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Obama pushes agenda to end nuclear weapons


Sep 13, 2009
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WASHINGTON: Placing nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament at the top of his agenda, US President Barack Obama told the United Nations on
Wednesday that he will seek to wrap up a universal treaty to ban all nuclear testing and open talks on halting production of bomb-making fissile material in the next 12 months.

Neither announcement comes as a surprise to New Delhi, but the US President's statement that the "next twelve months could be pivotal in determining whether this compact (the nuclear non-proliferation treaty) will be strengthened or will slowly dissolve means India will have to make some tough choices in the coming year - notably whether to sign the comprehensive test ban treaty - at a time where there is immense controversy at home about the scale of its nuclear deterrence.

In his first speech before the UN as US President, Obama drew a sharp contrast to his predecessor George Bush by reaffirming US commitment to the United Nations, while chastising the rest of the world for expecting Washington to solve all problems. But it was his firm resolve to address nuclear proliferation issues that was most striking for New Delhi, given the uncertainties that have come to characterize its relationship with Washington on matters of nuclear cooperation and non-proliferation.

Obama said he will move forward with ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (by the US Senate), "and work with others to bring the Treaty into force so that nuclear testing is permanently prohibited." While India is yet to sign the treaty -- and the Senate' hold-up has been a good cover for New Delhi -- Obama's promise to push forward amid a Democrat majority in the Senate could force New Delhi's hand sooner than expected.

Similarly, Obama also signaled his resolve to move on the so-called Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT), saying he will call on countries to begin negotiations on the pact in January. He will top this agenda by hosting a Summit next April "that reaffirms each nation's responsibility to secure nuclear material on its territory, and to help those who can't."

Underlying his stepped-up agenda is Obama's promise that "America will keep our end of the bargain." The US President said Washington will pursue a new agreement with Russia to substantially reduce strategic warheads and launchers and complete a Nuclear Posture Review "that opens the door to deeper cuts, and reduces the role of nuclear weapons."

Expressing his determination to strengthen the NPT, Obama said those "nations that refuse to live up to their obligations must face consequences." This is not about singling out individual nations, he said, it is about standing up for the rights of all nations that do live up to their responsibilities.

While non-proliferation activists rejoiced at Obama's resolve in the matter, some of his statements were clearly anodyne, given the facile manner in which his administration has ignored the latest disclosure from Pakistan's disgraced nuclear scientist A Q Khan implicating Islamabad in nuclear proliferation activities
expect no favours from barack towards india or indeed pakistan.
There are five nations in the NPT and five outside the NPT
India,Pakistan,Israel N.korea and soon IRAN so with all the 5 NPT members being in the P5 and an unlikely expansion of the P5 in the future why would anybody listen to this??
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