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Next Chief Of Army Staff - 2013 ?

Who will be the next Chief Of Army Staff - 2013 ?

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Give another extension to Kiyani for 3 years (if possible).

Lt. Gen. Haroon Aslam looks like another Musharraf.
Lt. Gen. Rashid looks like politician more than army commander so he may screw civil government without any adventure or with adventure.
Lt. Gen. Tariq Khan looks like decision maker but weak personality in international affairs because of his favoritism.
Lt. Gen Zaheer looks like silent commander, silent warrior and die hard. Partially suitable for international affairs. Strong in taking and keeping its decision power.

(Above mentioned characteristics are views of contributor may not matched to addressed)
All top posts, anywhere in the world and specially in the armed forces (I am talking about the TOP post ONLY) are never based solely on "seniority/qualification". Anyone who has ever made it to the top already knows that, specially in Pakistani armed forces. This is how it is going to unfold.

1. 40% Seniority.
2. 10% Psych profile (stability).
3. 20% Exposure and ability to form bridges with key opposing players (whatever afflicts the nation at that point in time)
4. 10% Experience of two last positions held. (Command experience)
5. 10% Committees (a very special committees) decision.
6. 10% Personal take of the present COAS.

Note: It's the same world over, however, in rest of the world you replace point#5 and #6 with political decision.

This is my personal take on promotions in Pakistani Armed forces (call it a ranking system if you wish), and going by it, none of the aspirants mentioned by @Aeronaut stand a chance. Maybe the guy who resembles "Uncle Sargam" (Lt.Gen Muhammad Zaheer Ul Islam) has a probable chance to succeed under my ranking system. Just maybe. :D
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Can't you guys extend the tenure of Kayani again?...the best solution?
Looking at the fact that Nawaz Sharif is going after Musharraf out of sole reason as revenge for what he did to him; I think that Nawaz Sharif will again chose some Junior General as COAS who no one expects and the same General would then remain thankful to Mian Sahib for 'granting and entrusting' him for such an important position whereby he was least expecting this honour to be 'bestowed' on him. The next COAS will then stand in honour of the PM as we stand for our national anthem!
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I vote for the person who sacrificed his son for Pakistan. i.e Lt Gen Tariq Khan. A man of strict principles indeed.
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Rather he is to a certain degree part of the problem..... saree rigging ka partially zimmawar...... CJ still alive: partially responsible.... :D

He is FAR from the best solution...
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All of them are capable and honorable men.
But at this very critical state Pakistan is in, one has to how these candidates will respond internal political matters and also foreign policy matters. But be sure of one thing, when it comes to internal security affairs: War in FATA, BLA insurgency, foreign backed proxies, drones and their use, etc... all of these COAS candidates are on the same page and will respond the same way.

Remember COAS alone may the final say in all things the army does.
But the rest of the input remains unchanged. The rest of the PA command structure contributes for the most part, in fact even retired generals have a big say. So don't expect massive variations in the approach of current COAS or future COAS, or between the different candidates.
[MENTION=32258]MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n[/MENTION]
Lt general Tariq is also the Nawabzada of Tank region N.W.F.P.
He is no doubt the BEST serving General of PA. His battle record is excellent!
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While he was IG FC during the War of Bajaur his son got kidnapped and kidnappers demands were against the interest of the state but within his power.
His son returned in pieces.

Can you plz provide some link to this news as its a very great sacrifice and should be spread to inspire others .

Looking at the fact that Nawaz Sharif is going after Musharraf out of sole reason as revenge for what he did to him; I think that Nawaz Sharif will again chose some Junior General as COAS who no one expects and the same General would then remain thankful to Mian Sahib for 'granting and entrusting' him for such an important position whereby he was least expecting this honour to be 'bestowed' on him. The next COAS will then stand in honour of the PM as we stand for our national anthem!

Our history proves the opposite . Both Zia and Mush were given top slot bypassing seniors .
Lt. general Rashad has hitler like mooch-
Can you plz provide some link to this news as its a very great sacrifice and should be spread to inspire others .

You really think something like this would have a news report/article. I know this from a person who served under him while this happened in Bajaur that is.

[MENTION=32258]MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n[/MENTION]
Lt general Tariq is also the Nawabzada of Tank region N.W.F.P.
He is no doubt the BEST serving General of PA. His battle record is excellent!

The performance of FC during his tenure speaks alot about him. He turned FC from an unprofessional militia into a formidable force.
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