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New World Records set by Pakistanis: Punjab Youth Festival


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
OK, Since yesterday we are setting new world records in Punjab Youth Festival. First it was the national anthem read by 42,000+ participants and now few more records set today.


New world records set by Pakistanis


LAHORE: Pakistanis continued to break world records at the Punjab Youth Festival on Sunday.

New world records were set in most martial arts kicks in three minutes, plug wiring, fastest chess set up, fastest time for cooking three chapattis (bread), pulling a truck by a mustache, fastest time for wearing a cricket kit and most football headers.

The record for most kicks was set by Ahmad Amin Bodla, while the record of chess setup was broken by Mehar Gul. Mohammad Mansha broke the chappati making record.

Noman Anjum set the new world record in plug wiring. Mohammad Sadi a resident of Faisalabad set the world record of pulling a truck by a mustache. The record for football headers was set by Daniyal Gill and Qamar Zaman

Jaleel-ul-Ehasan sets world record in fastest time wearing a cricket kit.

A team from the Guinness Book of World Records is present at the festival to verify the records.

On Saturday, the record for most people singing a national anthem was broken at the festival.

Source: New world records set by Pakistanis - geo.tv

Lahore: Pakistan may not have brought home any medals from this summer's Olympics, but it can now lay claim to world records in chapati-making, plug-wiring and chessboard-arranging.

A weekend of bizarre record attempts in the eastern city of Lahore began on Saturday night when 42,813 people in the national hockey stadium sang the national anthem together, smashing the previous best of 15,243 held by India.

On Sunday, Mohammad Mansha went flat out to set a new record for making chapati breads which involved mixing, kneading, spinning and cooking three in three minutes and 14 seconds, while 12-year-old Mehek Gul took just 45 seconds to arrange the pieces on a chessboard using only one hand.

Neither of these feats had been attempted before. But Ahmed Amin Bodla beat a more established record when he landed 616 martial arts kicks on a punchbag in just three minutes, beating the previous best of 612 also set by a Pakistani.

The events were held as part of a week-long youth festival in the eastern city of Lahore with the watchful eye of Guinness World Records adjudicator Gareth Deaves ensuring fair play, manager Sher Ali said.

While some people might prefer care over haste when it comes to electrics, Mohammad Nauman lit up the crowd in Lahore as he wired a household plug in a dazzling 35 seconds.

Elsewhere, Daniel Gill and Mohammad Rizwan set a new record for heading a football between them, managing 335 consecutive headers in three minutes 45 seconds.

But there was heartache for one contender, whose bid to claim the record for most t-shirts donned in three minutes was disallowed when officials ruled he had failed to smooth down all of the 59 shirts properly.

Story first published: October 21, 2012 18:42 IST
Tags: Guinness World Records, National anthem, Pakistan

Pakistan sets world records in plugs, breads, chessboards | NDTV.com

LAHORE: Pakistanis continued to break world records at the Punjab Youth Festival on Sunday.

New world records were set in most martial arts kicks in three minutes, plug wiring, fastest chess set up, fastest time for cooking three chapattis (bread), pulling a truck by a mustache, fastest time for wearing a cricket kit, longest frog jump and most football headers.

The record for most kicks was set by Ahmad Amin Bodla, while the record of chess setup was broken by Mehar Gul. Mohammad Mansha broke the chappati making record.

Noman Anjum set the new world record in plug wiring. Mohammad Sadi a resident of Faisalabad set the world record of pulling a truck by a mustache. The record for football headers was set by Daniyal Gill and Qamar Zaman

Jaleel-ul-Ehasan sets world record in fastest time wearing a cricket kit. The longest frog jump record was broken by Nauman Rafique and Shiraz.

A team from the Guinness Book of World Records is present at the festival to verify the records.

On Saturday, the record for most people singing a national anthem was broken at the festival.

Tomorrow on 22 October New world record for biggest mosaic Flag will be set in nation Hockey Stadium Lahore.

Pakistanis set new world records - thenews.com.pk
8 records today I think.. 1 yesterday and tomorrow we are going to have the largest flag in the world :D
I'll be proud the day when Pakistan makes a world record in literacy rate regardless of the gender, I'll be proud when Pakistan makes a world record in valuing humanity, world record in medical sciences, engineering, securing patents etc etc... what the f$ck are we getting happy on? 99% of people who sung this anthem doesn't really know what the anthem is all about, it's not for singing and making world records on, it is what you should apply in your life... I don't see anything happening around me in my country what is written and said in the anthem, so what the f$ck are we getting happy for? Get a life you f$cking moronic losers and work for your f$cking country to make it a proud nation. Who does really give a f$ck if you've made a world record in singing the anthem, in kicking that boxing bag and what not...

Honestly the paradigm of brains of this nation is totally f$cked.

P.S: Pardon me for my Gulabi words in the phrase above but sometimes I can't digest this extreme stupidity from my countrymen.
Very nice, we should have more of such festivals in all parts of the country..
Very nice, we should have more of such festivals in all parts of the country..
Should have Pakistan Youth Festivals in Quetta, Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad etc to bring us more closer.
Tht was awesome especially opening ceremony....

not only this they will attempt to make 47 world records:woot: mashAllah se...

its also a slap on the face of those who think Pakistan is not secure for big world events....

more than 70000 people gathered in Lahore for youth Festival..more than 30000 gathered in Karachi for intl match between world lX & Pakistan Stars.....at the same time....

one more record most athelets marched in any games more than 15000 athelets marched in this festival previous record was london olympics where arround 12000 athelets marched.
Pakistanis break largest human mosaic record


LAHORE: 1,936 Pakistani students have broken the record of the largest human mosaic at the hockey stadium.

The human mosaic was of the Shahi Qila (Lahore Fort) and the official announcement of the new record was made by a representative from the Guinness Book of Records.

Later on Monday, students will attempt to break the record for the largest national flag. Pakistanis have broken several records in the past two days including one for most number of people signing the national anthem.

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
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