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New York Declares War on Iran

Jul 11, 2011
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New York Declares War on Iran
Why do you think they call it the 'Empire State'?

by Justin Raimondo, August 10, 2012
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While speaking truth to power is not the sort of thing one expects the executive of a leading bank to indulge in, we’ll take it where we can find it. Here‘s the Group Director of the Standard Chartered Bank responding to the charges, leveled by New York State bank regulator Ben Lawsky, that SCB was involved in financial dealings with Iran to the tune of $250 billion:

"You f—king Americans. Who are you to tell us, the rest of the world, that we’re not going to deal with the Iranians?"

This, by the way, is cited in the complaint filed by the state of New York: Lawsky apparently thought it was incriminating enough to include. There is plenty of evidence this case has little to do with the sanctions, and more to do with bank protectionism: SCB is a British bank, and the city of New York is now engaged in a strenuous campaign to lure the high finance crowd away from London and back to the Big Rotten Apple. The Group Manager, who goes unnamed in the complaint, is asking the right question, which apparently Senor Lawsky isn’t prepared to answer – so I will.

We think we’re the center of the world: that’s what "American exceptionalism" is all about. Let’s say the Russian government decided that no one was to trade with, say, Italy, and the Duma passed legislation mandating economic sanctions. No one would pay the least amount of attention, except to mock the pretensions of the wounded Russian bear. When we do it, however, everyone is supposed to sit up and take notice. And of course they do: after all, the US is the epicenter of world financial markets, and New York is …well, where Wall Street is located. So the New York Department of Financial Services can act as if it’s the agency of a sovereign government, which in a very real sense it is. Aside from having one of the highest tax rates in the country, and aspiring to regulate the caloric intake of some of its residents, New York officials have lately moved to extend their reach internationally: the NYPD has sounded the alarm over the alleged "terrorist threat" posed by Iranian diplomatic personnel in the US:

"Mitchell Silber, the NYPD’s director of intelligence analysis, told Congress that Iranians may be using ‘diplomatic cover’ to conduct ‘hostile reconnaissance’ on America’s biggest city.

"Silber cycled a string of incidents where law enforcement questioned Iranians, who turned out to be working with the Iranian mission to the United Nations or otherwise tied to the government.

"He said the Iran-backed Hezbollah also has a presence in the New York area. ‘Iran and/or Hezbollah remain deeply committed to striking against Israeli and Western targets and they are willing to deploy a variety of methods in order to do so,’ he said, citing recent attacks ‘plausibly linked to Iran’ in Georgia, India and Thailand.

"’Given the recent alleged Iranian directed plot against a foreign diplomat here in Washington, Iran’s increasingly bellicose rhetoric and its recent as well as long history of sponsoring terrorist attacks abroad, the NYPD must remain vigilant in attempting to detect and disrupt any attack by Iran or its proxies,’ Silber told the House Homeland Security Committee.

"He said authorities have interviewed at least 13 people since 2005 with ties to Tehran who were seen taking pictures of city landmarks."

Almost no one from out of town takes pictures of New York City’s landmarks – like, say, the Statue of Liberty, or at some cultural event. Why, it’s unheard of! This is certainly suspicious behavior on the part of those Eye-ranians, and I’m glad the NYPD is taking time off from their important work of stopping and frisking non-white New Yorkers on the streets, and is on the job. What Officer Silber’s testimony lacks in geographical expertise – alleged Iranian activities in Georgia (no, not that Georgia!), India, and Thailand hardly make the case Tehran is "deeply committed" to blowing up the Empire State Building – is more than made up for in sheer gall.

Here we have a glorified state trooper acting as if he’s Henry Kissinger, making Profound Pronouncements on matters usually reserved for the US Department of State. In reality, Hezbollah – a Lebanese organization – has never targeted the continental US. If Silber is so concerned about suspicious foreigners taking photos in the New York metropolitan area, then what did he and his "intelligence" division do about these guys?

Lawsky exhibits the same sort of pretensions, describing SCB in the complaint as a "rogue institution" – you know, like Iran is a "rogue state" because it defies Washington’s imperial will.

New York state and city government officials seem to hold a grudge against the Iranians, although I can’t imagine why that might be. So determined are they to start a war with Tehran that they’ve even launched their own independent foreign policy. How long before Governor Andrew Cuomo inaugurates his very own State Department?

