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No Indian choppers, guns for Karzai


May 27, 2010
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No Indian choppers, guns for Karzai​

Seemingly wary of complicating the fragile Afghan security situation, India is unlikely to directly supply military equipment, including helicopters and ammunition, to Kabul despite President Hamid Karzai re-submitting the hardware list to the Manmohan Singh government earlier this week.

While South Block is tight-lipped about the contents of the wish list, official sources said President Karzai wanted India to supply Russian Mi-17 helicopters along with spare parts, 105mm artillery guns, 81mm mortars, assault rifles and assorted ammunition for the Afghan army. “The Afghanistan president has regurgitated an old wish list. India is cagey about supplying hardware to Kabul as the move could be used by Islamabad as an excuse to walk out of the war on terror waged across the Durand Line and ratchet up tensions in Afghanistan through Pakistan-based terrorist groups,” said a senior official.

With the US pulling out troops from Afghanistan next year, India wants to pre-empt any possibility of its own military hardware being used against the Afghan people at a later date despite New Delhi and Kabul being all-round strategic partners since 2011. Sensitive to its friendly image in Afghanistan, India has only revived the military hospital at Farakhor across the Amu Darya in Tajikistan for treating injured Afghan soldiers and civilians.

“The Indo-Afghan military cooperation is confined to training a limited number of troops each year. The primary focus of ties is on infrastructure development, medical support and education,” said an official.

However, India is reaching out to all ethnic factions, including Pashtuns, in Afghanistan to ensure that the Pakistan-based terrorist groups do not get a safe haven across the Durand Line. This is being done after the US and Afghan intelligence reports indicated that groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba had moved into Kunar and Nuristan provinces across the Pakistan border.

No Indian choppers, guns for Karzai - Hindustan Times
Why can't the Yanks supply such equipment at discounted rates to Afghanistan? Like buy one chopper and get one howitzer free! :cheesy: That will keep the wheels of their notorious military industrial complex moving. :P
you did not highlight the important part

India is cagey about supplying hardware to Kabul as the move could be used by Islamabad as an excuse to walk out of the war on terror waged across the Durand Line and ratchet up tensions in Afghanistan through Pakistan-based terrorist groups,” said a senior official.
No Indian choppers, guns for Karzai​

Seemingly wary of complicating the fragile Afghan security situation, India is unlikely to directly supply military equipment, including helicopters and ammunition, to Kabul despite President Hamid Karzai re-submitting the hardware list to the Manmohan Singh government earlier this week.

While South Block is tight-lipped about the contents of the wish list, official sources said President Karzai wanted India to supply Russian Mi-17 helicopters along with spare parts, 105mm artillery guns, 81mm mortars, assault rifles and assorted ammunition for the Afghan army. “The Afghanistan president has regurgitated an old wish list. India is cagey about supplying hardware to Kabul as the move could be used by Islamabad as an excuse to walk out of the war on terror waged across the Durand Line and ratchet up tensions in Afghanistan through Pakistan-based terrorist groups,” said a senior official.

With the US pulling out troops from Afghanistan next year, India wants to pre-empt any possibility of its own military hardware being used against the Afghan people at a later date despite New Delhi and Kabul being all-round strategic partners since 2011. Sensitive to its friendly image in Afghanistan, India has only revived the military hospital at Farakhor across the Amu Darya in Tajikistan for treating injured Afghan soldiers and civilians.

“The Indo-Afghan military cooperation is confined to training a limited number of troops each year. The primary focus of ties is on infrastructure development, medical support and education,” said an official.

However, India is reaching out to all ethnic factions, including Pashtuns, in Afghanistan to ensure that the Pakistan-based terrorist groups do not get a safe haven across the Durand Line. This is being done after the US and Afghan intelligence reports indicated that groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba had moved into Kunar and Nuristan provinces across the Pakistan border.

No Indian choppers, guns for Karzai - Hindustan Times
:rofl:Indian insecurity ki koi hadd nai ha:laugh:
Why can't the Yanks supply such equipment at discounted rates to Afghanistan? Like buy one chopper and get one howitzer free! :cheesy: That will keep the wheels of their notorious military industrial complex moving. :P

If they sell it to afghans then later on they will have to take responsibility if it falls into wrong hands. Taliban even stole Humvees from afghan forces so what will going to happen if they get their hands on helos and artillery guns. India is probably holding back for same reason.
we're going to sell weapons alright,just Indian authority doesn't want to highlight.The wish list left Indian officials in lurch as India supplied weapons to Afghanistan before,but not publicly.the demand of weapons in front of whole world made India uneasy.they will get some of what they want,but not "Publicly"..

I wonder why Afghanistan is asking for 105 mm guns while they have several howitzers and field guns operational.Is 105 mm easily deployable,thats why??and They are asking for Mi-17 from us??thats absurd,right??because they have over 60 of them and they are buying more and more,and its not the old generation Mi-17,its Mi-17-v5.
we're going to sell weapons alright,just Indian authority doesn't want to highlight.The wish list left Indian officials in lurch as India supplied weapons to Afghanistan before,but not publicly.the demand of weapons in front of whole world made India uneasy.they will get some of what they want,but not "Publicly"..

I wonder why Afghanistan is asking for 105 mm guns while they have several howitzers and field guns operational.Is 105 mm easily deployable,thats why??and They are asking for Mi-17 from us??thats absurd,right??because they have over 60 of them and they are buying more and more,and its not the old generation Mi-17,its Mi-17-v5.

They dont want to "buy" but want AID... and which weapons has india supplied? and tht too without NATO and Pakistan knowing about it? :lol: as for MI-17s... probably coz they are not satisfied or cant rely on ur dhrv.
When the US and NATO has promised $4 billion per year till 2024 can't that partially translate into NATO weapons rather than trying to buy weapons from India?
They dont want to "buy" but want AID... and which weapons has india supplied? and tht too without NATO and Pakistan knowing about it? :lol: as for MI-17s... probably coz they are not satisfied or cant rely on ur dhrv.

It was never clearly reported,but read this...

An Indian government official said earlier that India had already provided some military equipment to Afghanistan but he declined to give details. He said he was surprised that Afghanistan was speaking openly about a weapons request.

Karzai gives India military equipment wish list | Reuters

we're not a major arms exporter.but what Afghanistan demanded,we can provide them as those hardware India build themselves(105 mm gun,Bridge Layer,Gunship etc etc).and they can't rely on our Dhruv??Burning @$$,right??They are purchasing few Cheetal helos from India.they don't have the luxury for declining Dhruv.But they are going to get Transport equipment publicly,I think.
Excellent opportunity for gun runners to earn fast cash out of this Afghan dilemma, hope some rogue RAW agents taking note of the idea.

I'd have done it myself, but i'm running a little low on cash, and i'm not expecting Afghan government to pay me upfront. :P
Everybody knows the Karazi govt. is a puppet govt for Uncle SAM and NATO.....and once Uncle Sam and Nato are gone from Afghanistan......Taliban are coming back to power....and all these weapons will fall to Talibans.....and everybody knows Including India that's not a good deal.
Afghans fight best without such weapons, they just need some RPG's and AK's.

The ANA should model their tactics to be more unconventional.
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