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Norwegian soldiers equipped with tiny drones


Dec 27, 2008
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Now also Norwegian soldiers equipped with tiny drones
Defense buys Black Hornet.


FLYING binoculars: Black Hornet is described by the manufacturer itself often like a flying telescope. The self-flying vehicle is part of a PRS system - personal reconnaissance and surveillance - and now it can also operate in darkness. NB TU-PICTUREPHOTO: PROX DYNAMICS
(TU) Published: 6:04 p.m. - 07/16/2015
It is considered the world's first operational nano-inde and developed and produced in Norway.

Now also Norwegian soldiers soon be able to use the PD-100 Black Hornet from Prox Dynamics AS.

- In our industry it is very important to have the domestic market as a reference customer. It has taken some time to put in place, and this is an important milestone for us, says Director Gudmund Kjærheim in Prox Dynamics to TU.

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US and UK
The contract with the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (Flo) was signed on 14 July is worth NOK 27 million.

Central to the PD-100 system is a tiny helicopter at around 17 grams which is basically designed for surveillance and personal reconnaissance soldiers.

The Norwegian technology has received much praise from the US and especially the UK Ministry of Defence.

Where called PD-100 including "a revolutionary system that provides incredible capacity. "

Kjærheim does not deny that it has been difficult to meet with potential customers to answer the question of why they had the Norwegian defense among its clients.

- Yes, why was it so?

- It was enough so that the defense was not entirely satisfied with the performance of the first generation. When Black Hornet 2 were taken to, was based on extensive feedback including from Norway, he said.

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Upgraded Version
The system has been in development since 2007 , and mid-life update was completed last year .

Black Hornet 2 has new cameras with improved optics, higher resolution, more sensitivity.

In addition, the engine is upgraded so that the drone has a much higher speed and better vindresistans than the first generation.

Maximum speed is increased from 3 to 5 meters per second (from 11 to 18 km / h).

The vehicle can now fly in 15 knots constant wind (7.7 m / s) and with gusts of 20 knots (10.3 m / s), against 10 and 15 knots on the previous version.

Nano-helicopter is now able to operate 1.5km away ground station, the 1 km earlier, and the flight time between charges has increased from 20 to 25 minutes.

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EASY: Every UAV weighs only 17.5 grams with a hull that is 120 millimeters long. It can be in the air in less than two minutes and can operate for at least 25 minutes up to 1500 meters away in open and up to 20 knots of wind.PHOTO: PROX DYNAMICS
Eggemoen and Somerset
Last year was also the night version PD-100 T launched . Here, the three cameras are replaced by two cameras one of which is thermally.

According Kjærheim acquire Norway a mix of day and night versions of Black Hornet 2.

The first Black Hornet systems will be delivered Flo during the third quarter. Production will start immediately at Eggemoen.

Prox Dynamics opened this facility last summer, and there are now 16 employees there.

In addition, the company is about to start production in the US, based in Somerset, Kentucky.

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Ten nations
With the latest contract has Prox Dynamics now ten nations on the customer list.

Besides Norway, the US, UK and Australia who bought the system in a larger number. In the other nations are talking about a few devices for test and evaluation.

In parallel with the start of new production lines in progress there is much work to further develop the PD-100.

- One of the key is all about getting a good indoor capacity. Today we still gps-dependent.We also work a great deal with the accessory around the system, says Kjærheim.

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