected". Some bells ringing yet?

BUT let this be known.. this is relegion of Allah and no matter what you do, it will only flurish more.

Kareinge ahl-e-nazar taza bastian abaad
Meri nigah nahi soe Kufa-o-Baghdad
Koi qabil ho to hum shaan kai dete hain
Dhoondne walon ko dunya bhi nai dete hain
Its probebly not we who love to be under the lime light, the spreading of Islam is causing chaos in the west and they are doing literally everything they could, from burning Quraan to banning the veils, from disallowing building of mosques and from spreading the -ve image of Islam with every single media resource they have.

Don't you often find "Suspected Muslim Terrorists" in the news?. what is that term? A suspected but then "Muslim".. have you ever heard of any other similar term like Christian Terrorists, Zionist Terrorists or Athiest Terrorists? Why only Muslim Terrorists and even when you know they are only "suspected". Some bells ringing yet?

BUT let this be known.. this is relegion of Allah and no matter what you do, it will only flurish more.

as usual we want to empty our own shoulders and put the load on the shoulders of the others. I dont deny the fact that there are active organzations and parties who are defaming muslims, but we muslims are making their job alot easeir with our actions. you might give the example of mosuqe, burning quran etc, on the other hand almost non of those bigotism exist in the UK, but we still see terrorist from the UK who are muslims and blowing up themselves everywhere. lets take some responsibility buddy.
as usual we want to empty our own shoulders and put the load on the shoulders of the others. I dont deny the fact that there are active organzations and parties who are defaming muslims, but we muslims are making their job alot easeir with our actions. you might give the example of mosuqe, burning quran etc, on the other hand almost non of those bigotism exist in the UK, but we still see terrorist from the UK who are muslims and blowing up themselves everywhere. lets take some responsibility buddy.

Amen to that bruv:cheers:
as usual we want to empty our own shoulders and put the load on the shoulders of the others. I dont deny the fact that there are active organzations and parties who are defaming muslims, but we muslims are making their job alot easeir with our actions. you might give the example of mosuqe, burning quran etc, on the other hand almost non of those bigotism exist in the UK, but we still see terrorist from the UK who are muslims and blowing up themselves everywhere. lets take some responsibility buddy.

If Quraan and Sunnah is inviting people to blow themselves up and bomb mosques, then surely these are Muslims who are blowing themselves. How could somebody be still Muslim if he goes 180 and does exactly what is forbidden in Islam? Its not their fault who blow themselves up rather our fault who still Identify them or label them as Muslims.

In Islam, suicide is Haram and after Shirk, taking life of another innocent human is the biggest sin. How could somebody who does Haram and then the biggest sin still remain a representative of Islam? But if you force and still believe they are Muslims then its not their but our fault who are bringing this bad repute to Islam.
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If Quraan and Sunnah is inviting people to blow themselves up and bomb mosques, then surely these are Muslims who are blowing themselves. How could somebody be still Muslim if he goes 180 and does exactly what is forbidden in Islam? Its not their fault who blow themselves up rather our fault who still Identify them or label them as Muslims.

The bombers are muslims, we are judged by our actions, sunnah says it or not shouldnt be relevant to all this. People see that muslims blow themselves up in the name of religion, what else do you expect them to think.

In Islam, suicide is Haram and after Shirk, taking life of another innocent human is the biggest sin. How could somebody who does Haram and then the biggest sin still remain a representative of Islam? But if you force and still believe they are Muslims then its not their but our fault who are bringing this bad repute to Islam

Suicide is haram but these guys including the Taliban in AFghanistan and Pakistan kill you and me.
If Quraan and Sunnah is inviting people to blow themselves up and bomb mosques, then surely these are Muslims who are blowing themselves. How could somebody be still Muslim if he goes 180 and does exactly what is forbidden in Islam? Its not their fault who blow themselves up rather our fault who still Identify them or label them as Muslims.

