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Nuclear Arms race triggered by Gillard !


Jun 28, 2010
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Gillard's uranium-to-India play is a dangerous sellout
Gillard's uranium-to-India play is a dangerous sellout

Australia risks contributing to the India-Pakistan nuclear arms race.

NEXT month's ALP national conference will be asked to make a decision of global importance: whether to back Prime Minister Julia Gillard's call for Australia to export uranium to India. Australia must decide whether to stand with the vast majority of nations in supporting the principle of nuclear disarmament, or to stand with those who continue to undermine it.

India is not the responsible nuclear citizen that many would have us believe. It has a long history of broken promises and reckless conduct relating to its nuclear programs. In 1974, for instance, the Nuclear Suppliers Group was set up in response to India's ''peaceful'' nuclear weapons testing at the Pokhran testing range. The enriched plutonium required for this explosion was created using a Canadian ''CIRUS'' test reactor and ''heavy water'' supplied by the US. These materials were provided on the basis of India's pledge to use the reactor for peaceful purposes only.

We need to be clear about what is being proposed here. The tensions between India and Pakistan are real. The threat of nuclear war is real. India's most recent nuclear test involved the detonation of a thermonuclear device with three times the yield of the ''Little Boy'' bomb used at Hiroshima in World War II. The test was conducted at a time of high tensions with bordering Pakistan. After the explosion, former Pakistani foreign minister Gohar Ayub said India and Pakistan were locked in a ''headlong arms race on the subcontinent''. If next month's national conference changes Labor's policy on uranium to India, Australia would be fuelling that arms race.
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India continues to give assurances that imported materials are solely for civilian use, yet it refuses to sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and is yet to ratify the International Atomic Energy Safeguards Agreement.

International monitoring standards are not robust enough to ensure the proper use of exported uranium. Even in the best-case scenario, where Australian uranium does not find its way into India's nuclear weapons, our uranium exports would still free up India's domestic reserves for the production of nuclear weapons. The former head of India's National Security Advisory Board, K. Subrahmanyam, once said ''it is to India's advantage to categorise as many power reactors as possible as civilian ones to be refuelled by imported uranium and conserve our native uranium for weapons-grade plutonium production''.

Given the certainty that Australian uranium exports would ultimately assist India's nuclear weapons program, we must examine the possible justifications for the reversal of our nation's principled stand against nuclear proliferation.

One such argument is that Australian uranium exports would benefit the many Indians who continue to live in poverty. But this disregards India's wasteful spending on increasing its nuclear stockpiles. Estimates by Global Zero put this at $US4.9 billion ($A4.9 billion) for 2011.

When considering the interests of Indian citizens, we must also weigh up the increased threat of a nuclear war with Pakistan, which would almost certainly involve the targeting of civilian nuclear facilities. Given recent events in Japan and the patchy record of India's Department of Atomic Energy, there is also the threat of non-military nuclear disaster to consider. According to Princeton professor M.V. Ramana, ''practically all nuclear reactors and other facilities associated with the nuclear fuel cycle operated by [India's Department of Atomic Energy] have had accidents of varying severity''.

The economic case is more compelling from an Australian perspective, based on the jobs that increased uranium exports could be expected to provide. But the employment benefits of uranium exports to India are greatly overstated.

India is, of course, a large economy, but Australia's uranium mining industry, which currently supplies 20 per cent of the world market, accounted for only 645 jobs in 2010-2011. Furthermore, any projection of job growth resulting from uranium exports to India assumes sufficient labour supply - a dubious proposition given the skills shortages in the mining industry. By contrast, recent modelling by the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research indicates that employment resulting from a strong commitment to green industries would result in about 770,000 new jobs by 2030. If jobs growth is the primary reason for uranium exports to India, we may well be better off investing in the manufacture of green energy technologies locally and exporting those instead. India has a solar power target of 20 gigawatts by 2020, whereas its nuclear power accounts for less than five gigawatts.

Some people argue it is hypocritical to export uranium to China without supplying it to India. But the facts are that China is a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty while India is not. The argument that Australia should forgo its international obligations because of India's ''strategic importance'' ignores the strategic importance of stability in Asia and of the global push for nuclear disarmament. Supplying uranium to India raises questions on whether we would supply uranium to other non-signatories to the treaty, such as Israel or Pakistan - a country that already resents the preferential treatment enjoyed by its neighbour, India.

