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Not just Madhya Pradesh: Denying eggs to malnourished children is common in BJP-run states

They should include food items that can be consumed by all the kids, so omitting eggs do make sense. As far as nutrition argument goes they should replace it with any other protein rich substitute such as Dal or Soyabean
I get it, you don't have masters, only other have "masters" :cheesy: ............... clearly a superior being.

If you don't want to push religion down their throat, you need to process dead human beings and feed the nutrition from them to your children :lol:

Why the double standards ? :P
unlike u, who cannot comprehend between a dead being and a good egg, i can n i will feed my children eggs, meat , pulses and milk, whatever is required.
but u go on with ur pulses and milk too.
You are stretching that a bit too far, no one has suggested that eggs be mandatory but those children who eat it may be allowed to do so. There is no ban on eggs in India, it is eaten across a large majority of household. Why then, should it not be available as one of the choices?

It has nothing to do with eggs. It has everything to do with the mindset that refuses to acknowledge the religious sentiments that go with food till somebody forces it down their throat and make them acknowledge it.

The tendency to mock Hindu value systems while making hollow claims of "tolerance" and "scientific thinking"

unlike u, who cannot comprehend between a dead being and a good egg, i can n i will feed my children eggs, meat , pulses and milk, whatever is required.
but u go on with ur pulses and milk too.

Shame on you for forcing religion down the throat of your children :lol:

Dead humans are a cheap source of proteins and carbohydrates and assorted minerals and vitamins. You should be ashamed of refusing such nutrition to your children. :P
How can some one impose Veg food on others??? Veg food is everyones diet..

Egg can be good source of protein, But not only source.. If govt don't want egg , what a big fuss?? they will provoide other source of protein...

The Prestitite shall talk sense..
Bro atleast 50% will stop eating if they see egg on the menu ....
These secular fags have spread the rumor that only upper casts are veg and dalits eat beef. This is all propaganda as I know many dalit families ... yet to meet one that eats beef. While I agree the prevalence of NV is higher.

If there is a will, there is a way, eggs are very simple to cook, it can be cooked in a seperate place and given to non-vegetarian children. The will is missing here!
yes ... logic always worked in these cases ...like how in kerala schools served pork to non muslims and nothing bad happened @Prajapati..... /sarcasm

Clearly the onus is on Hindus to eat eggs and beef and pork to establish "secularism".

Otherwise we are reporting to "masters" and are communal scums. :cry:

If that does not suffice, we mush provide "jodha bai" to "Akbar" and help him become "secular" and "Great". :tup:
Clearly the onus is on Hindus to eat eggs and beef and pork to establish "secularism".

Otherwise we are reporting to "masters" and are communal scums. :cry:

If that does not suffice, we mush provide "jodha bai" to "Akbar" and help him become "secular" and "Great". :tup:
DOn't worry bro here people don't suffer from slave mentality.
Stupid thread as if the eggs is the only source of healthy food to avoid malnutrition, There are many food such as soybean and protein which can provide much more protein at a much lower cost. Egg can cause many diseases also. It seem to be written by those pseudo seculars.
The problem is that you are not able to provide the required nutrition, and that's why the malnutrition. Regarding the sensivities of vegetarians, an egg can be boiled seperately and given to non-vegetarian kids after the meal or after the school, why they have to deprive themselves for the sensivities of vegetarians? Many of these kids are from poor background and can't afford eggs on their own, mid-day meals are there only option for a good meal.

And don't make it a BJP/Non-BJP Hindutva/sicular, muslim, congress voting lefty's issue, kids are not political pawns, and a vegetarian can remain vegetarian in a sickular, muslim, congress voting lefty's state, a non-vegetarian should be allowed to remain non-vegetarian in a BJP/ Hindutva state also.

First, do you agree that the protein can be from any source egg or pulses or milk.
Second, do we have nutritional data on what was served in meals with egg and without egg.

Then let us look at options of filling the gap if any.
You are running in to support the egg without necessarily seeing the problem.

Regarding the second para, that was in response to @hinduguy who brought the divide in.
No where have I claimed that a non-vegetarian is being converted to a vegetarian. My argument is only wrt offering it as an only option to solve malnutrition. I also have an issue when sensibilities of vegetarians are not taken into account when equally good alternatives are available.
No, you indulge in self certification. Much more appealing to your perverted sense of reality.

So somehow its all the Hindus faulty :lol: ............... WOW...... just WOW.

You are truly a perfect specimen of self loathing and self hate. Enjoy being you.

Total Rubbish. The main reason for the Mappila Rebellion was that the Hindus were land owners and the muslims were tenents :lol:

What kind of "secular" history have you been taught ?

The rebellion started when an muslim employee Muhammad of Nilambur Kovilakam (Hindu landlords) was dismissed and his salary was not paid for the reason that he had joined the Mappila movement. As he protested it, he was falsely charged and arrested. The leaders, who questioned the false charge-sheet, were arrested on 16 August 1921 as per infamous ‘Mappila Act’, intended to detain Mappilas without stating the reason.