New York looms large on the national political scene, as Gen. Wesley Clark has pointed out, and New Yorkers are world-famous for their pushiness, and their brazen rudeness, not to mention the delusion that their own city is the center of the known universe. Isn’t it high time we non-New Yorkers pushed back? To paraphrase that SCB official:

You f—king New Yorkers. Who are you to drag us, the rest of the country, into yet another unjustified destructive and costly war in the Middle East?

If Cuomo, Lasky, and Silber want war with Iran, let them send the New York state National Guard over there and leave the rest of us out of it.
New York Declares War on Iran by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com
The source is pretty lousy "antiwar.com" just judging by the title of the article I could tell it's going to be sensationalist rubbish. New York has bigger and better things to worry about than Iran. New York City's GDP alone is larger than the entire country of Iran, they're not worried about Iran, let alone "declaring war" on Iran.

While speaking truth to power is not the sort of thing one expects the executive of a leading bank to indulge in, we’ll take it where we can find it. Here‘s the Group Director of the Standard Chartered Bank responding to the charges, leveled by New York State bank regulator Ben Lawsky, that SCB was involved in financial dealings with Iran to the tune of $250 billion:

There are international sanctions on Iran, SCB's own country Britain even adheres to the sanctions passed on Iran. SCB should be investigated and prosecuted in accordance with the law for hiding Iran's illegal money.

Here are some better sources about this story

Standard Chartered Bank: Accused of hiding $160bn of transactions with Iran from the U.S. government | Mail Online

BBC News - Standard Chartered bank 'in $250bn scheme with Iran'

UK banking giant 'schemed' to hide $250 BILLION business with Iran from the U.S.(and when confronted exec told American colleague 'you f**king Yanks think you can tell us what to do)

'Scheming' bank 'hid $250 billion worth of transactions with Iranian government'
New York State Department accuses SCB of concealing 60,000 transactions
Regulator says bank 'operated as rogue institution'
£6 billion wiped from its share value as world markets react
Report follows HSBC scandal, where bank allowed drug cartels to launder millions

I think SCB's operations in the US should be frozen for this violation, this mega-bank is clearly not professional and operates outside of international protocol.

Correct: NY declares war on UK..... and it continues...... repercussions of this will haunt the Yanks for decades. They forgot what happened last time... UK is going to integrate more into the SWIFT system and bar Yanks from monitoring any transfer activity :D

I know one thing for sure, no one FUC** with the Brits, and gets away with it! :whistle:
I don't think New Yorkers have declared war on Iran. We are in no mood to pay $10 per gallon for fuel.

Clearly you're misinformed, US does not buy any oil directly from Iran. Besides, the main US domestic production, the largest exporter of oil to US is Canada than Mexico or KSA (changes depending on production of the time period). Besides, international sanctions are already placed on Iran and oil prices have not sky rocketed to $10.


U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports

Here is a list of top 15 countries US imports it's oil from.



Correct: NY declares war on UK..... and it continues...... repercussions of this will haunt the Yanks for decades. They forgot what happened last time... UK is going to integrate more into the SWIFT system and bar Yanks from monitoring any transfer activity :D

I know one thing for sure, no one FUC** with the Brits, and gets away with it! :whistle:

The UK is America's 51st state, UK will not disobey Washington, not sure you must be thinking of the 19th century Brits, this is the 21st century.
Clearly you're misinformed, US does not buy any oil directly from Iran. Besides, the main US domestic production, the largest exporter of oil to US is Canada than Mexico or KSA (changes depending on production of the time period). Besides, international sanctions are already placed on Iran and oil prices have not sky rocketed to $10.

You are half right - US indeed doesnt buy oil from Iran, however separate oil sales arent in vacuum, - whatever affect one export, affects everyone.

About current prices - they already jumped in anticipation of sanctions earlier, thats why they didnt had another jump now. If lets say 5+1 solves their personal issues with Iran today, prices would dip bellow $50 in the nearest future.

The UK is America's 51st state, UK will not disobey Washington, not sure you must be thinking of the 19th century Brits, this is the 21st century.

Agreed, UK may huff and puff, but they'll do as US wants, same as Germany, France, etc.
The UK is America's 51st state, UK will not disobey Washington, not sure you must be thinking of the 19th century Brits, this is the 21st century.

Strange, just this morning had a detailed chat with senior bankers at Standard Chartered (London) :pop:
New York Will Win :D

I thought New Yorkers didn't drive? On all movies/tv shows of NY all I see are taxis and subway.

Only those that live in Manhattan.

