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North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il, 69, Has Died

Oh, another internet warrior wants to be challenged. I make you trolls. Trust me i know this fact. :smokin:

Maybe I would take you more serious when you get back on topic? what you think about Kim's death?

you pathetic stupid brainwashed idioT.

Uncle Sam the prick raped your country and you all for everything you had and you cry for the bugger? you totally ignore the path of reason.

know what? that's also called lunatic if you cannot properly read English.

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 AM ----------

you know what's a troll, a new register who constantly call others troll.

that's easy route to tell a troll.
Germany is still much respected in this world, so you do not have to boast about your reseach institutions being better than South Korea, which no one can verify, just like Indian like to blah blah about their IIT being the best in the world, which no one care.
However, South Korea of today are better than Germany of today in some aspects, so I do not need to compare with West Germany 20 years ago:
- Education: their students always rank among the best in the world, along with Japan, Hong Kong, China and Finland. I do not see Germany here.
- The hi-tech infratructure in Korea is better than Germany. Most of statistics figures shows that, so do not boast if you do not have specific data.
- Their infrastructure is as good as Germany, if not better. I never been to Germany, but have been to several other western european countries, so I just guess.
- Their foreign reserve is higher than Germany now (marginally though), but surely much more than West Germany of 20 years ago, so they have more room to operate in reunification. You can be the biggest economy in the world with little money to spend, just like the US now.
- Germany may be ahead of Korea in machine tools, but behind Korea in some other hi-tech industries. You can boast that you have best institution in the world, but who know. Every country have their pride in being the world's first, the world's best etc., therefore, many self-boasting advertisement are just self-boasting. People want to believe them, because it make them feel good.

I don't know what South Korea can be compared with Germany in term of achievement?
you pathetic stupid brainwashed idioT.

Uncle Sam the prick raped your country and you all for everything you had and you cry for the bugger? you totally ignore the path of reason.

know what? that's also called lunatic if you cannot properly read English.

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 AM ----------

you know what's a troll, a new register who constantly call others troll.

that's easy route to tell a troll.

LOL!! you're funny. You made me crap my pants laughing at your comments. Trust me a true troller wont stop trolling, after this comment. But back to topic? please? What you think of Kim Jong-Illness's death? I think it's a good thing to the world, don't you think?
LOL!! you're funny. You made me crap my pants laughing at your comments. Trust me a true troller wont stop trolling, after this comment. But back to topic? please? What you think of Kim Jong-Illness's death? I think it's a good thing to the world, don't you think?

of course not. this great man has been fighting the US for his entire life. if you could still remember how your countrymen slaughtered by Uncle Sam, you should respect him.
China does not want to border with a country with tens of thousands of U.S. army stationing there permanently. China made quite clearly 50 years ago. China will make it clear again if she has to.

As long as U.S. army is is S.K., China will not support the reunification of N.K. and S.K. BTW, I really doubt the rest of the world all want to have a united K. For example, russia, japan may not be that interested in dealing with a united K. either.

The Soviet Union was not Russia and China is not comparable to the Soviet Union. However, that does not mean two or more countries cannot experience similar if not exactly alike internal problems. China may not be in danger of breaking apart like the Soviet Union, which was a far more artificial and recent construct than historically known China, but since China learned from the collapse of the Soviet Union and does not desire any similar fate and enacted economic reforms in order to survive, China was facing similar internal problems as the Soviet Union and is now facing similar problems as capitalists countries are. China does not have as much experience in managing internal issues while being active in other areas of the world as the US does. China was never any serious contender when regions have disputes and the people want an arbitrator. China is still trying to raise the people's standards of living, enlarge the military, and working to improve China's image as a 'responsible' rising power. Interfering with the Koreans' process of unification would do serious damage to that image building.

Look at it this way: The US and the rest of the world want a unitary Korea. Does China? And if the Koreans want that Korea to be under South Koreans' way of life and political structure since the current dictatorial method has proven to be a spectacular failure, would China move to block that process?

Say 'Yes' to both questions right now so at least in this little corner of the Internet, we have an idea of how the Chinese members believe: That Korea MUST remain divided for China's benefits over the Korean people's desire.
of course not. this great man has been fighting the US for his entire life. if you could still remember how your countrymen slaughtered by Uncle Sam, you should respect him.

And let his people suffer from famine and illness? that make no sense. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be in that country. If he was a great leader, his people would all be fed and cured. That would be a good leader to my world.
And let his people suffer from famine and illness? that make no sense. I'm sure you wouldn't want to be in that country. If he was a great leader, his people would all be fed and cured. That would be a good leader to my world.

it sucks to live in a country with foreign troops rape your teenager on daily basis.

starving is better than losing respect and flattering the rogue.

---------- Post added at 11:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 AM ----------

in that sense, North Korea is heavenly better that South Korea, another zombie nation.
Germany is still much respected in this world, so you do not have to boast about your reseach institutions being better than South Korea, which no one can verify, just like Indian like to blah blah about their IIT being the best in the world, which no one care.
However, South Korea of today are better than Germany of today in some aspects, so I do not need to compare with West Germany 20 years ago:
- Education: their students always rank among the best in the world, along with Japan, Hong Kong, China and Finland. I do not see Germany here.
- The hi-tech infratructure in Korea is better than Germany. Most of statistics figures shows that, so do not boast if you do not have specific data.
- Their infrastructure is as good as Germany, if not better. I never been to Germany, but have been to several other western european countries, so I just guess.
- Their foreign reserve is higher than Germany now (marginally though), but surely much more than West Germany of 20 years ago, so they have more room to operate in reunification. You can be the biggest economy in the world with little money to spend, just like the US now.
- Germany may be ahead of Korea in machine tools, but behind Korea in some other hi-tech industries. You can boast that you have best institution in the world, but who know. Every country have their pride in being the world's first, the world's best etc., therefore, many self-boasting advertisement are just self-boasting. People want to believe them, because it make them feel good.