Muslims in kerala has always fought the british, not partnered them like the christians of kerala.

The transfer of ownership AWAY from the Hindus is the gift of "secular" independent kerala. Nothing to do with the british.


Bars is not banned in kerala. In any case the limited ban is due to Christian pressure. Nothing to do with Hindus.

Ganga is visited by ALL of India and it welcomes ALL with an open heart. The 'secular' govt. allowed it do die.

Drunk employee disrupts rituals in Kerala temple

LOL. What happened ?

Don't you want to feed the "hungry children" ? :lol: ............ or are you looking up the quran to see what it says ? who is your "master" ?

Accepting the faults is the prime step for a good future.You cant hide that dark ages whether you like it or not.
Had that been a free society with total education for lower castes Kerala would have been a 90% Hindus even now.
You dont need to go anywhere .Just look at the Christian influence in education for centuries .How the hell they managed that ?

You dont need to go after the reason.Thousands of Brits deployed in there to quell the rebellion.
And molestation ,hundreds of them happened ,one of my hindu friend told to..me this .
Brits forcefully enter .the Muslim houses in the name of riot.
After that they distributed a lots of lands ,including forest land to them.

There is a rumour in other parts of Kerala that people from Malabar has some European features around 3 decades ago.This was the main reason.

Any way Hindus are alo in front to pollute Ganga including throwing partly cremated bodies in to river.
It has nothing to do with eggs. It has everything to do with the mindset that refuses to acknowledge the religious sentiments that go with food till somebody forces it down their throat and make them acknowledge it.

The tendency to mock Hindu value systems while making hollow claims of "tolerance" and "scientific thinking"

Shame on you for forcing religion down the throat of your children :lol:

Dead humans are a cheap source of proteins and carbohydrates and assorted minerals and vitamins. You should be ashamed of refusing such nutrition to your children. :P
pearls of wisdom coming out of an a$$ lol
Bro atleast 50% will stop eating if they see egg on the menu ....
These secular fags have spread the rumor that only upper casts are veg and dalits eat beef. This is all propaganda as I know many dalit families ... yet to meet one that eats beef. While I agree the prevalence of NV is higher.

Even I have not met any Dalit in Bihar who eat Beef... In Bihar Dalits are in Huge Number... I am surprise to see these so called Sickullars promoting Beef festival ...

My Question is , Why not Pork Festival?? Pork is consumed by few Dalits.. To appease there Arab/Turk/Mongol terrorists (Masters) these Sick SoB do these drama...
Accepting the faults is the prime step for a good future.You cant hide that dark ages whether you like it or not.
Had that been a free society with total education for lower castes Kerala would have been a 90% Hindus even now.
You dont need to go anywhere .Just look at the Christian influence in education for centuries .How the hell they managed that ?

More Rubbish and ignorance.

It was the Kings and queens of Kerala who took up the burden of education and ensured Kerala was the most educated part of India even before Independence.

This was very much in line with the importance of education in kerala and Hindu culture. Schools were established in EVERY village.

Parvathy Bhai of Travancore in 1817 passed a royal order that "The state should defray the entire cost of the education of its people in order that there might be no backwardness in the spread of enlightenment."

That's right, FREE EDUCATION in kerala by their Hindu Kings and Queens.

The most important among them was the educational policy followed by the Travancore Government under one of its ablest Diwan- T.Rama Rao. The main achievement was the creation of the Vernacular Education Department. The next milestone was the year 1871 when it was decided that every ‘pokuthy’or ‘village’ should have its own school. In 1879 grant in aid rules were made applicable to all private schools, provided they were imparting vernacular education up to a certain standard. In 1904 Travancore government took up the responsibility of imparting free primary education to all children in the state and fees were abolished in all schools and salary grants were made to private schools kept for backward classes. An education code was introduced in 1909-10 effecting comprehensive reforms in the classification, management, accommodation and equipment of schools. Restrictions in lower castes in government schools were removed in 1911-1912. In 1917 rural schools were also started for the benefit of the pupils who were unable to going for education due to poverty or other cause. In view of the people’s demand and the collegiate level institutions in the state, on Ist November 1937, the University of Travancore was established and incorporated under the Travancore University Act 1937-38

To figure out how christians in kerala got control of education, read up on John Munro and how he emasculated the temples and Hindu organizations in Kerala. But NO, you would not do that. You would rather wallow in ignorance and blame the Hindus. :sick:

While temple money was stolen, church was funded and land grants made to them. Temples were made poor so that they could not compete against the Church. The result ?