Others who live in Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx or Staten Island, all drive. :D
[1]The source is pretty lousy "antiwar.com" just judging by the title of the article I could tell it's going to be sensationalist rubbish. Here are some better sources about this story [LINK TO DAILY MAIL].

Thankfully you rely on reliable sources like the Daily Mail:

"Daily Mail pays Neil Morrissey damages - Morrissey sued Daily Mail publisher Associated Newspapers for libel. The Daily Mail apologised to Morrissey on page 2 in its new corrections and clarifications column and on its website last October."

Maybe you prefer CNN:

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Clearly you're misinformed, US does not buy any oil directly from Iran.

BASIC ECONOMICS: Reduction in supply = raise in prices because the countries demanding oil start to compete for a more limited pool of resources. What happens when your neighbor can no longer buy something he needs from his his usual supplier? He starts buying from your supplier and drives the price up.
Saudi arabia and other arab nations said they will cover any need or gap instead of iran.
I thought New Yorkers didn't drive? On all movies/tv shows of NY all I see are taxis and subway.

There are parts to New York besides Manhattan. :D

Clearly you're misinformed, US does not buy any oil directly from Iran. Besides, the main US domestic production, the largest exporter of oil to US is Canada than Mexico or KSA (changes depending on production of the time period). Besides, international sanctions are already placed on Iran and oil prices have not sky rocketed to $10.


U.S. Total Crude Oil and Products Imports

Here is a list of top 15 countries US imports it's oil from.

Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries

The UK is America's 51st state, UK will not disobey Washington, not sure you must be thinking of the 19th century Brits, this is the 21st century.

No, you are misinformed the scare of a war alone increases our gas prices. You don't have to take my word for it check out how the gas prices shot up during the start of the Afghanistan and then Iraq war. Within a week we will probably have $8 per gallon.

New York Will Win :D

Only those that live in Manhattan.

Others who live in Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx or Staten Island, all drive. :D

You are forgetting about the rest of the state. New York doesn't end at the city. :coffee:

BASIC ECONOMICS: Reduction in supply = raise in prices because the countries demanding oil start to compete for a more limited pool of resources. What happens when your neighbor can no longer buy something he needs from his his usual supplier? He starts buying from your supplier and drives the price up.

Yep or if you know nothing about economics a simple Google search can show how prices skyrocket during a military conflict worldwide. :cheesy:
There are parts to New York besides Manhattan. :D

No, you are misinformed the scare of a war alone increases our gas prices. You don't have to take my word for it check out how the gas prices shot up during the start of the Afghanistan and then Iraq war. Within a week we will probably have $8 per gallon.

You are forgetting about the rest of the state. New York doesn't end at the city. :coffee:

Speculation can drive up oil prices, but you're exaggerating the level of increase. Also there are counter measures and oil reserves in place to quell any out of control oil prices for months until oil barrel prices begin climbing down.

Oil prices are up more than 30 percent from six months ago amid fears that Israel or the United States may strike Iran. Concerns have spread that military conflict would cause a major shock to oil prices, damaging the U.S. and global economies. While the situation is serious, such predictions are unlikely to pan out. Understanding how such fears are exaggerated would clarify the stakes in the standoff and underscore how scholars, market analysts and oil traders often overestimate the effect geopolitical events will have on prices.

Even if the IEA does not act, the United States has strategic oil reserves it could release on its own. IEA members hold more than 1.6 billion barrels of oil, with the United States alone holding well over 700 million barrels. That capacity could be used to defray the loss of Iran’s oil exports for many months. President Obama referred to this capacity Friday when noting that new sanctions that target Iran’s oil exports on Iran would not harm allies.

Conflict with Iran unlikely to spike oil prices - The Washington Post

There are parts to New York besides Manhattan. :D

Yep or if you know nothing about economics a simple Google search can show how prices skyrocket during a military conflict worldwide. :cheesy:

That seems to be all you do is simple google searches try studying a bit more and understanding the complexities...
New York City's GDP alone is larger than the entire country of Iran, they're not worried about Iran, let alone "declaring war" on Iran.

That is not necessarily true.

New York State GDP 983.867508 billion USD

MCCIP Portal

Iran GDP (PPP) 990 billion International dollars

Whenever IMF or any USA based institution calculates PPP indices, they use price levels in the USA as the 'base' price level of 100. New York State's GDP in 2011 was 984 billion international dollars based on PPP.

New York City's GDP must have been lower, according to official Western government sources.

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