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New US Defense Secretary, previously stated India funds terrorism in Pak


Sep 21, 2011
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Senator Chuck Hagel’s nomination as US Secretary of Defense has been confirmed by US Senate. It always seemed a distant possibility because of his opposition by the Senators under the influence of pro-Israel lobby. His views on Israel were well known and had angered Israel and its sympathizers in the Capitol Hill. His detractors also tried to pitch Indian lobby against Hagel confirmation when a day before his final confirmation, one of his speeches on Afghanistan was made public. In his speech, he had clearly said that terrorism in Pakistan, in which nearly 50,000 innocent Pakistani civilian had lost lives, is funded by India. This has confirmed the dreaded estimates that Pakistan’s terror outfit, TTP, is in fact an Indian proxy. In Chuck Hagel’s words, India has over the years "financed problems" for Pakistan in the war-torn country. He also said that India for some time has always used Afghanistan as a second front, and India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan on that side of the border. And you can carry that into many dimensions, the point being [that] the tense, fragmented relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been there for many, many years.
Indian lobby has been quite active to use his anti-India remarks and provide ammunition to the Republican Senators to oppose his confirmation. It may be kept in mind that Chuck Hagel has always been considered pro-India, therefore, his eye-opening remarks have shocked many the world over. As Nebraska Senator for two terms from 1997 to 2009, Hagel was member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, frequently travelled to South Asia and voted in favor of the historic India-US civilian nuclear deal. During his trip to Pakistan he told the then Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf that a similar agreement was not on cards with Islamabad, because of the proliferation issues with his country. Hagel's nomination has bitterly split the Senate, with Republicans turning on their former colleague and Democrats standing by Obama's nominee.
Republican lawmakers excoriated Hagel over his past statements and votes. They argued that he was too critical of Israel and too compromising with Iran. They cast the Nebraskan as a radical far out of the mainstream.
With Hagel’s confirmation, allegations that India is one of the biggest state-sponsors of terrorism in South Asian regions have been confirmed. In fact, it is now official coming from US Secretary of Defense.

ALLVOICES: Despite Israeli and Indian opposition, Hagel becomes US Defense Secretary.
A deliberate distortion of what he said in his speech, which was merely to acknowledge that Indian investments in Afghanistan were causing 'problems' for Pakistan. Put out by conservatives to fool the gullible, entirely successful in that regard, judging by this rubbish.

Pray tell me where did he said TTP is Indian Proxy ????

Plus this allvoices is a source where anyone can "Contribute a news" :rofl: . This is what this guy did . The guy who created this claptrap of an Article is from RawalPindi , Pakistan .

You can also create Your news there . Best of Luck
So the main point his his nomination and oppositions to it.
Mainly Pro-against lobbies working to pitch someone against someone else.
Just imagine if that guy has said same thing about Pakistan doing against India........I am 101% sure Indian members were going to Make hell of noises on this.....why don't you peoples accept realities.......you are not saints...:toast_sign:
In his talk on Afghanistan, Mr Hagel reportedly said that India had been using Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. “India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan on that side of the border, and you can carry that into many dimensions.”

Source: www.dawn.com

What exactly does 'financing problems for Pakistan' and 'use of Afghanistan as a second front' mean? I mean should the man just come out and give even names, dates and details of Indian involvement in TTP???
Just imagine if that guy has said same thing about Pakistan doing against India........I am 101% sure Indian members were going to Make hell of noises on this.....why don't you peoples accept realities.......you are not saints...:toast_sign:

Such statements have no value here. Coz such type of comments from US politicians use to come every now and then.

In his talk on Afghanistan, Mr Hagel reportedly said that India had been using Afghanistan as a second front against Pakistan. “India has over the years financed problems for Pakistan on that side of the border, and you can carry that into many dimensions.”

Source: www.dawn.com

What exactly does 'financing problems for Pakistan' and 'use of Afghanistan as a second front' mean? I mean should the man just come out and give even names, dates and details of Indian involvement in TTP???

You should have understood by dealing with them by years that they are independent and will be the last one asking help from the most evils.
Actually he is huge supporter of Drone strikes and Special forces operations. Would you support him too then ?

I am NOT an American so there is no qustion of support or opposition to his appointment. the right rest with only Americans.

I can only analyse his role if it can be or any benefit to or contribute negatively to my country or this region

So Indian lobbying groups fail to halt Hagel!

He had been friendly with India but not much pro-Israel.

The Indians would have wanted to support Israeli favoured guy
I am NOT an American so there is no qustion of support or opposition to his appointment. the right rest with only Americans. I can only analyse his role if it can be or any benefit to or contribute negatively to my country or this region
Well, I can certainly say that its not good news for Pakistan even if it isn't good for India either. So as a region, all I see is two countries suffering from it.

BTW that comment was made in 2011. I don't know why people are making up these titles.

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