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No defence visits to China without resolution of visa issues

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Well I think its a dangerous game if you ask me......

If India plays the same card and uses Tibet or Taiwan as a "Pain point" to irk China....Im not sure how peaceful our neighborhood will become....

India has been very restrained in its dealings with China....
Keeping DL on a leash, restricting political activity wrt Tibet etc....

Do remember, India and China's growth has gone unabated due to the relative peace in our respective countries....You certainly dont need a Kashmir like situation in any parts of China....

Im opposed to tit for tat moves, but it seems thats what you're advocating?

Peshwa, India NEEDS to be restraint in dealing with a much larger enemy. I'm sure chanakya (and Sun-Tzu) would advice the same.
Measured and calculated responses is the need of the hour which is exactly what GOI has done. As for CardSharp, I don't think he is advocating animosity between India and China.
Just my .02
Sorry for this late reply as I was busy arguing on another thread.

Which legal standing are you talking about, dude? If China's official standing that some area is disputed can't have any legitimacy to India then Indian Mc Mahan line can also be regarded by China as illegitimate. Moreover, apart from China, many others also consider that as a disputed region.

Is China considered a part of the current Kashmir problem? NO

So Kashmir is an internal matter between India, Pak and Kashmir....
So by involving itself in matters of other nations....esp by rejecting a High ranking officer of India, China is hurting its bilateral relations with India....Do you consider that prudent?

Pakistan is China's immediate neighbor, friend and an ally. So visit of defense attaches areRegarding the last question. Can you give me a source where it is said any Brigadier or of similar rank of any disputed area of Pakistan has visited China? natural thing. If India solves its territorial issues with China and Pakistan, then Indian defense attaches visiting China and Pakistan on a regular basis will also be seen.

Thats exactly my point, Kashmir valley is NOT claimed by China....

So how is it China's business to get involved in the Kashmir issue?
Its like India involving itself in the Taiwan issue.....India has no business there....Nor does China in Kashmir....so your point is irrelevant

Whether India and Pakistan solve their issues should be of no concern to China, nor should it affect Indo-China relations

Regarding the last question. Can you give me a source where it is said any Brigadier or of similar rank of any disputed area of Pakistan has visited China?[/

You mentioned that China has created this problem due to the "disputed" nature of Kashmir....

But the point is, except for in the case of India, China has not bothered to investigate the same regarding Pakistani Generals that have visited China....why this hypocrisy?

So basically, the "disputed area" bogey is nothing more than BS....more like a message to stick it to India...simple as that
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Bottom line india cant convince anybdy tht IOK is a part of india except herself!
IOK is DISPUTED TERRITORY! With PAKISTANI FLAGS HOISTED IN EVERY PART OF IOK.... Mass graves of kashmiris and violations of basic human rights,rapes,extra judicial killings and violence india has no moral ground to rant on anything!

China has done an excellent job by not allowing an indian butcher frm IOK to visit beijing!
The Pakistani side of Kashmir is not DISPUTED! India is so scared tht it doesnt even raise the so called issue of disputed territory (coz it has no moral stand or firm ground) but on the other hand indians on a Pakistani forum cry abt it.

G\B isnt a part of Kashmir and now after refrendum its constitutionaly a part of Pakistan.... a province with its own CM and provincial govt.

Also Pakistan doesnt keep 7 lac soldiers in Kashmir making it another abu gharib its india tht does it!

Pakistan has no major military bases in Azad Kashmir!Nor we see any anti Pak protests in azad kashmir, media and the world is free to visit anywhere and anytime............. while situation in indian occupied kashmir is opposite!

By not allowing the indian savage China has helped her brother as always and we thank her for her step.

God bless us and our brotherhood and friendship which is higher then himalyas,deeper then oceans and wider then space!

Pakistan Zindabad
China Paindabad.
Is China considered a part of the current Kashmir problem? NO

So Kashmir is an internal matter between India, Pak and Kashmir....
So by involving itself in matters of other nations....esp by rejecting a High ranking officer of India, China is hurting its bilateral relations with India....Do you consider that prudent?

