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Obama is an anti-Semite


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Netanyahu's brother-in-law: Obama is an anti-Semite

By Barak Ravid, Haaretz, 14:00 17/03/2010

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's brother-in-law Dr. Hagai Ben-Artzi on Wednesday called U.S. President Barack Obama an anti-Semite in an interview with Army Radio.

"It's not that Obama doesn't like Bibi," he referring to Netanyahu using his nickname. "He doesn't like the nation of Israel."

Netanyahu was quick to distance himself from Ben-Artzi's remarks, saying he completely disagrees with his brother-in-law.

Netanyahu said he has a deep appreciation for President Obama's commitment to Israel's security, which he has expressed many times, and also for the deep ties between the two countries.

Ben-Artzi was interviewed on Army Radio to provide background on the prime minister. He told the interview, "Look how symbolic it is that your son took part in and won a Bible quiz, whose theme this year is Jerusalem and its connection to Israel, and you, his father, are being tested and asked to prove the strength of the nation of Israel's ties to Jerusalem."

He went on to say that Obama's anti-Semitism stems from years of indoctrination by controversial preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whom Obama distanced himself from during the election campaign.

"When there is an anti-Semitic president in the United States, it is a test for us and we have to say: We will not concede. We are a nation dating back 4,000 years, and you in a year or two will be long forgotten. Who will remember you? But Jerusalem will dwell on forever."

Ben-Artzi added that Netanyahu is aware of his views, but declined to say what the two discuss in private conversations.

On Tuesday a group of far-right activists announced their plan to hang hundreds of posters across the country depicting Obama under the headline "agent of the PLO." The banner is already on display in the office of National Union MK Michael Ben Ari.

Obama's speech to the Muslim world in Cairo last year stirred tension in Israel and the U.S. regarding the president's new policy towards the Middle East, and created the impression that he was biased towards Arab countries, as he began with the Arab saying "salaam alaykum."

Following the speech, Obama made a personal phone call to Netanyahu, guaranteeing that the U.S. would always support Israel.

Netanyahu's brother-in-law: Obama is an anti-Semite - Haaretz - Israel News
Sooner or later, any American politician who pushes back on Israel will be called an anti-Semite. It is a difficult charge to rebut. It tends to stick with or without justification. That is one of the primary ways
Americans (and Europeans) are kept "in-line".
Sooner or later, any American politician who pushes back on Israel will be called an anti-Semite. It is a difficult charge to rebut. It tends to stick with or without justification. That is one of the primary ways
Americans (and Europeans) are kept "in-line".
My feeling is, the next holocaust will happen in the United States and for rightful reasons.
Strange, as per my study, Obama's Chief of Staff is an American/Israeli, who served in the IDF (if am not wrong) and Rahm Emanuel's father was a member of the Jewish terrorist organization Irgun or something like that.

So Obama who was made by a man with such strong Jewish connections, calling him anti-Semite is a joke. Rather another tactic i would say to make people believe that he isn't 100% pro-jewish.
Sooner or later, any American politician who pushes back on Israel will be called an anti-Semite. It is a difficult charge to rebut. It tends to stick with or without justification. That is one of the primary ways
Americans (and Europeans) are kept "in-line".

Do you not think, it is over due now? One guy did some thing and now everyone get to pay for it. Rubbish.

It's time american become little more realistic and realized this fact that Jew has use this so called victim card for their selfish purpose. They are not special people. Enough is enough.

Jews are very selfish group of people and they are not patriotic Amrican either. They will do what ever necessary to avoid paying tax. They buy their house, cars and everything else possible under jews tample for tax exemption. I know it. :angry:
Sooner or later, any American politician who pushes back on Israel will be called an anti-Semite. It is a difficult charge to rebut. It tends to stick with or without justification. That is one of the primary ways
Americans (and Europeans) are kept "in-line".

American's and Europeans for that matter have no moral obligation to support Israel's policies. On what grounds should they support the destruction of 1600s Palestinian homes in Jerusalem?

They should distance themselves from apartheid regime in Israel until saner heads prevail in Israeli govn't.

Netanyahu's bro in-law is an idiot and an open racist.
Writing is beginning to appear on the wall but people do not see and change ways.
When calamity finally came who can they blame but their own obstinacy?

I do not believe that Jewish people were discriminated against again and again in the past without reason. They claimed that its because they do not have a country but truth is that they refuse to blend in to local customs or at least pretend to. They have to regard themselves as distinct and follow their own ways.

