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Obama: ‘We gave Iraq the chance to have an inclusive democracy’

daring dude

Jul 22, 2013
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President Obama hopes Iraq’s Shia-led government can find a way to be more inclusive of its Sunni minority, but if it can’t come to a reconciliation with its multiple factions, then he says no amount of U.S. military assistance will help.

“We gave Iraq the chance to have an inclusive democracy,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with CNN on Friday. The message for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki also comes shortly after the Shiite leader was chided by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani in the holy city of Najaf, south of Baghdad.

Mr. Obama’s comments come as 300 military advisers make their way to Iraq to assist with the task of dismantling the the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The al-Qaeda-inspired group has led an offensive that has captured large swathes of the country, including Mosul, the nation’s second-largest city.

On Thursday, the president said that American combat troops “are not going to be fighting in Iraq again. … We do not have the ability to simply solve this problem by sending in tens of thousands of troops and committing the kinds of blood and treasure that has already been expended in Iraq.”

Source & Video: Obama: 'We gave Iraq the chance to have an inclusive democracy' - Washington Times

First have to enter into Nation with false claim, then leave it on one's apathy like Paralyzed after fetching all its resources and wealth, then making your way again through various backed groups or assets to infiltrate again, divide them into 3... on sectarian basis, after #ISIS , #ISIL (Sunni Fighters) , #Kurds, another born of #Jaishe_Mehdi (Shia rebel & fighters) to make more benefits while supporting all 3.. what a game plan, want to hats off to it's Master mind...
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I don't know what the F**K this bastard is talking about. US has destroyed Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan & other countries in the name of DEMOCRAZY.
By invading based on lies of WMD?

The huge amount of deaths during the Iraq War (over a million civilians) are going to have some really long lasting after-effects.

Blood leads to more blood. And now ISIS is wantonly shedding blood too.
@tarrar thats true.. and that is the biggest enemy of every country, now after dividing #Iraq into 3 states, they already started their works on dividing Saudi Arab and other 2 countries in to 14 small states...and Jordan will be no where in that map... Egypt and UAE would be saved from their planning as they are already small and no threat for Israel or their Assets...
Believe it or not Saddam was quiet secular. he allowed everyone to practice their own religion . At least the country was not divided along religious lines like today.
And what freedom are we talking about ? when the average citizen is not sure of his own well being , how can there be freedom?
Believe it or not Saddam was quiet secular. he allowed everyone to practice their own religion . At least the country was not divided along religious lines like today.
And what freedom are we talking about ? when the average citizen is not sure of his own well being , how can there be freedom?

And in fact, Saddam ruthlessly persecuted Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

Now there is a power vacuum, these terrorist organizations went from being almost non-existent in Iraq, to completely dominating the landscape there.

As the American Reagan administration said: "Saddam may be a bastard, but he is OUR bastard".

Now they are looking at the prospect of ISIS ruling vast areas of the Middle East, in fact they already do.
And in fact, Saddam ruthlessly persecuted Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

Now there is a power vacuum, these terrorist organizations went from being almost non-existent in Iraq, to completely dominating the landscape there.

As the American Reagan administration said: "Saddam may be a bastard, but he is OUR bastard".

Now they are looking at the prospect of ISIS ruling vast areas of the Middle East, in fact they already do.

US may not mind ISIS gaining some power in Iraq to weaken Iran.
The problem is Iraq is not a real country, it was a British construct, a slice of pie she carved from the Ottoman empire.

The boarders of Iraq are not natural, they completely ignore ethnic boundaries.

Iraq needs a leader like Saddam who rules the country with an iron fist, otherwise the ethnic tension will arise leading to civil war and chaos.

If American congressmen actually read about Iraq and tried to understand the nature of Iraq's problem, we would've never went to Iraq in 2003 to give them democracy.
@Chinese-Dragon who is helping #ISIS to become that much powerful, as no one can move to fast without any support, morally, weapons, monetary and training.. as each and every route or cause way is open for them to enter and move towards their actual targets... and finally they will seize their efforts after Baghdad capture.. and this iraq will b divided under who ever, where ever basis,,,so the western half will be for Sunni Iraq, Eastern Part for Shia of Iraq & Iran, and Northern Part for Kurdish People towards turkey...
“We gave Iraq the chance to have an inclusive democracy,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with CNN on Friday..
Really? What democracy? What 'chance'? You Americans created the problem by invading Iraq on the false pretense that it has WMDs and Al Qaeda. It had neither. You created the hell that is Iraq now. And you say you 'gave it a chance to have an inclusive democracy'? Who asked you to interfere?

America's fashionable keyword: 'Regime Change'.
And in fact, Saddam ruthlessly persecuted Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

Now there is a power vacuum, these terrorist organizations went from being almost non-existent in Iraq, to completely dominating the landscape there.

As the American Reagan administration said: "Saddam may be a bastard, but he is OUR bastard".

Now they are looking at the prospect of ISIS ruling vast areas of the Middle East, in fact they already do.

I have said this before, saying it again- Most Arab countries in Mid-East and North Africa are not ready for democracy yet. They are better off being run by dictators.
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