in China most super expensive machines and medical equipments were made in Germany,seems like Germans make way more big value added products than other countries.SKorean makes a lot of electronics like cellphones,TVs,DVDs..same stuff that China makes.Koreans make things that many countries can make but Germany makes a lot of super hi tech stuff that only Germans can make.
Germany is still much respected in this world, so you do not have to boast about your reseach institutions being better than South Korea, which no one can verify, just like Indian like to blah blah about their IIT being the best in the world, which no one care.
However, South Korea of today are better than Germany of today in some aspects, so I do not need to compare with West Germany 20 years ago:
- Education: their students always rank among the best in the world, along with Japan, Hong Kong, China and Finland. I do not see Germany here.
- The hi-tech infratructure in Korea is better than Germany. Most of statistics figures shows that, so do not boast if you do not have specific data.
- Their infrastructure is as good as Germany, if not better. I never been to Germany, but have been to several other western european countries, so I just guess.
- Their foreign reserve is higher than Germany now (marginally though), but surely much more than West Germany of 20 years ago, so they have more room to operate in reunification. You can be the biggest economy in the world with little money to spend, just like the US now.
- Germany may be ahead of Korea in machine tools, but behind Korea in some other hi-tech industries. You can boast that you have best institution in the world, but who know. Every country have their pride in being the world's first, the world's best etc., therefore, many self-boasting advertisement are just self-boasting. People want to believe them, because it make them feel good.

1. Your new Indian friends won't like it seeing you bashing their superb higher education.
2. I already mentionned our mediocre education that was once second to none, but reforms are underway since the first PISA test result came out 10 years ago and we have improved quite a bit.
3. What do you mean by high tech infrastructure? Without German machine tools, most of your high-tech infrastructure cannot be accomplished. Show your data!
4. I just have to look at our small villages and you don't see one power pole with messy wires dangling down, the houses are of the highest standard, even in small villages not only in building standard, but also in esthetic standard without losing the individual character of each building. Our autobahn is still the standard others are copying. We are laughing at our neighbours in terms of infrastructure.
5. After 20 years of money transfer to the East in the trillions of Euro we are still one of the strongest economy in the world and second to none in the EU. We have little to spend, but has the ability to rescue the Euro. that makes sense. Where is SK in the respect?
6. When you ention SK, it's Samsung, Hyundai, LG and Samsung, Hyundai and LG again. When you mention Germany the list of companies just doesn't know where to end.

Well, at least I'm boasting about my copuntry where I'm part of the success machinery. What about you?
i give you a link and you still opening your mouth.
Satellite channels are forbidden but people illegaly still use dishes for washing the channels. that makes a difference.
stop your propaganda.

Anyway i don't care your father was a treator ... what it has to do with the discussion?
ok he was a member of this terrorist group and i guess he is not anymore. what is the point with you and being "independant"? buy yourself some intelligence
wikipedia and western websites are not credible and google map is more credible than other websites.
just search Tehran and see howmany persent of iranian families have dishes and watch persian satellite channels to know howmany of them watch those channels every day.
its impossible to make eror on new satellites so now there is no making eror on the most of the satellites all over the country.
my father wasnt terrorist.he was a M.K.I member 31 years ago.(before their terorism activity)
so try not to show others sth you wanne show because its haram
and for next time first think then lie.ok?
wikipedia and western websites are not credible and google map is more credible than other websites.
just search Tehran and see howmany persent of iranian families have dishes and watch persian satellite channels to know howmany of them watch those channels every day.
its impossible to make eror on new satellites so now there is no making eror on the most of the satellites all over the country.
my father wasnt terrorist.he was a M.K.I member 31 years ago.(before their terorism activity)
so try not to show others sth you wanne show because its haram
and for next time first think then lie.ok?
wiki is opened to everyone who can make a comment or say something is wrong. get some education about wiki.
the sick minded guys who think all media are western or zionists... i know where you come from

And stop liiing all the time:
on wiki link it was clearly showing the reality in Iran:
Foreign channels are forbidden. Yeah i wonder why you don't speak about it. It is the democracy that yàou are speaking about that channels are forbidden? strange idea of democracy.
MKI was from the first time a fanatic movment then it became terrorist. Nothing to be proud of.

Again the evidence of your lies:
Censorship in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And specifically about your lies on dishes .. still: who is paying you for such lies?
sources are Iranians:
Latest Events & News; brief: Security forces round up banned satellite dishes in Ardabil

go on with your lies. it is funny.

some videos? :
Iran - Turmoil when police try to dismantle satellite dishes in Tehran - YouTube
i hate M.K.I and my father too.i just said that my family arent government member.
and you alike a donkey.just do your f$$$ing job
i gave you the most credible link.and you continue lieing and prattling.you are realy brainwashed of the west.i repeat wikipedia isnt credible.
because some fool person(like you) can change the reality.you can also compare english wiki and your language to find out
yes you know where i come from.i come from iran and im proud to be iranian.
my GOD know who is the lier
ادم وقتي بي غيرت باشه خيلي چيزا براش عادي ميشه.وطن فروشي هم يكي از اونهاست.واقعا برات متاسفم و برات انسانيت رو ارزومندم
I have a good Persian friend who is a respected doctor in Germany. He told me that it's not as bad in Iran as one might believe from our media. He even invited me to visit Iran with him and some friends and I'm really looking forward to it. :)
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