Only moving forward and only moving backward are both deadends. Only with flexibility will one survive.
Jews are very selfish group of people and they are not patriotic Amrican either. They will do what ever necessary to avoid paying tax. They buy their house, cars and everything else possible under jews tample for tax exemption. I know it. :angry:
When you start generalizing and stereotyping across an entire community (as you did with Jews in this case) then the accusation of 'antisemitism' is valid.
My feeling is, the next holocaust will happen in the United States and for rightful reasons.

With all due respect, there can be no 'rightful reasons' for a 'holocaust' of any community.

The Jewish-American community is not a monolithic entity, and not all Jewish Americans blindly support Israeli policies.
The Jewish-American community is not a monolithic entity, and not all Jewish Americans blindly support Israeli policies.

Yes, absolutely! See this thread I started today:

J Street launches campaign in support of tough U.S. stand on Israel

J Street has launched a campaign in support of Washington's firm stance on Israel's latest approved building plan in East Jerusalem, the dovish U.S. pro-Israel lobby announced on Tuesday.


With all due respect, there can be no 'rightful reasons' for a 'holocaust' of any community.

The Jewish-American community is not a monolithic entity, and not all Jewish Americans blindly support Israeli policies.
With due respect, Quran is full of the 'rightful' reasons of the holocausts of the nations (Qoum Nooh, Qoum Aad o Samood and many more) throughout history. Entire communities even nations have been wiped off from the face of the earth for their wrongdoings.

Not all Jewish Americans maybe supporting the Zionist policies, but such elements have little to no say in matters relating to US-Zionist state affairs.
Not all Jewish Americans maybe supporting the Zionist policies, but such elements have little to no say in matters relating to US-Zionist state affairs.
Whatever the extent of the influence of Jewish Americans opposing Israeli policies, how does their influence (or lack of) become justification for their holocaust?
Don't count on Jewish Obama voters'

18/03/2010 00:09

Netanyahu's brother says US must stay out of J'lem issue; PM disagrees.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Ben-Artzi said it was no coincidence that the 78 percent of American Jews who voted for Obama was roughly the same percentage of Jews in the US who do not give their children a Jewish education.

“It’s sad for me to say that those 78% of American Jews who voted for Obama are disconnected from their heritage and from Israel,” Ben-Artzi said. “They are indifferent to Israel and they want to be more American than Americans. Israel can’t count on those Jews being pro-Israel.”

Netanyahu’s spokesman said a statement distancing Netanyahu from his brother-in-law that was released by the Prime Minister’s Office after Ben-Artzi called Obama anti-Semitic on Army Radio on Wednesday morning, also applied to his comments to the Post about American Jews and Christians.

“I completely disagree with the statements of Hagi Ben-Artzi,” Netanyahu said. “I have deep respect for the president’s commitment to Israel’s security.”

Netanyahu’s spokesman Nir Hefetz added, “This isn’t the first time the prime minister totally disagrees with the remarks of Mr. Ben-Artzi, which are often directed to Netanyahu himself.”

In the past, Ben-Artzi has publicly called Netanyahu “a weak man and a puny politician,” accused him of betraying his ideology and doing more damage to Israel than the Left, and called upon him to quit rather than agree to the release of terrorists in exchange for kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Schalit.

In the Army Radio interview, Ben-Artzi said his brother-in-law was well aware that Obama had anti-Semitic views.

“The moment the Americans tried to get involved with something connected to Jerusalem, we told them one simple word: No!” Ben-Artzi said.

“Jerusalem is the capital of the Israeli nation and the State of Israel. It’s complete and united. We will not give up on even one millimeter, and if you want make a crisis over that – then make a crisis.”

Ben-Artzi said he had spoken to Netanyahu on Tuesday regarding the premier’s son’s victory in the National Bible Quiz for Youth, which he said was particularly emblematic.

“I told him, ‘Look how symbolic it is that your son participates and wins the Bible quiz, the subject of which was Jerusalem and its connection to the Israeli people, when you, the father, are facing such a stern test and are required to prove the strength of this connection,’” Ben-Artzi said.

'Don't count on Jewish Obama voters'
Whatever the extent of the influence of Jewish Americans opposing Israeli policies, how does their influence (or lack of) become justificantion for their holocaust?
GehooN key saath ghun bhi pista hey; what is the justification of discriminating every Muslim man and woman while only handful are involved in the so-called terrorist activities and that too in retaliation? When reaction erupts against a group of people, good and bad all are treated largely similarly (please review the French and Bolshevik revolutions, East Pakistan fiasko etc). When Tatars destroyed Baghdad, they had not separated the pious Muslims from the rest, or did they?
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