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Next India-Pak conflict could be in Afghanistan: Blackwill


Jan 20, 2013
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United States
United States
Blackwill was the US Ambassador to India - he is considered one of the most influential minds in the US in the Foreign Policy Arena.

The original article is here.


WASHINGTON: Asserting that there has been no change in the attitude and policy of Pakistani military towards India, a former American diplomat has said the next frontier of conflict between the two nations could be Afghanistan.

"Afghanistan is going to be in mess after we leave. India's equity are now deeply engaged in Afghanistan and danger is that the next frontier of India-Pak conflict is going to be in Afghanistan," said Robert Blackwill, the former US Ambassador to India said.

Speaking at the "Ambassadors Roundtable" involving five American envoys to India in the last two decades, Blackwill said "there is no evidence that Pakistan military has changed its view" that its primary role is to prevent the rise of India nation.

There is also no evidence of change in the Pakistani military policy of use of terrorist outfits against India, he added.

The situation is not going to change until the Pakistani military changed the view that they have to be the prominent power in Afghanistan and India is the enemy in this war torn country, Blackwill said.

Blackwill and four other former US Ambassadors to India - Thomas Pickering (1992-93), Frank Wisner (1994-1997), Richard Celeste (1997-2001) and Timothy Roemer (2009-2011) - were speaking at a round table at the 38th Annual Leadership Summit of the US India Business Council.

All the ambassadors observed that in the coming years Afghanistan and Pakistan would play a key role in Indo-US relationship.

Wisner said that the formation of the Nawaz Sharif Government in Pakistan provides an opportunity for India to improve its ties with Islamabad.

"This is an opportunity for India to start a dialogue with Nawaz Sharif. It is very important that the US encourages this (dialogue). I know it is not going to work easily at all," he said.

Noting that Pakistan and India have come to an agreement on a number of issues, Roemer said this is a big development. He hoped that this would lead to resolving issues like Sir Creek or Siachen.
Yankees say what 'suits them'. I have stated before, that Pakistan needs to shut its mouth and keep its hands busy.

Indian venom in Afghanistan needs to be contained to a level where it doesn't threaten our security. Anything less than that will be a defeat for Pakistan.

India is sitting in OUR neighborhood not US sitting in THEIRs.
Yeah, if this happens, I may end up being proxy CnC in Afghanistan.... bhawawwawawawawawwawawawwawa..... :D

Dirty conniving yindu banyas, get ready! :P
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Yeah, if this happens, I may end up being proxy CnC in Afghanistan.... bhawawwawawawawawwawawawwawa..... :D

Dirty conniving yindu banyas, get ready! :P

Tha baniya can't help himself, and the baniya cannot be outfoxed by the likes of you. :P
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@Hyperion @Dillinger .... U guyz are best frndz is it? :D
Both of u keep on quoting each other.

I was actually planning to dissolve him in a vat of acid if you must know. But @Hyperion is one slinky fellow, always manages to elude me. Ya man, our common disdain for @Armstrong and the desire to imprison him in some gruesome and remote crypt forms the glue of our friendship. :partay:
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India has spent more than US$ 2 billion in infrastructure development in Afghanistan. India was hoping that this time, there will be a vast change in circumstances and that it could stay on as a partner in Afghanistan. Perhaps take over from US, but it did not envision that US as usual will cut its losses and run away from the problem it created. Now India will be worried about its investments and would want reassurances from PM Nawaz Sharief that the Pak army will not meddle in Afghan affairs. Although how much those reassurances are worth only the Pak army knows better.

Right now the mayor of kabul karzai will be losing what little hair he has left over this as he has angered the Pak army many times by going over his station and speaking against them.


Saeen, i don't give rat's a ss about 'moral ground', its about geography and its obvious as the sun. What i meant is that 'its our sh it to sort and Afghanistan's situation is ours to lose.'
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This adds to the list of possible options for India & Pak to go to war .

J&K, Water and now Af.

I sometimes feel more than anyone else its the west that wants a war to happen.

Aren't their weapons selling anymore ?
Afghanistan will crumble like Saigon it is simply inevitable now of course the Pakistanis will seize at that opportunity by sending in their own proxies and what not to maintain influence, India can play its hand in Afghanistan although it would be foolish in doing so as Afghanistan is nothing but a wasteland I still cannot fathom as to what we are still doing there OBL is dead the Taliban are a virus that can only be fixed with neutron bombs but then of course that would be "unconventional" It's sad if you ask me I feel bad for the Afghan army they stand no chance once we pack up and leave.
" It's sad if you ask me I feel bad for the Afghan army they stand no chance once we pack up and leave.

When was the last time USA completed something it started ?

For the Af army & other Govt employees, it would have been far better if the US hadn't come. Now they shall be targeted for no fault of theirs.
Afghanistan will crumble like Saigon it is simply inevitable now of course the Pakistanis will seize at that opportunity by sending in their own proxies and what not to maintain influence, India can play its hand in Afghanistan although it would be foolish in doing so as Afghanistan is nothing but a wasteland I still cannot fathom as to what we are still doing there OBL is dead the Taliban are a virus that can only be fixed with neutron bombs but then of course that would be "unconventional" It's sad if you ask me I feel bad for the Afghan army they stand no chance once we pack up and leave.

Sadly it took you guys more than 12 years, more than 2000 US soldiers death and US$ 1trillion in expenditure to realize it. But better late than never.
I still cannot fathom as to what we are still doing there OBL is dead
Afghanistan has an opium economy and probably 3 trillion $ worth of lithium.
Iraq has oil and alot of gold.
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