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No race, No religion Just Humanity! -Abdul Sattar Edhi


Jul 22, 2012
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I wonder how no one sees what this awesome man is doing! How everyone fails to point him out when they talk about Pakistan....But no one fails to point out 1 individual NEGATIVE incident but THE HUNDREDS of GOOD things this INDIVIDUAL does NO ON ACKNOWLEDGES!

This thread is for our own NOBLE MAN ...Nope he doesnt need a Noble peace prize to be acknowledged HE IS ALREADY known!

Abdul Sattar Edhi, 84, gave up everything to devote his life to helping Pakistan's poorest. From standing on the foot paths to beg for the poor, to establishing Pakistan's biggest network of shelter homes and ambulance service, here is the selfless journey of a true living saint.

Think twice for Pakistan. Think twice about Pakistan!

I am Abdul Sattar Edhi... I am PAKISTAN!

Think twice for Pakistan. Think twice about Pakistan!


sadly not many have learnt :cray:
@Talon ... sadly this is the truth of our South Asian mentality which media caters too. I wish our media/journalists were more like western nation... I can still recall the black Friday, after it happened the news wasn't even on the front page, it was on 3rd page. When will we get mature... *sigh*
Edhi established his first welfare centre and then the Bilqis Edhi Trust with a mere Rs. 5000. What started as a one-man show operating from a single room in Karachi is now the Edhi Foundation, the largest welfare organization in Pakistan. The foundation has over 300 centers across the country, in big cities, small towns and remote rural areas, providing medical aid, family planning and emergency assistance. They own air ambulances, providing quick access to far-flung areas.

  • 20,000 abandoned babies have been saved
  • 40,000 qualified nurses have been trained
  • 50,000 orphans are housed in Edhi Homes
  • 1 million babies have been delivered in Edhi Maternity Centers

Edhi is to Karachi what Mother Teresa was to the poor of Calcutta. Edhi and wife Bilquees have spent a lifetime working for people and their welfare work to date remains unparalleled in Pakistan. They are both very private people who shun publicity. They have had little formal education, and are totally committed to the cause of helping the poor and needy.

In Karachi alone, the Edhi Foundation runs 8 hospitals providing free medical care, eye hospitals, diabetic centres, surgical units, a 4- bed cancer hospital and mobile dispensaries. In addition to these the Foundation also manages two blood banks in Karachi. As with other Edhi services, employed professionals and volunteers run these. The foundation has a Legal aid department, which provides free services and has secured the release of countless innocent prisoners.
Commissioned doctors visit jails on a regular basis and also supply food and other essentials to the inmates. There are 15 " Apna Ghar" ["Your Homes"] homes for the destitute children, runaways, and psychotics and the Edhi Foundation states that over the years 3 million children have been rehabilitated and reunited with their families thorough the Edhi network.
The foundation also has an education scheme, which apart from teaching reading and writing covers various vocational activities such as driving, pharmacy and para-medical training. The emphasis is on self-sufficiency. The Edhi Foundation has branches in several countries where they provide relief to refugees in the USA , UK , Canada , Japan , and Bangladesh . In 1991 the Foundation provided aid o victims of the Gulf war and earthquake victims in Iran and Egypt .
good man.. among hundreds of negative things, even 1 good thing should be appreciated and acknowledged.. :)
Hero for all of mankind this man should be given the highest award in global terms
He doesnt even care about an award...has 250 according to the video...but West just prefers giving weirdos the noble peace prize than him!! THAT was when I stopped bothering who got it!

If EDHI isnt getting it then the award aint worth anything!
He doesnt even care about an award...has 250 according to the video...but West just prefers giving weirdos the noble peace prize than him!! THAT was when I stopped bothering who got it!

If EDHI isnt getting it then the award aint worth anything!

Men like this are born once in a generation, I watched a docu about him, his life and the service he did it made me very emotional for sure.
Men like this are born once in a generation, I watched a docu about him, his life and the service he did it made me very emotional for sure.

simple clothes,
never built his own house
drove an ambulance for 20++ years
is 80+ years old and looking after OTHER people's parents, kids, wives, sisters...

Providing for them...

Dr. Abdul Sattar Edhi, NI, LPP, RMA, IBP, GPA, MSP (Memoni, Urdu: عبدالستار ایدھی‎, Gujarati: અબ્દુલ સત્તાર ઇદી), or Maulana Edhi, is a prominent Pakistaniphilanthropist, social activistand humanitarian. He is the founder and head of the Edhi Foundation, a non-profit social welfare organization in Pakistan. Together with his wife, Bilquis Edhi, he received the 1986 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service. He is also the recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize and the Balzan Prize.

