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Now it's your turn, Army tells MPs


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Now it's your turn, Army tells MPs | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

Now it's your turn, Army tells MPs
By: Abrar Saeed | Published: July 11, 2010

ISLAMABAD – During the recent high-level meetings and briefings about the ongoing operations against the militants in different parts of the country, the lack of political and civil administration’s role was identified as the main reason behind the resurgence of the militants in the areas cleared of miscreants by the Armed Forces.

Sources aware of the development informed The Nation that Armed Forces had made it clear to the political leadership that it would not be possible to maintain durable peace in the troubled areas without the active and participatory role of civil administration and political leadership.

These sources further informed that the resurgence of militants in the areas of Malakand, Swat, Tira and Mohmand Agency was evident from the fact that they had started attacks on military check-posts and also coming up with threatening warnings to all those who stood by the Armed Forces during the military action in those areas a few months back.

The Parliamentary Committee on National Security had also expressed concerns over the sporadic attacks by militants on the civil and military installation in the areas, which were cleared of these militants by Army after heavy military operation backed by air cover.

During the briefing to Parliamentary Committee on National Security, the DG ISI had given the detailed insight to the MPs on the ongoing military operation against militants and the reasons behind the reappearance of the miscreants in the areas earlier cleared by the Army.

The sources aware of the deliberations of the meeting informed TheNation that one of the main reasons listed by the DG ISI about the reappearance of these militants in some of the military combed areas was slackness shown by the Government in the installation of civil administration to the advantage of the militants who attempted to fill the void but could not fully succeed as Army was still present there.

During the meetings with the political elite in the recent past, the Armed Forces officials had stressed the need for installation of the civil administration backed by the political will of the Government, so that the fear of militants from the minds of the people of these areas could be allayed and trust in the political government could be established.

The political leaders belonging to Swat, Malakand and Mohmand Agency said that despite the clearance of parts of these areas from militants, the ANP-led Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Government had failed to establish civil administration in these areas.

Although the public at large in these areas now hate militants, yet at the same time they were not having faith in the political government and feared that once the Army left the area, the militants would re-emerge and imperil their lives.

It was further noted that no significant development and reconstruction work was initiated in the areas ravaged during the military operation and neither the civil law enforcement officials were made fully functional for the collective good of the people, leaving these areas vulnerable to again go under the control of militants.

The sources in the Government informed The Nation that the military leadership had also expressed these apprehensions during the high-level meetings held recently in Islamabad and asked the Government to play its role in establishing permanent peace in the areas cleared by the Army as ultimately it would be the civil law enforcement agencies which were to manage the things in these areas with the backing of masses.
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The situation reached to the extent before military operation was due to inaction of MMA government and now after sacrificing so many lives, PA flushed out miscreants, life has returned to normal, now time has come for Federal and Provincial governments to put in their share by introducing strong local administration and allotment of funds for various development projects. This will not only provide relief to locals who had been displaced for the operations but will also create jobs for them. So rightly said its now turn of democratic governments and elected representatives to deliver their share.
Army enthusiastically began the operations on prodding by the CENTCOM Generals and US politicians. There was never a debate in the National Assembly or Senate. Musharraf or Zardari never took the Parliament into confidence on the rationale or justification of the operations.

The operations were conducted with a zeal reminiscent of a full scale war against a well equipped nation state (far too much Jazbati).

What can the poor MP's do now? They had no role before and no role in the foreseeable future.

The only viable course of action is put FATA under a permanent Marshall Law, and the show being run by Army administrators.
The Army can work a deal with the US Government on the funding for reconstruction. They can use the PRC format currently used in Afghanistan; with one key difference. The funding disbursement should not be done by USDoD appointed Contractors, but by PA.
The Armed Forces are our heroes, these politicians are standing there, making votes out of our misery. The west and some Pakistanis start complaining whenever there is a coup, but when there is a coup it is due to the fact that large numbers of public dissent are evident towards the political administration which are not doing anything. I hope the Army puts some real pressure of Zardari and his counter parts, that may make them scared that their popularity rates are dipping then they may get off their high chairs.
The Army can work a deal with the US Government on the funding for reconstruction. They can use the PRC format currently used in Afghanistan; with one key difference. The funding disbursement should not be done by USDoD appointed Contractors, but by PA.

Brother we need a good local administration, civilian government should take on its responsibilities, Army and PAF have done what they were required to do. Lets follow the system which we have selected for ourselves i.e. democracy.:agree:
The Armed Forces are our heroes, these politicians are standing there, making votes out of our misery. The west and some Pakistanis start complaining whenever there is a coup, but when there is a coup it is due to the fact that large numbers of public dissent are evident towards the political administration which are not doing anything. I hope the Army puts some real pressure of Zardari and his counter parts, that may make them scared that their popularity rates are dipping then they may get off their high chairs.

Lets look into our own collars as citizens, lets select good people in next elections. we shall keep our eyes, ears, and hearts wide open while stamping vote slip. Let elect people among ourselves and dont get impressed by wealth of candidates. Lets stop considering ourselves as Becharas and Shoddas.
if the politicians have failed and they are not willing to budge an inch and indulge in local politics then GOP should dosolve acting govt and conduct midterms elections in the region.
if the politicians have failed and they are not willing to budge an inch and indulge in local politics then GOP should dosolve acting govt and conduct midterms elections in the region.

politicans are a disappointment
they fail to delvier and pave way for the army then claim to be victims come back in power, fail to deliver again and the vicious circle continues

problem is lack of will, no ability, no concience, self interest & hypocrisy

politics in Pakistan is manily based on secterian, regional or ethnic hatred an objective & compitenet leadership is yet to be seen
Like i always said, this was a golden opportunity for our politicians to make the most out of the situation and earn guud points for ever by winning the hearts and minds of FATAian and Swatis. They could have jumped in with all the resources (including their personal ones) and made a heaven out the rural area and there on they could have scored as many votes as they could have in the future.

But alas! They are such thick heads that they would first fcuk with you and then apologize!

As clearly evident fro this article and also from another one namely: "Army’s approval rating and challenges in Swat" http://www.defence.pk/forums/988892-post1436.html , "It makes one believe that the provincial government is doing little and this delay is taking civilians closer to the army."

Now this is wrong.

Why would the govt let the Army improve upon its rating at the stake of its own credibility. And then (unsurprisingly) the govt (an a few ultra liberals here at PDF) would complain of Army's influence, hold and so called 'inference' when the locals would blatantly down the politicians there!!

This opportunity could have made the politicians rise and shine for ever, but unfortunately they remained as stupid and unflinched as they were ever.

Afsos, sud afsos..!!
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