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Nuclear Iran is not in Pakistan’s interest


Dec 14, 2010
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Since the International Atomic Energy Agency issued its latest findings on Iran’s nuclear program and activities, policy-makers in the West and the United States in particular are weighing their options on how to respond to Iran’s continued defiance of its Non-Proliferation Treaty obligations.

The Islamic Republic’s nuclear program has possible military dimensions and its stated “peacefulness” lacks credibility. Alarm bells in Israel have been ringing for a long time and a pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear sites seems imminent. Not much is being discussed in Pakistan about the implications of a nuclear Iran, precisely due to Pakistan being consumed by its own problems with the on-going political turmoil and its relations with the United States.

This is an alarming development not only for the geopolitical balance in the Middle East, but also for South Asia. A nuclear Iran is not in Pakistan’s interests. Considering that Iran’s regional interests do not align with those of Pakistan, a nuclear Iran has serious implications of greater belligerent behaviour, regional hegemony and bullying. Even though Pakistan is a nuclear state and any nuclear aggression towards us will be deterred, it would immensely reduce our leverage in relations with Iran—if any.

Being the only Muslim nuclear country, a nuclear Pakistan still has some symbolic value in the eyes of the Muslim world. Even though we are economically weak and, at the behest of foreign financial institutions and governments, our national defence posture will take a deep slide with a nuclear armed state on our western border.

The interests of Pakistan and Iran clash in Afghanistan, and Iran’s relations with our key ally in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, remain rocky. In the event of a military confrontation between Iran and the West, Pakistan and an unstable Iraq would be the most effected countries due to the spill-over from a potential war. At this time and most likely in the near future, at least Pakistan cannot further bear the burden of a refugee influx. In addition, India’s improving relations with Iran is also mind-boggling for our India-centric attitude and policy. Not that I am justifying this historic posture of ours, this attitude is still wide-spread in the security establishment. We must take that into account.

An ideologically inclined state, Iran’s sectarian outlook and ambitions of regional hegemony will create further divides in the Muslim world and the Middle East in particular. One should also not forget that Iran has played a role in inciting sectarian violence in Pakistan, supporting various Shia factions against their Sunni counterparts. Attaining nuclear status would strengthen Iran’s position and possibly its belligerence in fuelling the sectarian strife.

Iran’s offensive, nonsensical and aggravating statements and position only furthers the prospect of more wars in this region. Just recently, Saudi Arabia Prince Turki al-Faisal, who was the former chief of Saudi Intelligence, expressed the Kingdom’s desire to develop nuclear weapons to counter a future Iranian threat. “It is our duty toward our nation and people to consider all options” he was quoted as saying.

This is a serious development that could spark a potential arms race in the Middle East. We could engage in an intellectual debate about the rationality of these state actors and their willingness to use nuclear weapons—if they attain the capability—but the thought of them going nuclear sends a chill through the rational mind. Many in the West also fear that a nuclear Iran will become bolder in the use of its proxies, namely Hamas and Hezbollah.

It is imperative that Pakistan convene a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) to pressure Iran into abandoning its continued defiance of its international obligations – the NPT and the United Nations Security Council Resolutions. Pakistan, along with its allies in the Middle East, should pressure Iran to come to the negotiation table and respect its UN obligations. To avoid a potential arms race in the Middle East and a dooms-day scenario where there may be a nuclear exchange – either by states or through non-state actors – Pakistan should jump on the bandwagon into pressurizing Iran.

Pakistan could not care less about addressing the fears of the West. I suggest this because this is in Pakistan’s vital national security interests and everything should be done to avoid being sandwiched between two nuclear states. We also need to look out for our regional interests in the Middle East. A nuclearised region could have devastating human and economic implications for the region and the world. Pakistan cannot afford either in its current state of weakness.

Nuclear Iran is not in Pakistan|| The Express Tribune
Iran has never posed as a threat to its neighbors, never attacked any country, so I don't see Iran as a threat.

Only because its weak right now. The Persians are smart enough not to take on other nations until they are ready. They can only depend on proxies for now.
I think our posture viz a viz Iran should be neutral. I use to be supportive of Iran till Iran started backstabbing Pakistan. I think it was a mistake to help them with the centrifuges and later to find out that they started conspiring with India against Pakistan. All I can say to them is Good Luck to them, they are no friend of Pakistan. We should be strictly Business like in our conduct.

We will buy Gas from them with IPC project and at the same time we should also buy gas from Turkmenistan ( TAPI ). This will be a hedge for better risk management so neither one holds us as a hostage to the gas projects. In short, I do not trust Iran anymore and would like Pakistan to protect itself from an ARROGANT IRAN.

As far as Iran's Nuclear ambitions are concerned, Pakistan must remain neutral in that matter. A nuclear Iran is not a problem for us. I know there are forces that would like to create problem between Iran and Pakistan ( Israel / USA ). We should not take this bait as this is not our problem. Let Iran handle its own problems with Saudi Arabia / Israel / USA. Not our battle and not our problem. Any country that backstabs us should not count on having our support. We do not consider Iran an enemy nor a friend and we should remain neutral.
I am not in favour of Nuclear Iran but in favour of civilian purpose nuclear energy for Iran under NPT & UN's regulations. World community shouldn't allow trend of being Nuclear power but since US/NATO imposed threat for sovereignty of countries; there is no guaranty and in this case every country should protect itself. So threat is not Iran but US & NATO for region and for world as well.
I do not agree with this line at the beginning of this article, which makes the article weak in my opinion:

Considering that Iran’s regional interests do not align with those of Pakistan
I guess Pakistan shold be able to give Nuklear cover to Iran from any external threat if Iran don't have Nukes.....cuz its our neighbor and we need to care about our weakwe neighbors....:smokin:
LOL what funny article
what i belive from my point of view IRAN and Pakistan will lead the Islamic world in the FUTURE
Here is my stupid two cent, and only opinion likewise; If Iran had a Nuclear arsenal, then Pakistanie focus would be in polar opposite, and likewise, there army's would be spread outward.... Which would be beneficial for India in terms of Kashmir issue, and would put Pakistan in much more disarray...
Nuclear Iran is not in Pakistan’s interest

Bit late to realize that ain't it?..if it were not in Pakistani interests..then why did Pakistan sell nuclear centrifuges to Iran?
- It's a blog.
- Always worth keeping in mind:

About – The Express Tribune

The Express Tribune is the first internationally affiliated newspaper in Pakistan. Partnered with The International Herald Tribune – the global edition of The New York Times

So by extension of your logic , nobody should pay attention to you or believe anything that comes out of your mouth. Because you are a Pakistani like the Express, but you are based out of Australia, a big US ally.....

You have no comment on the merit of the article but more about who they have partnered with. Most national papers partner with others in the world. Think tank , ha
There is a continuous line from China to Pakistan (via Azad Kashmir) to Iran to Iraq (pro-Iran Shia government) to Syria to Lebanon (Hezbollah).
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