The argument that the treaty has already been undermined by the US, so Australia might as well join in eroding it, is a cop out. As a leading player in the nuclear cycle, Australia has a global responsibility. Blindly following bad US policy is neither in our best interests nor the world's. It would be a terrible compromise of our nation's principles, and put at risk our enviable reputation as a responsible global citizen for very little short-term gain.
Hafeeez - some says ago you were Predicting that Australia will Never agree to Uranium sale to India , But the Deal seems to be on verge of Agreement


Anyway the Uranium is Meant purely for Civillian Energy Purpose
We are aslready in a arm race. Pakistan is processing at the fastest rate. Overall a bad news for China and pakistan.

Nuclear race has started, I also concede. India will have more nuclear power plants which means zero crisis of electricity to run our Railways, Industries and lightening up the cities. Our neigbour in return will triple their nukes instead of using them for producing electricity. Sounds Great. :girl_wacko: :girl_wacko:
India is getting preferential treatment cos they are a global economic player and and has a stable environment. IMO pakistan should not go into an arms race just cos of this sale to india.

Nope. Pakistan should do whatever she is able to do to counter the GROWING Nuclear THREAT from India.
Hahaha, what about all the other countries that currently supply India Uranium? Are they not doing the same? Australia is only hurting their own interest by taking a moral stance. Not to mention India has gone a long way to belay all concerns of NSG by separating military and civilian nuke programs and allowing strict measures. Measures Pakistan has NOT agreed to.

Australia will do it, and why not? India is a respected, responsible nuclear power. Pakistan is NOT, why put them in the same category?
Why India is begging Uranium from all over the world according to Indian sources you have one of the world largest Uranium reserves. :lol:

Uranium reserve found in Andhra Pradesh could be world's largest : South News - India Today
Nuclear-boost: Uranium mine in Andhra could be among largest in world - Times Of India

For your information this is business not begging so kindly restrain yourself from using that word.

As far as the article is consider.. it talks about one of the biggest uranium mine of the world. It doesn't mean that it is the biggest and we have the highest uranium reserves.

Nuclear market in India is of 150bn USD. everyone wants to have a pie of such a huge cake
Why India is begging Uranium from all over the world according to Indian sources you have one of the world largest Uranium reserves. :lol:

Uranium reserve found in Andhra Pradesh could be world's largest : South News - India Today
Nuclear-boost: Uranium mine in Andhra could be among largest in world - Times Of India

Does this Count as Begging ?
Do you Really Knoe whats The Real Meaning of Begging ? I guess You should know better !!

Aussies have Largest Uranium Reserve and this is Pure Business which is in Interest of Both the Nation , This deal will Lead to More close ties Between Both Nations.

Kindly take Back your Word or This Thread will be Ruined

---------- Post added at 05:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:04 PM ----------

Nope. Pakistan should do whatever she is able to do to counter the GROWING Nuclear THREAT from India.

Hafeez this is clear Civillian deal , The Uranium is Meant for Civillian Purpose Dont you even Know that

So where does the Question of Nuclear Threat arise ?
Hafeez this is clear Civillian deal , The Uranium is Meant for Civillian Purpose Dont you even Know that

So where does the Question of Nuclear Threat arise ?

So why the heck does India oppose the China-Pakistan Civilian Nuclear deal then ?
So why the heck does India oppose the China-Pakistan Civilian Nuclear deal then ?

"Because of Kabaab mein A.Q.Khan scandal" :drag:

---------- Post added at 05:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------

Why India is begging Uranium from all over the world according to Indian sources you have one of the world largest Uranium reserves. :lol:

Uranium reserve found in Andhra Pradesh could be world's largest : South News - India Today
Nuclear-boost: Uranium mine in Andhra could be among largest in world - Times Of India

Because we need 3-4 such mines to run our nuclear power plants and run our railways, industries and increase the share of nuclear electricity. Otherwise, it is enough for us to make thousands of nuclear weapons.
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