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North Korea’s Kim Jong-un had 'uncle killed' by 120 starving dogs – reports


Feb 1, 2010
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United Kingdom
NORTH Korea’s Kim Jong un had his uncle killed by 120 starving dogs and not by a firing squad, according to reports in Asia.
The Singaporean Straits Times has reported that the recently slaughtered uncle Jang Song Thaek was killed by the starving dogs in a cage along with five of his closest aides.

While there is no way of confirming this and there was no mention of it by Kim, who did describe his uncle as ‘filth’, the reports state they were stripped naked and thrown into the cage to the hounds that had been starved for three days.

And it also stated that the dogs preyed on them until they were completely eaten up – this is called ‘quan jue’ or execution by dogs.

The report also alleges that Kim watched the execution along with 300 aides.

Kim's uncle had been his second-in-command as well as a mentor to young leader after he took control a few years ago.

However, Jang was pulled out of a government meeting has month and convicted of treason.

"Jang and his followers committed criminal acts baffling imagination," said the North Korean national media KCNA.

The uncle has also essentially been written out of North Korean history by Kim.

North Korea’s Kim Jong-un had 'uncle killed' by 120 starving dogs – reports - Independent.ie
Propaganda.....they did the same shit with Idi Amin...Amin was a genocidal maniac....but there's no proof that he used to have the heads of his killed opponents in a fridge and occasionally lecture them on morality and ethics as many reports suggested!
Fat b@stard

I don't believe it! It's well known that Koreans (both North and South) loves eating dogs. Especially when it happens in NK where people are starving to death, how could NK people keep the 120 dogs alive rather than cook a dog hot pot?
Makes a change for dogs... Normally it's other way around in Korean peninsula, where a man has a dog takeaway... this time it's dogs having man takeaway!
Not sure it is true but Mexican drug cartels are known to punish their victims by chopping off their bodies into pieces and feed them to dogs. Maybe Kim Jong Un wants to instill fear in the upper echelons of power and had taken a leaf from these kinds of executions.
I wonder what Rodman has to say about this!
Kim Jong-un looks like a joke but behaves like a barbarian ....... :frown:

JEW USA create the worst people ever: zionist anti-humanity Al Qaeda sect, chechens, talibans...

N Korea don't support terrorism
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