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Ohio residents cry out to Chinese media.

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"It is OK to be white" most American agree this is a racist statement. A student was arrest charged with terrorism for stick this statement on school billboard.

They afraid of letter from ADL, lost job because of one twitter etc.

hard to imagine any of those rust belt whites would go for DeSantis in the primaries.
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"It is OK to be white" most American agree this is a racist statement. A student was arrest charged with terrorism for stick this statement on school billboard.

They afraid of letter from ADL, lost job because of one twitter etc.

What does this have to do the Ohio spill?

This is just the same as China giving its people freedom to directly talk to foreign media.

Oh wait. :D

Yeah, when can our media get live interviews with Chinese Uighurs? As if China would ever allow that to happen.

Long live freedom in CCP China!! LOL!!! Hypocrites!
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