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New UNSC ?


Sep 22, 2011
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This UNSC is getting pretty outdated with many countries getting stronger , loss of colonies of Britian , France and Breaking up of Soviet Union , britian , france voice is now very little in the world politics other than UNSC , Russia GDP is 1.8 trillion for such a vast country , some can say these have nukes but so does many other nations , Russias economy is smaller than italys , while japan economy is so much , germany top 5 economies , brazil getting stronger , india growing , china growing alot and surpassed russia in nearly everything , only USA position is obviously grown since UNSC so i think there should be a UNSC like this

in this list i was going to include italy but they are facing big difficulty

USA ( strongest)
FRANCE ( still strong has big economy big products although faces some economic problems)
RUSSIA ( relies on natural resources , fragile economy , has good defence industry 2nd prob in world )
GERMANY ( biggest economy in europe , good defence e.g leopard )
UK ( big economy , faces some economic problems , good defence industry)
CHINA ( 2nd biggest economy , can overtake russia in defence)
JAPAN ( very big economy )
BRAZIL ( quite big economy for size and population , growing economy , good defence industry)
TURKEY ( quite bigeconomy for size and population , growing economy , many projects and good defence industy
SAUDI ARABIA ( had to choose one as representative of arab league , spending alot on weapons , can represent arab league
INDONESIA ( growing economy , another from asia apart from china)
INDIA ( ok economy , very small economy for size of population , increasing defence co-op with russia )
maybe SK ( big economy , good defence industry , big problems )
maybe IRAN ( ok economy , big problems , has influence in lebanon and syria )
The list seems to make sense.

Currently the P5 only has countries from the West, as well as one from Eurasia (Russia) and one from Asia (China).

The Islamic world needs representation in the UNSC, that should be the priority. And it doesn't hurt that many of them are our friends, who could help it to swing away from the American side for once.
and with this list a new thing where maybe 2/3 can veto something or something like that because like this if one vetos it will be too stupid , oh yeah i forgot india now they will start fighting me lol i will add
and with this list a new thing where maybe 2/3 can veto something or something like that because like this if one vetos it will be too stupid , oh yeah i forgot india now they will start fighting me lol i will add
dont worry ur personal opinion is respected .btw ur list didnt included the possible influence of these countries which results in votes.
i think we can add 1 more nation to this list as 15 will be more appropriate , this list is a mix of 1 super powers with world powers with regional superpowers

who can that other nation be , Pakistan ( nucleur state , good co-op with china in defence )
@ ottoman india has very small size of population? And india known for russian weapon buyer? Ok.... if thats what you think about india.... By the way how much is indian population that you regard as small?.... i born in india but i always thought that india 2nd most populated country.... It seems you will prove me wrong....
@CD as soon as you read about india, the list looks very sweet to u.... Isn't it?
and with this list a new thing where maybe 2/3 can veto something or something like that because like this if one vetos it will be too stupid , oh yeah i forgot india now they will start fighting me lol i will add

Would add Pakistan to the list too.

They have nuclear missiles and a jet made with China.
dont worry ur personal opinion is respected .btw ur list didnt included the possible influence of these countries which results in votes.

obviously a voting system where 1 veto can stop is wrong and could be changed to something like 2/3 can veto to stop that resolution .
@ ottoman india has very small size of population? And india know for russian weapon buyer? Ok.... if thats what you think about think about india.... By the way how much is indian population that you regard as small?.... i born in india but i always thought that india 2nd most populated country.... It seems you will prove me wrong....
@CD as soon as you read about india, the list looks very sweet to u.... Isn't it?

india is already there , maybe i wrote it wrong i meant india has small economy compared to population , 1.85 trillion economy for 1.2 bill population , come on lets be objective thats small , although big on a global position
Jamaica has a pretty decent coast guard. They need to be on that list as well.

jah man! trololol

They'd be in charge of peace negotiations with the ceremonial pipe of peace!
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