In Islam, suicide is Haram and after Shirk, taking life of another innocent human is the biggest sin. How could somebody who does Haram and then the biggest sin still remain a representative of Islam? But if you force and still believe they are Muslims then its not their but our fault who are bringing this bad repute to Islam.

This seems to be an easy solution. But if you stop calling the people who do not strictly follow the islamic rules as muslims, there won't be any muslim left in the world.
Ahmed Sahib

I dont know which UK you live in! The only difference they have over here is it is veiled. At least in America , in the medical field you have a unified system where you enter one end and come out the other provided you are good enough. here all the South Asians get screwed in the name of Staff grades and Speciality doctors. Secretly you would be surprised that a lot of the mosques are on the terror watch list and people are watched without their knowing. The official figures are that as a n AfroCarribean, you are 7 times more likely to be interrogated by the police, and 4 times more likely as an asian, as compared to a white.
The British are one of the worst perpetrators of persecutions and duplicicty that you can think of. Individuals are a different thing all together.

Why feel so wrong? I mean Pakistan hasn't removed any blasphemy laws isn't it? So the US is for Americans and they are doing whatever they like in their country using their system. If you focus, it was voter-approved. Democracy is what runs in USA and by popular votes this law was passed.

Why is everybody so up in arms against them about the laws they pass in their country when there's problem in ones own?
Ahmed Sahib

I dont know which UK you live in! The only difference they have over here is it is veiled. At least in America , in the medical field you have a unified system where you enter one end and come out the other provided you are good enough. here all the South Asians get screwed in the name of Staff grades and Speciality doctors. Secretly you would be surprised that a lot of the mosques are on the terror watch list and people are watched without their knowing. The official figures are that as a n AfroCarribean, you are 7 times more likely to be interrogated by the police, and 4 times more likely as an asian, as compared to a white.
The British are one of the worst perpetrators of persecutions and duplicicty that you can think of. Individuals are a different thing all together.


Araz brother, I live in wales and things are pretty much cool in the city i am. I dont say there is no problem at all for the muslims in the UK, but it is not too bad either. I am also well aware of the asians to be searched and stopped by the police more likely than the others, we also had those cameras in muslim populated areas which have been removed now. But since all of those bombers came from muslim communities, the police i think had to focus on us, why the police go in a remote welsh valley to search for the terrorits that never exist, they put their efforts in places that there are more chances of terrorits to be found. secondly, every council is providing support(financial included) to the immigrant communites to hold their cultures and have gatherings, and that is for every community and natioanlity in the UK, there is funding for it. I have faced problems in here myslef, but if we weigh up the good and bads, the net result will be good.
Why feel so wrong? I mean Pakistan hasn't removed any blasphemy laws isn't it? So the US is for Americans and they are doing whatever they like in their country using their system. If you focus, it was voter-approved. Democracy is what runs in USA and by popular votes this law was passed.

Why is everybody so up in arms against them about the laws they pass in their country when there's problem in ones own?

Well in this case, one cannot have your cake and eat it too.

This is Democracy as we know it, 'American Style' or not.

Have to respect what they voted on as a democratic society.
The best option is to remove Any influence of religion(regardless of what religion it may be) from the Judicial system.

The separation of Church(religion) and State should be always upheld.
The moment religion starts influencing politics and worse yet; the judicial system; people can kiss goodbye to democracy and human rights.

This also goes to the tea party ignoramuses who try to impose Christianity in American politics as well.

Secular democratic government is the way to go!

Firstly IMO you can't generalize it on every religion.People have set some bad examples and that doesn't mean you can't formulate a society and laws truly based on religion.
Secondly it's the people that should decide whether they want laws and a working system based on religion whether they understand and consider that "Islam" or any other religion can help them cope with all problems and matters an individual faces in practical life.That's the essence of true democracy.:)

@ topic ,i think that's their internal matter, i won't comment any further.
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