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No move to declare Pakistan a terrorist state: US


Sep 17, 2008
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US Denies Move To Brand Pakistan a Terrorist State

Washington: Denying there was any move to brand Pakistan a terrorist state, the US has said that Islamabad took action against a front operation of terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in its own interest.

“No. Look, Pakistan did this because it saw it in its interest,” said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack Friday when asked if the US had sent such a message as suggested by Pakistan Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar. McCormack also said that though the Jamaat-ud-Dawa was allegedly involved in the Mumbai carnage, nothing discussed so far gave the suggestion that Pakistan needed to be considered a terrorist-assisting country.

US Denies Move To Brand Pakistan a Terrorist State

Pakistan acted against Jamaat-ud-Dawa, a front of LeT blamed by India for the Mumbai terror attacks, in accordance with a UN resolution to prevent being declared a terrorist state, Mukhtar told reporters in Islamabad.

The UN branded the Jamaat a terror outfit Wednesday in the wake of the November 26 attacks on India’s financial capital.

“As we have said many, many times over, the threat from violent extremists and terrorists in Pakistan is as much a threat to the Pakistani people and the Pakistani Government as it is to anybody else,” McCormack said.

“All that said, it’s a welcome step that they took. This is a day-by-day process and is something that requires vigilance every single day in fighting terrorism,” he added.

Asked if there was any talk at all that Pakistan may be branded as a terrorist state, McCormack said: “No.”

“No,” he repeated as a reporter persisted: “No talk at all?”

Asked if Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice would be discussing the UN ban on the Jamaat when she visits New York next week, McCormack said: “I’m sure that she will touch on the issues related to India and Pakistan.”

Rice plans to see British Foreign Secretary David Miliband in New York, he said adding: “And, you know, if they do get together, I’m sure that that topic will come up.”
Well BJP terrorist didn't give up yet. These low life scum protesting infront of UN.

Declare Pakistan a 'terrorist state', UN urged
Posted: Dec 13, 2008 at 1547 hrs IST

New York Over 100 activists of a US-based Indo-American group, affiliated to the BJP, held a protest demonstration outside the United Nations headquarters here, demanding the world body declare Pakistan a ‘terrorist state’ in the wake of the Mumbai attacks.
"Nothing short of that would help," the supporters of the Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP) asserted, while dismissing sanctions against Pakistan-based Jamaat-ud-Dawa, a front organisation of the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) blamed for the November 26 attacks, and four of its men as an ‘eye wash.

Pakistan never implemented its earlier ban on LeT and allowed its leaders to work in freedom to recruit and train terrorists and collect funds, they charged on Friday.

"What is different this time?" they asked and sent a petition to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon demanding that the world body threaten Pakistan with action unless it reins in terrorists operating from its territory.

"Otherwise, the world would witness another Mumbai massacre soon," they warned, while carrying placards listing the demands.

Several participants suggested India should attack terrorist training camps inside Pakistan if Islamabad fails to do so within a short time.

But the Mumbai attacks, they said, were ‘most audacious’ so far as their planning and execution was concerned and showed that ‘weak action’ by Indian government had encouraged them.

But advocating more balanced approach, NRIs for Secular and Harmonious India (NRI-SAHI) commended the Indian government for not escalating the situation on the borders with Pakistan while simultaneously sending a strong message to Islamabad against encouraging terrorist outfits.

Cautioning the opposition parties which are demanding ‘war’ with Pakistan, NRI-SAHI said any conflict would be ‘disastrous’.

"Children of both countries need books, need bread and not bombs and bullets," it said.

It also pointed out that Pakistan itself has been victim of terrorism and has suffered severely at the hands of religious extremists.

But it is important that Pakistan destroys all terror network so that the region could live in peace, it added.

Declare Pakistan a 'terrorist state', UN urged - Express India
^^ BJP are a gang of bloodthirsty Hindu terrorists that want to spill the blood of innocent people. Their ideologies are based on sick prejudice teachings. Such hateful remarks shouldn't surprise anyone any more.
Well, some analysts are saying that Pakistan took action against these terrorists under the threat of being declared a Terrorist State.
well, the terrorist group was already banned in pakistan, a few years bak. It was cuz the indian government pakistan captured their leaders.
LeT is banned already it is unfortunate a relief providing organization has been banned.
Many families are deprived of health facilities, thousands of kids are deprived of education.

WASHINGTON, Dec 13: The US State Department has said that neither the United States nor the United Nations have ever considered declaring Pakistan a terrorist state.

At a Friday afternoon briefing, spokesman Sean McCormack noted that Pakistan had banned Jamaatud Dawa because it felt it was in its interest to do so and not because it felt that the United States was about to declare it a terrorist state.

“The Pakistani defence minister has said that Pakistan had to ban the Jamaat because if that hadn’t happened it would have been branded a terrorist state. Is that the message the US has sent out?” Mr McCormack was asked.

“No,” he said. “Pakistan did this because it saw it in its interest.”

Mr McCormack said the US had always believed that terrorists in Pakistan were as much a threat to the Pakistani people and the Pakistani government as they were to anybody else.

“It’s a welcome step that they took. This is a day-by-day process and is something that requires vigilance every single day in fighting terrorism,” he added.

The journalist then referred to the UN Security Council’s decision to put four Lashkar-e-Taiba leaders on its terrorism watch list and to declare that LeT, Jamaatud Dawa and all groups associated with LeT were terrorist outfits.

“But for an international body like the UN to take this step — so was there any talk at all that Pakistan may be branded as a terrorist state?” he asked.

“No,” said Mr McCormack.
This is not the first time nor the last time that our Defence minsiter is proven wrong.

I am disgusted that our leaders can't even think before opening their mouths.

India asks for DG ISI and our PM syas yes only to say no a few hrs later (thank God sanity prevailed).

Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar claims that we can't stop the drone attacks but ACM came back and advised that we can shoot drones as long as the govt. asks them to do so.
UN even put a dead man on its terrorist list. Very credible organization.

The UNSC itself is a terrorist organisation so what do you expect ? Can anyone refute the fact that CIA, RAW and MOSSAD employ terrorism which is termed as "espionage" ?
The UNSC itself is a terrorist organisation so what do you expect ? Can anyone refute the fact that CIA, RAW and MOSSAD employ terrorism which is termed as "espionage" ?

Well, Yes, I dispute your statement as applied to the CIA. I can't speak for Mossad or RAW, but the CIA is an honorable intelligence agency that does not engage in terrorism. It's entire mission is to help make the world safe for freedom and democracy and to protect the USA. Some of my best friends and neighbors were CIA employees. In fact my Boy Scoutmaster worked for the CIA. God (Allah) bless the CIA! :usflag:
Well, Yes, I dispute your statement as applied to the CIA. I can't speak for Mossad or RAW, but the CIA is an honorable intelligence agency that does not engage in terrorism. It's entire mission is to help make the world safe for freedom and democracy and to protect the USA. Some of my best friends and neighbors were CIA employees. In fact my Boy Scoutmaster worked for the CIA. God (Allah) bless the CIA! :usflag:

Either you're naive or you don't look at your nick that often.

Ignorance is a bliss. ;)

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