Number of Schools under Christian Management in 1908

Denomination/Diocese No. of Schools
Protestant LMS 393
Salvation Army 74
CMS 296
Church of England 16
Total 779

Latin Catholics Archdiocese of Verapoly 130
Diocese of Quilon 147
Diocese of Cochin 92
Total 369

St. Thomas Christians Vicariate Apostolic of Cnanganacherry 424
Vicariate Apostolic of Ernakulam 178
Vicariate Apostolic of Trichur v 186
Total 788

Non Catholic Syrians 272
Mar Thomites 97
Syrian Archdiocese of Malankara (Jacobite) 175

Grand Total 2208

You dont need to go after the reason.Thousands of Brits deployed in there to quell the rebellion.
And molestation ,hundreds of them happened ,one of my hindu friend told to..me this .
Brits forcefully enter .the Muslim houses in the name of riot.
After that they distributed a lots of lands ,including forest land to them.

The Mappila Rebellion was quelled by the Gorkhas. Not by Brit soldiers.

The land distribution was done by the communist govt, not the British govt. LOL.

There is a rumour in other parts of Kerala that people from Malabar has some European features around 3 decades ago.This was the main reason.

:lol: ..... do you really believe such rubbish ?

Any way Hindus are alo in front to pollute Ganga including throwing partly cremated bodies in to river.

Ya ......... its all the Hindus fault. You are pathetic.

Why does the "secular" congress govt and mulayam singh provide free burning of dead bodies for Hindus who die by the ganga ?

Are they not aware of the hindu customs and beliefs ?

pearls of wisdom coming out of an a$$ lol

LOL. Only a PIG will search for pearls that come from the @ss. Enjoy eating my "pearls".
More Rubbish and ignorance.

It was the Kings and queens of Kerala who took up the burden of education and ensured Kerala was the most educated part of India even before Independence.

This was very much in line with the importance of education in kerala and Hindu culture. Schools were established in EVERY village.

Parvathy Bhai of Travancore in 1817 passed a royal order that "The state should defray the entire cost of the education of its people in order that there might be no backwardness in the spread of enlightenment."

That's right, FREE EDUCATION in kerala by their Hindu Kings and Queens.

The most important among them was the educational policy followed by the Travancore Government under one of its ablest Diwan- T.Rama Rao. The main achievement was the creation of the Vernacular Education Department. The next milestone was the year 1871 when it was decided that every ‘pokuthy’or ‘village’ should have its own school. In 1879 grant in aid rules were made applicable to all private schools, provided they were imparting vernacular education up to a certain standard. In 1904 Travancore government took up the responsibility of imparting free primary education to all children in the state and fees were abolished in all schools and salary grants were made to private schools kept for backward classes. An education code was introduced in 1909-10 effecting comprehensive reforms in the classification, management, accommodation and equipment of schools. Restrictions in lower castes in government schools were removed in 1911-1912. In 1917 rural schools were also started for the benefit of the pupils who were unable to going for education due to poverty or other cause. In view of the people’s demand and the collegiate level institutions in the state, on Ist November 1937, the University of Travancore was established and incorporated under the Travancore University Act 1937-38

To figure out how christians in kerala got control of education, read up on John Munro and how he emasculated the temples and Hindu organizations in Kerala. But NO, you would not do that. You would rather wallow in ignorance and blame the Hindus. :sick:

While temple money was stolen, church was funded and land grants made to them. Temples were made poor so that they could not compete against the Church. The result ?

Number of Schools under Christian Management in 1908

Denomination/Diocese No. of Schools
Protestant LMS 393
Salvation Army 74
CMS 296
Church of England 16
Total 779

Latin Catholics Archdiocese of Verapoly 130
Diocese of Quilon 147
Diocese of Cochin 92
Total 369

St. Thomas Christians Vicariate Apostolic of Cnanganacherry 424
Vicariate Apostolic of Ernakulam 178
Vicariate Apostolic of Trichur v 186
Total 788

Non Catholic Syrians 272
Mar Thomites 97
Syrian Archdiocese of Malankara (Jacobite) 175

Grand Total 2208

The Mappila Rebellion was quelled by the Gorkhas. Not by Brit soldiers.

The land distribution was done by the communist govt, not the British govt. LOL.

:lol: ..... do you really believe such rubbish ?

Ya ......... its all the Hindus fault. You are pathetic.

Why does the "secular" congress govt and mulayam singh provide free burning of dead bodies for Hindus who die by the ganga ?

Are they not aware of the hindu customs and beliefs ?

LOL. Only a PIG will search for pearls that come from the @ss. Enjoy eating my "pearls".
Slave mentality at its finest.... thats why in MP we ignore these people....they can cry a whole arabian sea. lulz
Slave mentality at its finest.... thats why in MP we ignore these people....they can cry a whole arabian sea. lulz

I call it Hindu emasculation.

A mental castration that makes them impotent for life and so far it appears irreversible.
I call it Hindu emasculation.

A mental castration that makes them impotent for life and so far it appears irreversible.
What is amazing bro is that they come up with all kinds of reasons to sell their daughters.... IDK how?
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