In 2006, Institute of Business Administration Pakistan conferred an honoris causa degree of Doctor of Social Service Management for his services. In September 2010, Edhi was also awarded an honorary degree of Doctorate by the University of Bedfordshire. In 1985 Edhi received the Nishan-e-Imtiaz from the Government of Pakistan.
Actually those people are the ones to be proud of, but they don't want to be known much.

I wanna be person like him. I mean, i don't wanna be a doc, lawyer or engineer. I wanna get rich and help the helpless, thats all. Because I think there far better ways to serve your nation rather than killing for it...with all respects.

simple clothes,
never built his own house
drove an ambulance for 20++ years
is 80+ years old and looking after OTHER people's parents, kids, wives, sisters...

Providing for them...

modern day saint for sure, its people like him who give me hope where there is so much selfish people who never do anything good for their fellow mankind.
He was born in 1928, in the city of Bantva in what is now western India. Edhi's first interaction with human suffering occurred at the age of eleven, when his mother was physically paralyzed and later suffered from mental illness. Edhi spent his waking hours caring for her, and her worsening health and eventual death left a lasting impact on his life.

In 1947, at the age of 19, Mr. Edhi's family was forced to flee their hometown and relocate to Karachi. Finding himself in a new city without any resources, Edhi resolved to dedicate his life to aiding the poor, and

over the last sixty years, he has single handedly changed the face of welfare in Pakistan. Edhi founded the Edhi Foundation, with an initial sum of a mere five thousand rupees. Regarded as a guardian for the poor, Edhi began receiving numerous donations, which allowed him to expand his services. To this day, the Edhi Foundation continues to grow in both size and service, and is currently the largest welfare organization in Pakistan. Since its inception, the Edhi Foundation has rescued over 20,000 abandoned infants, rehabilitated over 50,000 orphans and has trained over 40,000 nurses. It also runs over three hundred and thirty welfare centers in rural and urban Pakistan which operate as food kitchens, rehabilitation homes, shelters for abandoned women and children and clinics for the mentally handicapped.

Edhi has remained a simple and humble man. To this day, he owns two pairs of clothes, has never taken a salary from his organization and lives in a small two bedroom apartment over his clinic in Karachi. He has been recommended for a Nobel Peace prize by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. On June 25, 2013 Edhi’s kidneys failed and it was announced that he will be on dialysis for the rest of his life, unless he finds a kidney donor..
Bilques Edhi was born in the city of Bantva in which is now western India on August 14, 1947. When she was a teenager she was not enjoying school and managed to join a small expanding dispensary as a nurse in 1965. At the time the Edhi home was in the old city area of Karachi known as Mithadar where it had been founded in 1951. The small number of Christian and Hindu nurses who worked there had just reduced in number. The founder, Abdul Sattar Edhi, recruited a number of nurses including Bilquis who, unusually, was from a Muslim background.

Her future husband proposed to her after recognising her talents and allowing her to lead the small nursing department. He had recognised her enthusiasm and interest during her six month training program where she had learnt basic midwifery and healthcare. They were married when she was seventeen and her husband was nearly twenty years older. Their honeymoon was unusual in that the newlyweds discovered a young girl with head injuries at their dispensary just after their wedding ceremony. Edhi said in 1989 that she did not regret the time lost in consoling the twelve year old's concerned relatives or supervising blood transfusions as now "... that girl is married with children; that's what is really important." The Edhi Foundation's unofficial website uses the line "Making a difference and changing lives forever".

Edhi took over the management of the jhoolas project, the first of which had been built by her husband in 1952. These 300 cradles are available throughout Pakistan where parents can abandon unwanted children, or those that cannot be raised. They carry the message in English and Urdu “Do not kill, leave the baby to live in the cradle.” A small minority of abandoned children are disabled but over 90% are female. This alternative is thought to have reduced the number of dead babies who are killed by their own parents given the alternative provided by the Edhi Foundation to leave the unwanted babies in the cradles. The Edhi project is also responsible for burying dead babies found by the police.

The couple have four children who are involved with the Edhi Foundation and the management of the Edhi village, the fleet of ambulances, the mental home, the schools and the offices in Pakistan and London.

they give noble to OBAMA this guy got nothing on OBAMA and his work for humanity
thats what i meant...Other weirdos seem to get the Noble prize...that is why I stopped watching who got it :rofl:
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