Actually, China holds around 20% of Kashmir territory, in the form of Aksai Chin.

So we have been a party in this dispute for a long time.
Actually, China holds around 20% of Kashmir territory, in the form of Aksai Chin.

So we have been a party in this dispute for a long time.

Thats not the sole reason.

Otherwise, China would have no problem in accepting Indian defense personnel from the disputed area. China considers Kashmir as a disputed area.

No need to bring Aksai Chin here.
Peshwa, India NEEDS to be restraint in dealing with a much larger enemy. I'm sure chanakya (and Sun-Tzu) would advice the same.Measured and calculated responses is the need of the hour which is exactly what GOI has done. As for CardSharp, I don't think he is advocating animosity between India and China.
Just my .02

I agree about the bolded....

Maybe theres a reason why DL and the exiled Govt. reside in India....Trump card maybe?
Actually, China holds around 20% of Kashmir territory, in the form of Aksai Chin.

So we have been a party in this dispute for a long time.

C-D, China does not claim Kashmir Valley....which is where this General served....so even with Aksai Chin in China's control, it doesnt warrant China to involve itself in an Indian internal matter...

Dont you think?
They are fine with tibet.... u can have the change(dalai lama).

Also dont derail the thread! its abt indian occupied kashmir and chinas brilliant step.
And guess who gave aksai chin to china?

True love for Kashmir was it?

Or was that China?

Shamelessly you speak of giving away land that belongs to Kashmiris without their permission and you think you have the right to question India's stand?
What happened to the Kashmiri "right of self determination" you hypocrite?
Indians should stop overreacting...India and China are natural allies.India needs a strong leader to change the course with China as they have with Israel and US.
I think both governments are well aware of the "red lines" that can not be crossed. So open warfare is extremely unlikely, especially if you consider the nuclear weapons factor.

Also bear in mind that governments have to appease domestic nationalist sentiment from time to time, e.g. Fenqing in China, and Shiv Sena in India.

Strangely my friend....the hardline Hindus have always favored China over the US....do remember that we are by nature a socialist country.....the closest that a democracy can come to the communists...

Its Pakistan they dont care to mingle with....
True love for Kashmir was it?

Or was that China?

Shamelessly you speak of giving away land that belongs to Kashmiris without their permission and you think you have the right to question India's stand?
What happened to the Kashmiri "right of self determination" you hypocrite?

Looks whose talking abt shame?:rofl::rofl::rofl: the hipocrite who supports killings?:rofl: those who killed 1 lac kashmiris and raped more then 10000 women since 47?:rofl: such big words dont suit an indian!!!

aksai chin doesnt have kashmiri inhibitants and we gave it to china as a gesture of brotherhood.

Its predominantly buddhist!and was historically a part of china!

U hipocrite u remember right of self determination heer while the same right vanishes in UN and other international plat forums? why dont u hold a refrendum in IOK and we will make sure tht if kashmiris want aksai chin back we will give it to them?

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C-D, China does not claim Kashmir Valley....which is where this General served....so even with Aksai Chin in China's control, it doesnt warrant China to involve itself in an Indian internal matter...

Dont you think?

I don't know enough about the Kashmir situation, to comment much.

As Cardsharp said, nations do things for geopolitical reasons, and they are not always fair.

Especially in a situation like Kashmir, which is essentially a zero-sum game. Being nice to one side will inevitablely anger the other side.
Strangely my friend....the hardline Hindus have always favored China over the US....do remember that we are by nature a socialist country.....the closest that a democracy can come to the communists...

Its Pakistan they dont care to mingle with....

Just two days ago:

Dr Joshi cautions against Chinese imperialism
By Sanjeev Kumar

SENIOR BJP leader and former Union HRD Minister Dr Murli Manohar Joshi cautioned the nation against the Chinese imperialism. He was speaking at a seminar organised in Patna recently. The seminar held in four sessions was addressed by many other distinguished persons and experts also.

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